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Please explain Treasured Conversations to me


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I keep seeing this pop up here, so I checked out the website briefly. I'm not sure I understand what it is. Is it writing, is it grammar? Is it classical, CM...or other? What age is it appropriate for?


What do you love about it? What's a typical lesson like?


(I'm trying to figure out what our writing/grammar path will be starting next year in 3rd...)



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It is writing, although the first of three sections is focused on grammar and sentences. The second section is on learning to write solid paragraphs & outlining. The third section is on note taking & report writing.


It is geared toward kids in grades 3 - 5 -- with the understanding that some kids will be able to do some or all of it in 3rd and some might not be able to handle it until 5th (or later). A few people are using it with older kids because it starts off gently but includes many skills they might not be solid on, yet need for higher level work. I'm using it with both my dd#3 (who is in the intended grade range) and dd#2 (who is older than the intended grade range).


My kids don't resist it. A typical day in the first section includes some grammar discussion, oral work on the grammar lesson, and ends with copywork. Then, you use the copywork with the kids to give a "hands on" implementation of the grammar stuff you've done up to then. (Not all days are like this, but many are.) We aren't to sections 2 & 3 because it is a brand new program. I'm not sure it fits in with a label like classical/CM/etc. Some of us feel it is a good break from WWE, a great segway between CAP's Writing & Rhetoric levels, or a solid program to teach a variety of needed skills to a kid who just hasn't gotten them all down yet.

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It's 8FillTheHeart's writing method in curriculum form, so not CM or classical per se.


I'm using it with a 5th grader. We're about to start the paragraph section (after speeding through the grammar section). I love it and look forward to using it more as written with my other kids. I might wait until 4th grade with my next kid, since he's behind in LA. My third kid could probably start it in 2nd grade and just do whatever he's ready for that year. The program is very flexible.

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I am using TC with my 3rd grader this year to replace our grammar and writing programs.  She loves it, and the lessons are clear, easy to teach due to the teacher's manual and not too long.  The program is efficient in that it teaches a lot in a short time per lesson.  We are at the end of the first section so have only done the grammar. It is perfect for my writing-loving dd.

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It's grammar through writing, or grammar applied to writing, or, to put it another way, it completely invalidates the question of "Why do we have to learn grammar?"  You learn grammar so that you can create wonderful sentences, sentences that make your reader see the image in her mind that you want her to see.  It stresses the importance of not only choosing the grammatically correct word, but choosing the *right* word.  So the whole first section teaches grammar in the context of writing sentences.


As said above, the second section teaches students to understand paragraphs, how they are structured, how they are made, and then teaches the student to write their own paragraphs, with a topic sentence and supporting ideas.  And the teaching happens within the context of fun, engaging stories that the students really want to read, and eventually to join in and add their own paragraphs!


The third section teaches the student how to read and take notes from a nonfiction passage, and then to assemble their notes into a strong paragraph, with a topic sentence and supporting points.


Does it entirely replace other grammar studies?  I can't say, we have done additional things for grammar, as have a lot of users I've seen post.  I think it might be helpful if a kid has some idea about parts of speech and things before they start, or if you do other grammar work alongside, or just go at a slow enough pace for them to really get it.  Some things that are entirely compatible in spirit are MCT's Island series - we did Grammar Island in 2nd and then we've been doing Sentence Island alongside the first section of TC this year in 3rd.  We just finished SI, and I think we'll go through the vintage book Grammar Land as we continue to use TC, just to keep practicing the parts of speech in the context of complex sentences and paragraphs.  It's probably not enough to just do those first weeks of TC and call grammar done, but that isn't really the intention - the idea behind this program, IMO, is to model a method of teaching via discussion, and once you have had some practice with it, you can continue doing it with your child even as they are learning new writing skills.  So I can see continuing to analyze the grammar in copywork sentences all year, or for multiple years, even as you are moving through the program and learning new skills.


 It's the same with all the sections - you wouldn't do Section 2 and then think, ok, paragraphs are done! You'll keep practicing paragraph writing for years.  But this program introduces it in a very systematic way, and teaches you to have a discussion with your child to help teach them the concepts. 

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I am using it this year with my 4th grader who has finished FLL3 and is 2/3 through WWE 3.

The grammar is all review for her, but with more context. I am glad dd memorized the definitions of the parts of speech from FLL. Very useful. TC makes dd apply what she has learned.


We are enjoying the discussion centered format and the stories!

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I'm using it with my 4th/5th grade newly 10yo, he has now finished the grammar and has started Lesson 11, so just a bit into the second section. 


I wouldn't really label it CM or classical either and I don't think 8 would describe it as such either. I would say it is incremental and guided. There is no guessing as to what to do, each lessons really builds from the previous lessons. The grammar work has a depth that is uncommon to elementary programs. In a way it is similar to MCT in that it promotes teaching through dialogue but there is much more structure for both parent and student and imo TC goes deeper.


As a teacher I find it very easy to use, it is open and go and also helps to teach the teacher as well with the various notes sprinkled throughout. It is working splendily for ds, as I had said we are on L. 11 and we had not had not worked on any outlining or notetaking previously. I've been happily surprised with how well he has done, partly I believe it is because he was obviously ready for the material and also I believe the way the lessons are structured really sets the child up for success. 

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Can someone tell me how long the longest copywork is? I am trying to gauge whether or not my writing phobic son would do this. The positive reviews of this material have piqued my interest!


A number of the copywork passages are multiple sentences/whole paragraphs long - BUT you really don't have to do all the copywork to get a lot of benefits of the program.  My DD is not a very fast writer, and at her age I am less convinced of the benefit of taking her valuable school time to copy a whole paragraph.  So I just have her mark the paragraphs for parts of speech in the student book, and skip the copywork all together.

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