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very very early readers without pictures?


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We are at the point in DD's reading where she is reading one Bob-type book to DH every night at bedtime.  It is so adorable to listen to!   The books are actually from Level 1 of "Now I'm Reading" which are positively scintillating compared to the Bob books.  The trouble is that although she can read the words.  She looks at the pictures instead.  So, the book called "Wet Legs" has a drawing of a chicken.  She reads it as "Wet Chicken".   Is there another brand that doesn't have pictures, but still has super simple words?  Or maybe the picture on the page following the words?   Or maybe another tack?  At the moment we keep having to redirect her to the word.  

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We did Progressive Phonics at that level, I pulled the stories up on the laptop and just scrolled down to the text below the image so it was all she could see. (The pictures are cute/funny, so they definitely would have been distracting.) When she'd finished reading I'd scroll up to the picture so she could look at it and talk about it and the story, to make the whole thing more fun.

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I just bought Reading Pathways by Jossey-Bass.  It has the pyramid style of reading.  For example,



                            Bob had

                         Bob had a bag.

                     Bob had a big bag.


etc.  this was on page 17.  Not a lot of pictures.  More like a boy hanging of the pyramid.  the boy is seen throughout the book.


I also like books by Nora Gaydos.  I can't speak for the whole series, but I bought level 2 under Learning to Read.  So, it'll have a picture of a monkey on the first pageand under it it says "The monkey".  Then on the next page it'll have the monkey with cake and under the picture it'll say "The gray monkey and cake".  or something like that. 


I second progressive phonics.  This one is free.  :) 


Good luck.  I know it's tough finding the right one.  :)

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Make my own?  What a novel idea!  Maybe I could get her to help write it.  


I am pretty sure it is Nora Gaydos that wrote our books.  They are pretty cute.  Maybe I will post-it-note over the pictures until she has read the text.  They are pretty darn cute pictures.  


You guys are so inspiring.  

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I also used a "magnetic" photo album, so we could put in our own text, pictures, photos, etc as well as change it up as we wanted. That made it easy to personalize. You could even let her make her own---have a set of written sentences and pictures or photos to go with them and let her match them up to make a story.  If you want to work on sequencing as well, you could have her put the sentences in order herself rather than setting it up for her. You could also put the pictures in order and have her match the words to them. Lots of possibilities. The albums are cheap at the thrift store.

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Having her illustrate a book she narrates might help with another issue that shouldn't bother me, but is.  She likes to make everything one color.  Usually purple.  Just broad streaks of colors.  Maybe if the start was a blank page she wouldn't do that.  She can draw a certain area just as well as the other kids in her preschool sunday school class.  She just chooses not too.  

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It might sound silly, but with both kids, we used a napkin to cover the illustrations until after they read the text. DD is too good at using picture cues, so it's absolutely necessary for her. When we started covering the pictures, we found out where she truly was on her decoding skills.

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