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Random kindness from random stranger!


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This was so nice. It's made my whole day (possibly my entire week, given how rough things are right now!). I was at the Starbucks drive-through with the kids in the back. I'd just ordered my usual tall coffee and pulled forward to pay. When I got to the window the guy told me the person who had been in front of me had already paid for my drink! I so needed this little bit of kindness and am putting this thank you out there since I have no idea who it was who did this for me.

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I love it when that happens - and you're right, it seems to happen just when we need it to.


The one time it happened to me I felt badly because I had ordered the venti.

I normally only order the tall.

But it had been THAT kind of night and I required the bladder buster sized pick-me-up.


Then I figured I should buy a lottery ticket while my luck was hot :D.

But instead I tried to pay forward the kindness.

I do admit, though -

I secretly hoped the person behind me wasn't ordering for the office LOL.

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I love when people do things like that! We received a kind gesture yesterday.


I took 4 of my kids out to Subway for lunch as an end to our first week back to school. Some man walked over and asked if they could have a cookie. Since I said yes, they each got to pick whatever kind they wanted after eating. It was such a nice surprise.

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We rode the steam train today.  We haven't done this for several years because the price has gone up. 

While standing in line to get tickets, the guy ahead of Loverboy offered him two tickets.  (They had reserved 4, paid online, but had 2 friends bail on them).

Thank you tonight to Rex and his wife.  You made our day, and we hope that people are as generous with you as you were with us today.

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The last time we went to the Texas Renaissance Festival we were waiting in line for tickets. A teacher from a school group offered us free tickets b/c they had extras.  Completely made my day b/c it meant we had money to spend on fun stuff.

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I had an awesome one yesterday too. Dh and I went car shopping yesterday. It was a disaster because of a dishonest salesman (for whole story check the tackle Saturday thred.) We both left feeling sour and decided we needed a coffee after that experience. Dh clearly looks upset as we walk into Dunkin Donuts. I'm trying to stay positive and smiley to help him cheer up faster. He orders and the cashier asks if we want donuts. Dh declines.cashier says "they're fresh and delicious." Dh responds "honestly we just got screwed over by a car salesman and are both real sour about and just want coffee." The guy looks at me all smiley and says "if she's happy you're happy' while handing us 2 free donuts!

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