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Face cream

Night Elf

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In theory, I guess? I use sunscreen and don't smoke. I think those things are bigger contributors. I think creams that contain retin A are supposed to help more? I think there is only so much you can at some point, unless you are willing to consider surgery. I am in my forties with quote a few older friends, and I would say probably...25%? of women I know I have had sort of cosmetic work (not counting orthodontics and such) done at some point.

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I also believe keeping the skin soft and supple will help keep the wrinkles away to some degree.  Not smoking is a huge help too, I think.  But eventually time, age, stress, genetics etc. take their toll.  Before I had kids I was always told I looked much younger than my age.  Then the kids came and it's been all downhill from there! :lol:   But I can also see that my as I age I have the same wrinkles and lines that my mom had and my older sister has now.    So I just do the best I can with what I've got. 

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Slightly off-topic, but related.


I grew up in the sunny, hot Central Valley of California. I have noticed that my facebook friends who have lived there all of their lives have deeply grooved wrinkles that I don't see among my age-mates in mostly overcast Oregon. I'm thinking that the biggest contributor to wrinkles is sun damage. I'm not convinced that sunblock is enough to prevent it. I'm sure face cream alone won't prevent wrinkles, but I think it does make your skin look the best it can given the state it's already in! If you have dry skin (or eczema/dermatitis issues like me), it feels heavenly and does help tame itchiness and flakiness.

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Well, I use a 50spf daytime face cream, and have for years, to stave off sun damage. I use it 'hairline to braline' and the backs of my hands, as per my derm's recommendation.


I think one of the mistakes people make with sunblock is only using it when you are going to be outside for a long time. It is the incidental sun exposure that really adds up. I can see how living in a sunny climate can have that much more sun exposure. I wear my sunblock every day, all year. My SIL, who lived in Japan for 20 years, told me the women there put on sunblock to sit in front of a computer screen.


a script of retinin will help quite a lot to keep skin looking even in texture and tone. It often isn't the lines that make people look older than their years, but the sun spots and rough or dull texture of their skin.


In the past year, I have found that a heavier night cream used on a regular basis, really does leave my skin looking plumper and more reflective. I don't like it when my skin looks dull. I don't use anything expensive or special, just Eucarin or Cetaphil, which ever is on sale when I need it.


I am going to be 47 next month and people assume I am in my early 30s, so it must help, lol.

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gosh, I've been using sunscreen as daytime moisturizer as long as I could find it in the stores. Waaaay back in the early 90s when I could only find it by Neutrogena and it was a whopping 15 SPF, lol. Over the years it has got a whole lot better, but I have used it consistently since I was in my early 20s for sure.


I am a very fair redhead and I have had many blistering sunburns, including on my face, so this is a lifestyle issue for me. My derm has expressed surprise that he hasn't had to take anything off me yet. But I burned so much as a kid that by the time I was a teen I wasn't spending time in the sun. I've never been one to tan. I'd rather be inside reading a book, lol.


I don't wear makeup and never have. Even when I had a professional office job I never wore makeup. Well, if I have a fancy night out I might wear some mascara and eyeliner, but that is about it. Honestly, I don't feel the need for foundation all over my face. My sister likes to use a tinted moisturizer or, I think they are now called "BB cream"? but I don't think you would wear enough of that to count as sun protection. You need a teaspoon on your face and does anyone wear a teaspoon of foundation? I have wondered how sunscreen and makeup would work.


I always remind people that it is UVA rays that age the skin and UVB rays that burn (gosh I hope I've got that right way round, lol). The rays that cause burning and tanning are stopped by window glass, but the rays that cause photodamage are not stopped by glass. So, a day in the car is like a day at the beach. Wear your sunscreen all year, and don't forget your hands. I think new cars have UV filters in the glass, but who knows if it works. and it is prob only in the windshield, or not in the windshield or whatever. Just wear the stupid sunscreen! 

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I started the thread because I found my face cream in the drawer. I asked on the board for recommendations and bought one but don't like the smell. I definitely have wrinkles, but they really don't bother me. I've got gray in my hair and I rather like it. I'm not worried about how I'll look as I age. I'm more worried about health issues, but that's a different post. :)

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I think it can help.  My Grandma swore by Palmer's cocoa butter.  She bought the stick and used it everywhere.  She had beautiful, soft skin with minimal wrinkles up until her early 80s when she died.


Sun is a definite factor too.


I like to take the opportunity to give myself a little facial massage when I apply my face cream.  It takes maybe a minute, but I love it.  I don't use anything fancy….Nivea.  Ponds…Olay…whatever.   Even Palmer's Cocoa Butter. :)

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I make a serum instead of using cream for my face, it does keep my skin in pretty nice condition and I hope it'll help prevent wrinkles. I also use a CC cream with 50spf every morning.


Oh neat….will you share your recipe?


