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Looking for engaging and deep grammar, similar to TC and MCT, any thoughts?

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As of late we've been in the review stage with grammar as we've finished both the grammar portion of TC and MCT Town level this year. I don't know that I really want to move on to the next level of MCT yet but I'd like to do a bit more than review.  Any suggestions? Everything I've looked at bores even me so I cannot imagine it being engaging to ds. He loved the story format of MCT and we both enjoyed the greater complexity of the sentences in TC. After doing the grammar with TC I'm finding our Practice Town sentences a bit lacking in comparison. Is there something else out there to go deeper, while keeping it engaging and interesting? I'd like more work on identifying various clauses, which are introduced in Town but aren't practiced near enough imo. I'd be happy for something for ds and/or something for me as I need to delve deeper as well in my understanding. 


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I'm not sure if this will help you, but have you seen Excavating English?   http://store.ellenjmchenry.com/?product=excavating-english-digital-download   Her website says that she sells a paperback copy on Amazon, too.  It says target age group 11-15.  The activities looks really neat.  I haven't tried it, but I'm keeping it in mind for later.  Kid #3 seems to like language arts-type stuff.  

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I don't know if you have Voyage level yet, but I found it to be a lot of review of the same concepts introduced in Town. It spent a lot of time on phrases, particularly verbals, something which definitely had not "stuck" adequately after Town.  We did that and then started on Killgallon, which does have interesting and complex sentences and reviews the phrase and clause types.  Grammar for Middle School is what we are finishing up, and will move on to Paragraphs for Middle School.

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I just looked and I have Essay Voyage but not Grammar Voyage and then I have Magic Lens (I found them used very, very cheap so I bought ahead). I wonder how much of a jump there is from Town to Magic Lens? It seems I had read that in some levels there is not much new material but I cannot remember specifics. I need to read through it to see if the jump is too big and the tone is still engaging.

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DS11 and I are enjoying Image Grammar. He LOVES Drawing Sentences (loves diagramming, period), and I highly recommend it for more complex sentences.


http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1935497154/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 (samples at the author's web site: http://www.german-latin-english.com/mybooks.htm)

When I read the samples I really liked it but when you mention drawing it makes me hesitant because I remember that my ds hates all drawing. Hmmm. 


Killagon. I can't remember which book it is but very similar to breaking down the sentences like TC, but a bit more complicated. I decided to do TC first.

Any idea of the title? I have Sentence Composing for Elementary and while it using the correct grammatical terms it doesn't really have them break down the whole sentence.

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Ok, good your confused me a bit. What books are you using? When I seen your links I thought they were to Image Grammar but now I see that it is for a diagramming book, which looks very good btw, did you do that before Image Grammar? With Image Grammar are you using the teacher book and middle school handbook?

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Ok, good your confused me a bit. What books are you using? When I seen your links I thought they were to Image Grammar but now I see that it is for a diagramming book, which looks very good btw, did you do that before Image Grammar? With Image Grammar are you using the teacher book and middle school handbook?

I am using the Image Grammar teacher book. He does Drawing Sentences independently, and I weave IG concepts into his writing instruction. They are being used simultaneously.

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Alright, thanks for the input. I think I'd like the diagramming book if for nothing else than teaching myself. Of all the resources I've looked at I think I like it the best, it is so hard to find a good diagramming book! I love the idea of having one big comprehensive resource. If I like it I'll try it with him. 


AVA- Which edition of Image Grammar do you have? I see the first is significantly cheaper but perhaps there is good reason.


Btw I did look at Magic Lens, he is not ready for that level yet, it would definitely suck the fun out at this stage as it doesn't really have the whimsy of the lower levels. 

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