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What do you think of this perspective on the celebrity photo hack?


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"People losing autonomy over how they share their bodies is not a joke. It isn’t sexy. It also isn’t just pornography. Moral conundrums over the porn industry aside, porn is produced with the expectation that many people will view it. This photo dump lets anyone with the desire to step into private moments of people who did not choose to invite others in for a peek. Actions like this contribute to rape culture and blaming the victim instead of addressing how thieves and viewers of these pictures removes other people’s rights to privacy.


Consumption drives markets. Viewing these pictures encourages this to happen again. It’s wrong, and the choice should be clear: don’t look at nudes that weren’t intended for your eyes. Acting against another person is wrong, whether a screen is between you or not."

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I totally agree. Another thing that is really common is people photoshopping the faces of celebrity women onto the bodies of porn models to increase their website hits and clicks. That also strikes me as just plain icky. If you google "actress name naked" you will get a lot of search results even if the actress has never done porn.

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I did see people on some websites saying that they should not have had it on their phones if they didn't want the content to get out. No one says the same about financial information. I hope that person is caught and arrested.

That's like saying don't get naked in your house if you don't want a peeping Tom to spy on you.

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