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Hubby praise


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My wonderful dh took all three kids out swimming today so I could clean. I rearranged a little, my house is spotless and smells amazing and I rented a rug doctor and cleaned the carpets. I have that deep accomplished feeling and I'm celebrating with a cold one now. Few things make me happier than a clean house, especially when I can do it without managing little people (and their extra messes) and with loud 80s music.


Feel free to add your hubby praise. :)

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That is very thoughtful, as he enabled you to do something you have been wanting to accomplish!


Please forgive how nutty this is going to sound, following soon after your post, but it is true.  My husband has been pushing me hard to take time away from the house to go swimming at the Y, leaving him here to work on cleaning up the house.  (We have the contents of my parents' house crammed into our house on top of our own things -- long story -- and we have a physical nightmare for two years now.)  I have not found the time to take him up on the offer, but WOW! do I know how kind he is and that he really means the offer!

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Dh and ds hung out today while eldest and I went to Ikea. It is 1 1/2 hour away so it can be a long trip.


Sometimes it is nice to get out of the house while not having to chase someone around most of the time.

Oh yeah, ds is at that age where he moves constantly, he's exhausting. I'm so jealous you have an ikea, even that far away.

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Yay for awesome husbands! Mine made pancake breakfast for all the kids this morning because I was sick in bed (he usually takes care of the Sunday morning brunch after church but we skipped due to sickness) and then let me sleep until noon.


He also just got everyone up from nap while I'm still lazing in bed and procrastinating on dinner. Awesome!

I love when my dh cooks. He's really not a cook, but he often does all the prep work for me and if we're having something easy like nachos or tacos he'll do it all. Hope you're feeling better soon.

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Dh played Dungeons & Dragons with both dds while I took a nap today because I didn't sleep well due to our AC going out last night. They haven't played that game in over a year. I only slept for about 30 minutes and then stayed in bed listening to their laughs for a while. He, of course, also fixed the AC but the laughs from the kitchen meant much more.

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My dh cooks every day. Today, he made banana buckwheat pancakes for breakfast. Then, for dinner, he made a Korean dish, that included steamed spinach, fried tofu with sesame seeds, and tuna over jasmine rice. He is the king of Indian and Thai curries. :)

Oh man, can we come visit? We often discuss what we would eat if we had only one type of food to eat for the rest of our lives, mine is Indian and dhs is Thai, he lived there for several years as a tween. I can do a couple good dishes from each but that's about it. My mil is Korean and she taught me to make a mean bibimbap. Yum. That might have to go on the menu soon. :)

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My dh is so good at fixing and building things. Today he started a cedar compost bin to replace the falling apart plastic thing I bought many years ago at Costco. And he built little ramps to go under our car tires so he can get under the cars safely for oil changes. Handy guy to have around!

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