Anyone use the Oil Cleansing Method? I'm considering using it at night with a Skinvac cloth to "wash" with in the morning.


I do like Jojoba oil as a moisturizer, but I don't know that it's going to do anything magical like erase or prevent wrinkles.


I started using the oil cleansing method 10 or so years ago thanks to a DHC catalog.  I switched early on to just using "normal" extra virgin olive oil from the store.  I don't wear make-up these days, so I tend to save it for when I do have stuff on.


I watched a really powerful (to me) video on sunscreen not too long ago.  I apply it in the morning (I use I think Coppertone Faces SPF50), but I need to get in the habit of lunchtime reapplication.  http://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/viral/video-will-make-you-think-twice-about-not-wearing-sunscreen-n183591 

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I started the thread because I found my face cream in the drawer. I asked on the board for recommendations and bought one but don't like the smell. I definitely have wrinkles, but they really don't bother me. I've got gray in my hair and I rather like it. I'm not worried about how I'll look as I age. I'm more worried about health issues, but that's a different post. :)


I despise scented creams in general but face products most of all. That is part of why I use only hypoallergenic unscented products. I am not particularly sensitive, but I can't cope with the scents.



I make a serum instead of using cream for my face, it does keep my skin in pretty nice condition and I hope it'll help prevent wrinkles. I also use a CC cream with 50spf every morning.


I use a serum (two actually) under my moisturizer. Especially at night, when I feel like my heavier night cream really seals the serums in and lets them do their job.



Anyone use the Oil Cleansing Method? I'm considering using it at night with a Skinvac cloth to "wash" with in the morning.


I do like Jojoba oil as a moisturizer, but I don't know that it's going to do anything magical like erase or prevent wrinkles.



I have seen the oil cleansing method mostly used to remove make up. I have seen some people do two cleanings. An oil cleaning to remove makeup and then a cleanser to clean the skin. I don't wear makeup so I haven't done an oil cleaning.


Nothing is going to 'erase' wrinkles, lol. I am just trying to look like a healthy and awake almost 50 year old. That is really all I am aiming for. Some days I will settle for one of those, lol.

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Prescription Retin A definitely helps. It only helps as long as you use it, though, and it is pricey. I pay $60 for a tube, but the tube lasts 6 months, and I only use it every 2nd or 3rd day. Retinol in over the counter products is less effective.


I have always been diligent about sunscreen, even though I do have olive skin that does not burn. I still have wrinkles, though. I have dry skin and I am on the thin side. I think women who have more fat and less dry skin age better in their faces.


But honestly, wrinkles are inevitable. I do what I can, but their is no fountain of youth.

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Oh neat….will you share your recipe?

I use jojoba oil with frankincense, lavender, and some other essential oils. I make it a little different each time but I have noticed improvement since I started maybe 5 months ago. I also make my own face wash with Castile soap, tea, oils, etc. every other day I use a clarisonic on my face. So far so good. :)


Diynatural.com and wellnessmama.com have some good recipes, I even make my own lotion now. :)

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I never was a face cream kind of girl, but a few girls that I grew up with started using and marketing a new botanical product and raved about it.  I ignored it for a while, but then i could see, just from fb photos over a few months, that they were looking WAY AMAZING.  So, I got on board, and got some and it's phenomenal.  I ended up being a brand partner for the company too, LOL.  THey have a patented botanical super anti-oxidant that boosts up the collagen production.  It's all natural, seriously good stuff.  They also have a body cream that is stronger and has more skin-firming ingredients, and it gives results that are nearly unbelievable.  It's Nerium Age-Defying.  If anyone wants to see my personal before/after photos (3 weeks) or some of the other before/afters that people have submitted, msg me. 


Like I said, I was never a skin cream girl, until I saw what this stuff did.  I would NEVER be without it now.  I'm 43, my sister is 62 and loves it too, our mom is 86 and she loves it too, LOL. 


Mouse Bandit


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I never was a face cream kind of girl, but a few girls that I grew up with started using and marketing a new botanical product and raved about it.  I ignored it for a while, but then i could see, just from fb photos over a few months, that they were looking WAY AMAZING.  So, I got on board, and got some and it's phenomenal.  I ended up being a brand partner for the company too, LOL.  THey have a patented botanical super anti-oxidant that boosts up the collagen production.  It's all natural, seriously good stuff.  They also have a body cream that is stronger and has more skin-firming ingredients, and it gives results that are nearly unbelievable.  It's Nerium Age-Defying.  If anyone wants to see my personal before/after photos (3 weeks) or some of the other before/afters that people have submitted, msg me. 


Like I said, I was never a skin cream girl, until I saw what this stuff did.  I would NEVER be without it now.  I'm 43, my sister is 62 and loves it too, our mom is 86 and she loves it too, LOL. 


Mouse Bandit


Yikes that is expensive! It's too bad they don't offer cheap small trial sizes so a buyer can try before buying.

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