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Need to get rid of systematic Candida


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Over a year ago I had an operation, and they used intravenous antibiotics. Afterwards, I got thrush which I treated with natural and pharmacy products. It took a lot of products to make the symptoms go away, but apparently it only caused it to hide in my body and now its systematic and very severe!


Im trying lots of herbs and coconut oil. But the diet of no fruit or grains is becoming sooo hard! I really can't see it lasting for the 6 weeks that Im suppose to do.


Has anyone here got rid of a severe case without the diet!?

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My dh takes a prescription antifungal to help with the candida. He also eats a lot of coconut oil. He is gluten and dairy free. He does eat some fruit and honey but keeps it to a minimum. It was just not realistic for him to give up fruit.

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If you want to get rid of the systemic infection, you will need to bite the bullet and follow the diet. Herbs and natural treatments are a good first step, but I don't think you're going to kill all the yeast unless you use a prescription antifungal like Nystatin or Diflucan.


Epson salt baths can help with die-off symptoms.

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There is no way around doing the diet.


I had a monstrous yeast infection. I took five rounds of Diflucan AND did the diet. Even with all that, I had a recurrence after roughly 8 weeks. I ended up doing the diet for eight months. After that point, I took a couple months to slowly add back in the things that I had been avoiding. My one regret is that adding in sugar and desserts and junk caused me to gain back all the weight I had lost.


When you go carb-free, you have to balance that with more fat.


Also, NO PORTION CONTROL on this diet. Eat as much as you want, whenever you want, as long as it is low-carb and low-sugar. Usually that means meat and vegetables for the first month. After 4-6 weeks, you can add in some low-sugar items like wild rice or sweet potatoes.


Do the diet a minimum of six months, longer if needed.


You will feel horrible for the first 4-6 weeks. (Ask me how I know . . .) It does get easier. However, the yeast die-off is just awful. If you feel horrible doing this diet, that is an indication that it is working.


The two things that helped me the most on this diet were more fats and more spices. When I was craving sugar, sometimes the only thing that would tame it was flaming cajun.

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Diflucan + diet.


Like others said, you'll feel horrible.  But just tell yourself that if you feel this bad, the candida feels worse.  That kept me going. Lemon water, epsom baths both help with detoxing the die off. 


Not sure how long others here consider a round of Diflucan, but my doc Rx's a month, sometimes more.  


If you had IV abx, it's probably going to be necessary.  I took Diflucan intermittently while on IV abx (I was on long-term, and on oral abx treatment for years due to chronic infections).  You might also consider taking some S. Boulardii to help with gut health. S. Boulardii is a beneficial yeast - NOT candida, so don't worry.  Beneficial is the key word. :)  And getting that population into your body might help.  Bonus is that it prevents C Diff.  :)  I take it daily, the family takes it whenever on abx.  I have no choice but to take it daily - it makes a huge difference for me in terms of fatigue, energy, and general daily health, but I have terrible GI health and am working hard to rebalance.  Another good supplement is CandiBactin by Metagenics - good for gut health as well.  It's possible that you have GI dysbiosis (well, with candida, you certainly do - as dysbiosis is a fairly general term)... I'm thinking you might have overgrowths of more than just candida, and getting that other stuff under control might be necessary to getting the candida under control, if you were on abx a long time, and this is still going on a year later.  For me, getting the dysbiosis figured out was a first step to taking care of candida - there was a whole process to rebalancing things that had to happen, and it was more than just candida.  My doc worked with an integrated medicine doc to get me in better shape.  Would that be an option for you?  

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Diflucan + diet.


Like others said, you'll feel horrible. But just tell yourself that if you feel this bad, the candida feels worse. That kept me going. Lemon water, epsom baths both help with detoxing the die off.


Not sure how long others here consider a round of Diflucan, but my doc Rx's a month, sometimes more.


If you had IV abx, it's probably going to be necessary. I took Diflucan intermittently while on IV abx (I was on long-term, and on oral abx treatment for years due to chronic infections). You might also consider taking some S. Boulardii to help with gut health. S. Boulardii is a beneficial yeast - NOT candida, so don't worry. Beneficial is the key word. :) And getting that population into your body might help. Bonus is that it prevents C Diff. :) I take it daily, the family takes it whenever on abx. I have no choice but to take it daily - it makes a huge difference for me in terms of fatigue, energy, and general daily health, but I have terrible GI health and am working hard to rebalance. Another good supplement is CandiBactin by Metagenics - good for gut health as well. It's possible that you have GI dysbiosis (well, with candida, you certainly do - as dysbiosis is a fairly general term)... I'm thinking you might have overgrowths of more than just candida, and getting that other stuff under control might be necessary to getting the candida under control, if you were on abx a long time, and this is still going on a year later. For me, getting the dysbiosis figured out was a first step to taking care of candida - there was a whole process to rebalancing things that had to happen, and it was more than just candida. My doc worked with an integrated medicine doc to get me in better shape. Would that be an option for you?

Oh, its sounds like such a hard thing to kill! :-\


Thank you, will look into it.

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I didn't mean to sound discouraging.  Promise.  It was so, so hard for me, and still a struggle - not just candida but keeping all of the gut stuff in balance.  My doc has put in a lot of work!  I think one of the big tricks was once we killed off one thing, we needed to be sure to repopulate with something "good"... So that something else didn't suddenly overpopulate.  So while you kill off the yeast, add back good stuff - good probiotics, S. Boulardii, etc.  



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