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Suppose a mom needed a little get away

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The kind without kids. To a nice place that is quiet. Without family around. Friends around might be nice. A place where she could sit and knit to her heart's content. A place where she might spend a little time meditating and regrouping her head.


Now supposing this were a possibility, where might a certain mom want to go? Maybe a place where others live and might want to join in for a dinner and glass of wine or 2. So, any ideas on where such a place might be should a certain mom need and get a chance to do said trip. All hypothetically, of course.;)

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Mom could swing a bit financially. Needs to be reasonable though. Would like to have a little cottage stay somewhere nice and not hot. Mom wouldn't care for crazy travel arrangements. And would like it to be for several days.


Mom should come to Tx. Where it's...um...not...very...hot. I mean, compared to, say, S Am. :D

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Well a certain mother here ... aherm, me ... is going out to Panera tonight to meet a bunch of other mom's. This is the first time I'm doing this so we'll see how it goes.


Usually though, when I want a get away, I retreat to my bedroom. I take a qick minute to make sure the room is nice and tidy and the bed is nicely made. Then I sit back in my real comfy leather chair and put my feet up on the ottoman. I put a pillow under my knees and pull a luxurious throw over my legs to keep me warm and cozy. I also have a nice cup of tea at this point too. I either knit or crochet while I listen to either books on tape or classical music or watch TV. BTW, I either do this at 8 pm after the kids are in bed or I tell DD that no one is allowed upstairs because I have a headache and I need to rest a little. I usualy wait until they're in bed cause if not I still hear them screaming and arguing through my bedroom door. This is how I destress everyday.

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Mom could swing a bit financially. Needs to be reasonable though. Would like to have a little cottage stay somewhere nice and not hot. Mom wouldn't care for crazy travel arrangements. And would like it to be for several days.


How about a B & B somewhere near by?

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Well, I don't have any suggestions for a getaway, but I do think that if you ever go into business for yourself you should open a little coffee shop for moms and call it "Sit and Knit." Instead of overpriced, extremely fattening cookies and cakes, you could sell skeins of yarn and knitting needles.:D

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Oooh, sounds nice. My personal idea of a wonderful get away would include a couple favorite friends and a rental house or nice condo in the mountains. Somewhere where you can smell pine trees and breathe fresh air. Somewhere it actually gets cold at night. Somewhere with a cute main street that includes a little antique shop, a general store, and a little cafe and bakery. If you want to go out, that is. But with a pile of movies, wine, hot chocolate, snacks, and knitting, who needs to leave the house??


Places that come to mind are Lake Tahoe, Mammoth, Flagstaff, Park City. Not sure where you are located though....these are all west coast-ish. Lake Tahoe and Park City are probably the easiest to get to by plane (don't require much drive-time from the airport).


*Sigh* Thinking about this makes me want to plan my own getaway!

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Right here is where you want to be:


The Martha Washington Inn and Spa


I know a couple of WTMers who would come to see you there. ;) The sweet potato pancakes are divine. The bottle of port they leave in your room every night is yummy. There is a great porch for sitting and knitting. And, you could catch a first rate night at the theater, too. Oh, and don't forget the spa part. :D

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I'm usually not that inventive; when dh sends me away he uses points at a local hotel and I get to eat out alone and spend a quiet evening knitting and/or reading and I come home when I'm good and ready! If I had more than one night I'd want to pick the place, but for 1 night I'm happy with quiet in any form.

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I happen to know that there are some nice B&Bs in the Apex, NC area. And there *might* be someone near there with a neighborhood pool who would let you have the key, as long as you agreed to stop by and visit on your way out. And then probably someone would come and knit with you when the kids were all in bed.


Or you could just stay at my house, knit by the pool to your heart's content and let me cook for you! After all, it wouldn't be *your* kids whining here.....




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Okay, so this is moving out of the realm of hypothetical. Dh has been on travel a lot and is wanting to take a week off to do some house project. I am really wanting to go away from here, but close enough that I don't have to travel much. But just for a few days.


It would be the week of Sept 8th, I believe. You know, in case anyone were wondering.;)

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Okay, so this is moving out of the realm of hypothetical. Dh has been on travel a lot and is wanting to take a week off to do some house project. I am really wanting to go away from here, but close enough that I don't have to travel much. But just for a few days.


It would be the week of Sept 8th, I believe. You know, in case anyone were wondering.;)



I found a great place near my house when I did a search on spirtual retreat centers. But I'm in Cincinnati. (It's grailville, if anyone is curious). There is no TV or radio, or even a clock in teh room. It is an old house with 4 bedrooms and a living room on the 2nd floor. The first floor is set up like any home's first floor. There is a complete kitchen. It was $40 a night, and I spent 2 nights there. It was FABULOUS. I dropped the kids at grammas and went to goodwill BY. MY. SELF. Then picked up some carryout and ice cream. Got settled and opened up my books. Got up the next morning and continued my work (It was my planning/research weekend) then went out for lunch and went to another goodwill. Picked up some carryout (and more ice cream :D). Went back and did some personal reading. Got up Sunday morning, finished up the planning-placed the orders and stuff. Went to Half Priced Books, and then, around 4:00 on Sunday afternoon, I went home. I wasn't really ready, but hey, I had to, right? After more ice cream, of course. The joy of eating ice cream by myself, with no one wanting to taste it, or asking a thousand questions about it.....


Yeah, I'm ready to go back. :auto:

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See, if we had just planned that WTM weekend, you'd be all set! ;)


You could go to the NC coast. It's hurricane season so you can get good rates. :D It's not far, and it's pretty, and kids will be back in school so it shouldn't be too crowded.


Or, there are tons of places in the mountains, too. Lots of B&B's, I'm sure, and beautiful views.

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How about Hocking Hills in Southeast Ohio? Not too far from you, great hiking, and nice cabins in the woods with hot tubs.


For my "getaway" weekend, I stayed home and dh and the boys left. But if I had the time and money, I would love a quiet beach house for a week. :auto:

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