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Wailing and gnashing of teeth!

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We started school on Monday. We weren't planning to start until after Sept. 15th, since DD is still doing heavy vision therapy. However, I looked at the schedule and realized that I'd need to practicallly do year round school to keep up if we waited that long. So, school began around VT on Monday. There was wailing and gnashing of teeth like I've never seen before. Kids crying over math, throwing themselves onto the floor over handwriting, having hissy fits over making their beds. Temper tantrums were held over driving to VT with grandma instead of mom. DH and I had a little "family meeting" and laid down the law. Only a bit better today.


Oh, well. I guess it's like ripping off a bandaid. You just have to grin and bear it! Anybody with me? It's hard to let go of summer freedom when you are in grade school, I guess. It's funny, the Things were actually better about it than the big ones. Who'd have thunk it?

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:grouphug: I've resigned myself to the transition from summer fun to our fall schedule. I've learned to begin slowly and build as the days go buy. They'll get used to it.


To be totally honest, I'd rather being doing summer too.:grouphug: We did a few lessons and then hit the flower park today. It was just too beautiful a day to spend inside.

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We started school on Monday. We weren't planning to start until after Sept. 15th, since DD is still doing heavy vision therapy. However, I looked at the schedule and realized that I'd need to practicallly do year round school to keep up if we waited that long. So, school began around VT on Monday. There was wailing and gnashing of teeth like I've never seen before. Kids crying over math, throwing themselves onto the floor over handwriting, having hissy fits over making their beds. Temper tantrums were held over driving to VT with grandma instead of mom. DH and I had a little "family meeting" and laid down the law. Only a bit better today.


Oh I can SO relate. Wailing, knashing of teeth...crying over math...hissy fits over getting back into the school groove...major temper tantrums!!!! Horrid ones! Down on the floor kicking feet tantrums!


But then the kids started looking at me funny so I figured I better shape up. :lol:


But I'm in California and I don't WANNA do writing!!!! :tongue_smilie:

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I've had to shift into boot camp style discipline. After a week and a half, I can say that we're seeing good results. The total lack of structure over the summer was not great for discipline. Now that mom means business again, things are going smoothly. Hang in there!

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I'm glad there's hope. We only took 2 weeks completely off and my kids seem to have received brain transplants during that time. This is the first time I've had both of them whining in stereo and it's not pretty.


I'd like to be June Cleaver, but I'm more June CLEAVER :angry:

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Oh I can SO relate. Wailing, knashing of teeth...crying over math...hissy fits over getting back into the school groove...major temper tantrums!!!! Horrid ones! Down on the floor kicking feet tantrums!


But then the kids started looking at me funny so I figured I better shape up. :lol:


:smilielol5:I resemble that remark!:svengo:


It's not easy for me to get back in the groove, either. Until Sept. 15th, we're still on the road 3 days a week from 9 am till 2 pm getting back and forth from vision therapy (conveniently located 70 miles away!). Trying to manage school in between times without either major attitudes or falling behind even further is a real challenge.


I want to curl up in a ball and pretend school is not really happening. At least my temper tantrums are held in private! :D

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