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Paging Dr. Hive


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My 2 year old came up to me a few minutes ago gagging & drooling. His nose was running, too. It seemed like he had something caught in his throat? He was breathing, but he kept sticking his hand down his throat to gag himself...after a minute everything seemed to clear up & he took a drink of water. He doesn't talk & I can't figure out what he might have gotten in to.


He's perfectly fine right now but I'm not sure what to do.....

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Absolutely zero chance he got into the medicine. In all likelihood it was a toy or possibly a coin. He did bring me a pin (like a sewing pin) later and I said, "Is this what hurt your mouth?" And he said "Uh Huh." so then I asked if he swallowed a shoe and the answer was the same.


The sewing pin would be the worst thing I can imagine. Whatever it was, it's in him now. He usually doesn't put things in his mouth. 

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Yeah, I was going to say just to watch him and check his stool if you think he might have swallowed a small object, but the pin thing scares me. They can get caught in the esophagus, stomach, pierce the guy, etc...I think I would probably head to the dr., knowing it is most likely nothing. Better peace of mind that it potentially causing problems somewhere down then line:(

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I took one of my kids to the Dr. once because I thought she had swallowed a metal marble. They did an x-ray and sure enough there it was in her stomach. I was told the x-ray was needed not because swallowing a marble would cause problems but because they needed to make sure she had actually swallowed and not inhaled it.


Unless you think the sewing pin is a real possibility, I would not worry as most things would just pass through. If you have cause to think it could be a pin or something potentially dangerous (button battery, magnet...) I would go to the Dr. just to be sure.

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I would still take him in to get an xray.  Some pennies have a metal in them that can make a child very sick. My niece was hospitalized due to a penny that didn't pass and the ensuing complications.  A piece of plastic or metal that is pin shaped can wedge and create a blockage.


If nothing else, call your GP and ask what they recommend.  In the meanwhile watch the poop like a hawk for what it was to come out.

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