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Evan-Moor Daily 6-Trait Writing


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Choosing a Writing Curriculum is going to be the death of me.  I am a Math and Science person and Language Arts is very overwhelming.  Also, my 8 y.o. DS has a mild case of Dysgraphia, so we are dealing with that as well.  I need hand-holding right now and so does he!  Also, we are on a very strict budget and I have bought and sold so many things.


Currently, we are using Write Shop Primary C (for DS8) and A (for DD6).  I hate it.  I think it's a solid program, but the manual is too wordy for me and I just get lost.  Add chasing DD4 around the house and I'm about to lose it :willy_nilly:


I think I need to take a deep breath, put Write Shop away for now, and use something that is a little more open-and-go for this year.


With all of that said, has anyone used Evan-Moor's Daily 6-Trait Writing?  I feel like I've heard good things about it, but searching for it here is tricky.

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We used Daily 6-Trait last year for first grade (I used grade 2). I purchased a hard copy of the teacher's edition, but you could get a pdf version on their website if you want to print out pages rather than photocopy. I would make photocopies of the pages and we'd do the lesson and work through it together. It got the job done... I would not say he loved it, but writing is his least favorite subject. 

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I used it a few years back as summer practice for my boys.  They like the guided nature of it as my older tend to find it hard to start.  It is open and go, and the daily amount required is manageable.  I bought the pdf version a grade level higher.  Link is to a copyrighted edition of the 2nd grade teacher's edition so you can see if that format would work for your child.

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My daughter used Evan-Moor Daily 6-Trait Writing for the last two years -- second and third grade -- along with Evan-Moor Daily Language Review.


She likes workbooks, so this worked for her, and I liked that it was easy to use and got done.


I bought the PDF. I have no idea whether I will use these resources in the future with my son, but I was happy with printing out just the student pages and reading the instructor material on the iPad.

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Another open and go one to consider is Writing Skills:  https://www.rainbowresource.com/prodlist.php?subject=7&category=1653  Book A is for grade 2 - 4.  There is gentle grammar along the way, building up to various paragraph types.  You don't need the Teacher's Handbook, although it does have additional topic suggestions.  (I think those extra topic suggestions might come in handy after you complete Book A, if you want to practice what he's learned or extend lessons). 

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It's ok. I think, in your situation, it would be good. :) my biggest beef with it was not the method or ease of use but in inane topics covered and suggested. But boys may not mind that sort of Thing.

Would you expand on this? 6-trait is on my shortlist for later this year. DD/4th rips through writing curricula like there's nothing to it. She may as well have been born with a pencil in her hands, but she does better and enjoys it more with an actual course to follow. 6-trait is an angle I haven't thrown at her yet.

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