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Sometimes I despise people!


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Last night my daughter and I were at a local arboretum about an hour before closing time. I have been there so many times over the years and never seen more than a handful of people around. When we pulled in I noticed that only the maintenance trucks were there but one of the ground crew on his golf cart was eye us. I waved but he didn't wave back. Our friends that was with us felt uncomfortable with him but I said its probably because its close to closing time. As we walked away from the car I told dd to make sure she locked up because I left my purse in it. Stupid I know but ....Can you see where this is going? The place is in a nice area, near a nice subdivision, fully fenced with a large gate at the front as the only entrance. Most people don't even realize it exists, surprisingly. I was taking our friend's engagement photos so I didn't want to lug all my gear and purse so I stuck it under the seat without worry. You can't see the parking lot while walking around the lake but as we made our way back around, the maintenance guy met us. He said he would be closing at 5 and we needed to leave at least 5 til so he could lock up. It was 15 til and we were almost back to the front. Once we turned the corner we could see that the back window was busted out and our purses were missing. My daughter's was under her seat as well. I went to find him to report it and he was locking up his cart and met me at the building. He called the sheriff and security but said there were no cameras. He said he heard a loud pop right before coming to find us but didn't go check it out. He told the police that he heard 2 loud pops. He said we were the only ones there but someone else had driven in shortly before it happened. He noticed because he was worried they would make him late locking up. He said he didn't remember the color or style of truck they were in but that he noticed they were a mixed race couple. (How do you notice the couples skin color but not the color of truck?) Right after I met him to report the incident, he insisted that I go back to my car in the parking lot saying the police didn't want us at the office but rather at the car. I told him my daughter and friend were there but he insisted I go as well. My friend suggested it could have been him that did it since neither us nor him saw anyone else on the property other than the mysterious truck. Btw, he said he didn't see the couple get out of the truck but park and drive off shortly after. My friend said it was quite possible he heard my comment about my purse. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!!!!  Our car is older so probably no alarm. My friend had a nice new truck and her purse and iphone were laying on the seat. It was more visible than mine but she didn't mention it out loud. Again....Stupid!!! Of course I didn't realize he was still right there or that he could hear me. Can't be sure he did. It was pointed out by the police that nobody that entered the property would know where we were on the property or if there were cameras. She was surprised because most places owned by this park does have cameras. Now I wonder even more if it was him. He was able to know where we were exactly and could get around quicker in his cart than us walking and then meeting us and acting strange when telling us closing time. Maybe I am reading more into it. Regardless, I shouldn't have left my purse in it much less announced it!!!!!!!Gosh sometimes! I staid up all night fuming at myself. Not only for that but because I had all 6 of my kids social security cards in my wallet along with mine and our driver license. I cancelled my credit card and bank card immediately along with dd's. I only had about $50 in cash and she had $5 plus a walmart gift card from graduation she had been saving from her great grandma for $40. It is the only gift this grandma had given her and she was going to buy towels for her new apt. for college. The biggest loss to her was the coach purse of hers which her boyfriend bought for her a year ago while in boot camp. It was a small clutch but still coach. The window will cost a couple hundred to fix, renewal of both our drivers licenses $40, her student id renewal $15, library card renewals $8, and social security card renewals on top of that. More of a hassle than anything. I broke my glasses last week but only wear them to drive at night and didn't have the money to get a new pair right now. Guess what, can't get drivers license without glasses. Yes, I need them but honestly don't drive at night anyway so it was low priority. Uggh! I am so stupid! Why did I broadcast it or at least not put the purse in the trunk. Actually I never considered the truck as I drive a suburban and dd just got the car two weeks ago. She had a truck that motor blew up in the month before. (My suburban ran hot and had to be overhauled one week after hers. Cost a little over $1200) Sometimes I wonder if we only have bad luck but as dh pointed out it could have been worse. We could have been hurt or his yeti cooler stolen. :lol: We had an argument when I found out how much he spent on the yeti. It quickly became a joke to make light of the situation, us teasing back and forth about frivolous spending, men vs women, etc. Then right before I left the house I asked if I could borrow it. He said absolutely not after I mocked his love for it. Then he filled it with ice and drinks and put it on back seat. I forgot to look to see if it was missing when I called him and told him our purses were gone. He asked about us and then immediately the yeti. I told him it was gone too. For a minute. :lol:


Sorry so long.....frustrated...and needing to vent. Especially at how stupid it is to leave a purse in the car and tell everyone its there! If you learn anything from this rambling, learn not to do the above or carry your social security cards around. Bad thing is twice Friday I thought I need to remove them from my wallet and scan them into our important documents so I have them if anything happens and file these in the regular files. I never found the time to do it. Twice it came to my mind! We had doc appts this past week and they always want the numbers so I had them in my purse for that reason. UGH!


Sometimes I hate people! And myself!

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


That is awful! I'm really sorry


Please stop beating yourself up! Don't add that stress to your body.


I hope you can get everything sorted quickly.


I don't think you'll need actual glasses if you are just getting a replacement copy of your DL. You probably won't need to do an eye test unless your DL is expired.

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I had a very similar thing happen at a park once, leaving my purse in my van and making it a little too obvious when I was pulling my bike and kiddie trailer out of the back.  There was a guy in that parking lot sitting there like he was on a lunch break from work.  He was in a van from some company.  I am sure it was him.  Don't blame yourself!  :grouphug:   And then a couple years later a similar thing happened at 9 am in a church parking lot during a 5 minute kid drop off.  I did NOT leave my purse in the car that time, but they got my diaper bag.  That had diapers and wipes.  Hahahaha - take that crooks!  Much less work to lose an almost empty diaper bag!


I have gotten good about not leaving valuables in my car though.  I got myself a little fanny pack to just put essentials in and just take a few things out of my big purse when am going somewhere it's not practical to carry my purse.  A neck pouch might work well too for an ID, a credit card, a little cash, and a cell phone. 

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That's terrible! We can always second-guess our actions, but you shouldn't have to worry about an employee stealing your stuff, and there wasn't anyone else around.


When I was in college, my mom and I were spending the night alone in our rural home, since my dad was hospitalized for a heart attack. We both left our purses on the dining room table, left the light on above it, and went to bed. Apparently, we also forgot to lock the sliding door in the living room. I got up to go to work in the AM, and they were gone. A group of teens had entered several unlocked cars and homes on our street overnight. Fortunately, hikers found our purses on a trail several towns away, missing only the cash. I had already cancelled my credit card and checks by then, though. They did take the 50 franc bill I had as a souvenir from my trip to France when I graduated from HS. It should have been in my dresser, not my wallet, and it was only worth $10, plus the fees to exchange it, but the fools still took it.


My son also had his backpack stolen out of the trunk of our station wagon when he was 9. We were at the park for park day, dragged all of our stuff out, but he didn't need his backpack. I guess I forgot to lock the car. A nearby school let out in the interim and they pass through that parking lot. We didn't even realize the backpack was missing until a couple of days later and we retraced our steps. He had several library books in there that we ended up having to pay to replace, plus an electronic chess game and some other toys.


I hate thieves!

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