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Please help with Phonics/Spelling for a struggling 3rd grader


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I am looking for some advice.  My almost 9 yr old 3rd grader is really struggling with spelling and phonics.  To give you a background we did Kindergarder BJU, 1st grade we were in the middle of moving across country (and having another child) so we did CLE workbooks.  I also used Explode the Code. She learned and knew what vowels went together to make make the different sounds as well as what vowels follow C and K and things like that.  I thought we had it down. 


We moved on and 2nd grade did BJU video lessons and she seemed to do well except for spelling and math.  We then began to use R&S spelling and CLE Math.  This summer she came along way with knowing her math facts which has made math so much better.


We are in week 2 of 3rd grade and I noticed her spelling is just terrible.  She cannot remember to spell easy words such as "asked".  When I sat down with her and  had her spell things I know we have worked on since 1st grade she couldnt even tell me which vowel sets go together to make the long vowel E (ex. ee and ea).  I feel somehow she lost all of the phonics that we learned in the beginning. 


She spelled the word "asked" today as "ast."  When I asked her to sound it out and spell it she did it correctly and then I asked her what suffix do we add to make it past tense and she knew it was "ed." For the longest time I ignored this problem and fussed at her because I thought she was just being lazy.  However this is happening so much I am wondering if there is more to it than that.


She is an excellent reader and can read most all words she just cannot write them correctly.  I am looking for suggestions on what I should do.  Can I add in some phonics curriculum that would help with both spelling and phonics?  Are doing weekly spelling test even worth my time since it seems she isnt really retaining it?  Should I use a different English curriculum all together? What I do like about BJU English is that is does alternate between writing and grammer.  If I do away with BJU English all together then I would need a writing program. 


I currently only use BJU videos for Bible, English, Reading and Heritage Studies.  I do Spelling, Math, and Handwriting one on one with her since she has trouble in those subjects. I do have 2 young children so I need some videos to free me up.


Thank you for your help!!!

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To be honest I couldn't tell you many phonics rules. I only learnt that the e on the end made the vowel.say its name when I read the TWTM at 40. But I can spell as well if not better than most and I can usually work out how things are pronounced. I do it by picturing the word, sometimes I write it both ways and see which looks right. Is it possible she is a more whole to parts learner? Or are you thinking a missed step in learning? Or an LD?

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I honestly do not know if the phonics are the reason why she cannot spell or not.  I thought maybe if I revisited them maybe that would help?  I just feel like a 3rd grader should be able to spell at least simple words. I feel as if her papers look like a Kindergarteners.  However, maybe my expectations are too high?


I guess my main concern is I do not want to skip a step.  When we went back this summer and revisited 2nd grade math with CLE (instead of BJU) and drilled math facts over and over, she seemed to do so much better with math now.  She lacks a lot of confidence even when we encourage her to just try and do her best.  I feel I try to walk a fine line of not wanting to overcorrect and point out everything that is wrong with her work or letting it go to often for the sake of her self-esteem.


I will say she has a lot and I mean a lot of trouble with I's and E's.  Mixes them up a lot and she still writes her B's and D's backwards somewhat often. Maybe there is a bigger issue? I have no homeschooling friends to really help me address what is going on.

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Did you just start back at school? I know my kids forget so much and really need to review a lot before we can move on.


Took my dd thru R&S spelling 2&3 and her spelling is really bad also. I switched her to how to Teach Spelling w the wkbks How to Spell. I planned to switch to Megawords but she isnt up to fourth grades spelling. :(


If you like the spelling prgm you are using then maybe you can keep it and add in more copywork and dictation. This might be all you need. Also when you correct words, it might help to quickly mention why that is the correct spelling. (It's ASKED because a says /ah/, s says /s/, k says /k/, and Ed is used for past tense and says /d/. ...) done.. Let it go and don't drag it on. I learned with my older daughter to encourage her to ask about spelling because I knew she wouldn't stop to look it up and she hated to correct later. But I answered with a quick lesson. :)


As for mixing b and d. This is typical. There are many tricks for this. Here's two:

-- point out that the word bed can be outlined so that it forms the picture of a bed! Once they get that I just tell them to make their bed (wink wink) and this picture helps to clarify which is a b and which is a d. You can also make a fist in each hand but let the pointer finger out, pointing up. When you put your hands together you get that "picture" of a bed (ok the e is not really there) but left to right its b then d.


-- when you say the sound for a 'b' your lips start out closed and thus forming a line...just like the when you cover the lower case b and reveal it from left to right you see the line first. You so draw the line first. So "b" is line first.

On he other hand, 'd' is formed with the circle first and when I say /d/, my mouth forms a circle or is at least open.


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Maybe look into Phonics Road to Spelling and Reading. We are using level one this year and my son is learning so much and is gaining a lot of confidence from it. It is a program that each level builds off the one before it so you have to start with level 1 but there is a "fast track" for older children.

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Also a good trick for b and d is to make sure she is writing them correctly. d should start at the top of the circle, make the circle (counterclockwise) and then up to form the line and back down. The b should start at the top of the line and go down then back up a little to form the circle.


By teaching them to write the b and d correctly, their mind can see them as a different type of letter...b is a tall letter with a short part and d is a short letter with a tall part.


That is one of the tips that is given in Phonics Road to Spelling and Reading. It has helped my son a lot (he mixes up d and b all the time and I remind him to think about what type of letter he is looking at).

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Phonics and spelling are not the same thing, so doing more phonics with her might not improve her spelling. :-)


My solution: Spalding. Always Spalding. :-)

As soon as you write a Spalding For Dummies book, Ellie, I'm in! Using WRTR, of course. It is just too thick to get through for many of us.


To the OP, have you looked at using the BJU NEW edition of spelling? It is waay improved over the old. How is her reading? 

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As soon as you write a Spalding For Dummies book, Ellie, I'm in! Using WRTR, of course. It is just too thick to get through for many of us.



I will still always recommend it. :-)


Reading through the manual is like eating an elephant: you do it bit by bit. The Spalding Method is just not that difficult. :-)

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I will say she has a lot and I mean a lot of trouble with I's and E's.  Mixes them up a lot and she still writes her B's and D's backwards somewhat often. Maybe there is a bigger issue? I have no homeschooling friends to really help me address what is going on.



Some kids do mix up short I and E. Here's a video that has some helps for that, and an article on B-D reversals that has some strategies you can try. All About Spelling does combine phonics instruction, spelling rules, and spelling, so that's one I would take a look at. The instruction is incremental and mastery based, so it helps you walk through patterns and rules step by step, and see how to apply them to spelling. It really helped my kids learn how to think through words and spelling patterns. 


Hope you find something that will be a good fit for you and your dd!

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Here are some exercises for B and D:




Also, many of my remedial students have trouble with short e and I, especially in words like pin and pen, and especially my students with a southern accent. It helps to over learn one sound first and emphasize the sound as you say the words and work words and syllables where the sound starts the word, like exit and in.

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Your dc sounds so much like my 10yo was a year or two ago. I concentrated on "sight words" and then worked backwards--as in, she knew/had learned how to read a word, then we talked about how the sounds and syllables are spelled in this word, and how they are sometimes spelled differently in other words. Like in 'meat' the eeeee sound is spelled 'ea' and sometimes in other words the eeeee sound is spelled with two e's. This worked for her, and now she's doing ok with a spelling book that's almost a grade above her true reading level.

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