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What about a board gaming group for boys 12-16?

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I've been trying to figure out what activities to get my ds13 involved in. He pretty much only does the church youth group every other week now. I think he's feeling a bit isolated. He's not athletic. Boyscouts was a bust. There's a homeschool bowling class on Mondays I've thought of signing him up for, although he's a bit lukewarm to that idea. He just doesn't seem to have any interests to do anything.


However, he is always wanting me to play board games- 95% of the time I decline- I just have way too much work to do around the house. :( What if I start a gaming club for boys ages 12-16? The host family would provide snacks and the game. Or, I could just host. Do you think people would go for that? I'm feeling insecure about the idea. How long do you think? How often? What time during the day? I was thinking Friday afternoon. Any suggestions on how to sell the idea to other homeschoolers?


ETA: My idea was more of a drop off situation, at least after the first get-to-know-you meeting. Would you be comfortable leaving your young teen at a relative stranger's house?

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I would not leave my son there if I did not know you, or if if he had not known your son for a long time (years).  Maybe you could do it at the library? Or could you stay after at the bowling alley?  Are there enough interested boys from youth group that the leaders might help you organize something?


I do think that Friday afternoons would be a good idea for a non-school activity, other times would interfere with school work too much.  For us, consistency is better - if it were at different locations for each meeting I would have a harder time mentally working that into my schedule.  And, as you already know, making it work for the younger siblings is also an issue.  If you make it easier for moms to occupy their littles (instead of spending too much time driving back and forth) then you will have better participation.


Sounds like a great idea - please let us know if it works.

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In my experience, most parents of teens are fine dropping them off in a group situation, especially if you meet them before hand. Keep in mind that moms often come with younger siblings in tow, and it's easier to draw a firm line from the beginning rather than later. Free meeting spaces are hard to find, often have 'no eating/drinking' rules, and you have to tote stuff back and forth. Rotating locations are a pain, and other people will cancel ALL THE TIME. If you want it to happen, host it yourself. Charge $2 at the door for snacks (or whatever amount, depending on what food you have). 


May I ask why you're thinking boys only? All the activities I host are mixed, and it would never have occurred to me to say 'girls only' just because I have daughters. Spread a wide net - you never know where good friends are going to come from! 


Time-wise, I would say about no earlier than 2 or 3 p.m. Most high schoolers don't have the luxury of early afternoon activities the way they did in earlier grades (if you're going for a largely unschooling group, that likely won't apply). 


If you are able to set an ongoing date, such as first Friday of the month, that's ideal. We're so busy now that I can't do that anymore, but I do try and publish the date early (and it's always a Friday at the same time, for example).  Don't give up too quickly if the first few are a bust. It takes time for word to spread, and for people to remember and move from thinking about going to actually going. 


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I've been trying to figure out what activities to get my ds13 involved in. He pretty much only does the church youth group every other week now. I think he's feeling a bit isolated. He's not athletic. Boyscouts was a bust. There's a homeschool bowling class on Mondays I've thought of signing him up for, although he's a bit lukewarm to that idea. He just doesn't seem to have any interests to do anything.


However, he is always wanting me to play board games- 95% of the time I decline- I just have way too much work to do around the house. :( What if I start a gaming club for boys ages 12-16? The host family would provide snacks and the game. Or, I could just host. Do you think people would go for that? I'm feeling insecure about the idea. How long do you think? How often? What time during the day? I was thinking Friday afternoon. Any suggestions on how to sell the idea to other homeschoolers?


ETA: My idea was more of a drop off situation, at least after the first get-to-know-you meeting. Would you be comfortable leaving your young teen at a relative stranger's house?


We have a board game store in town that has an open gaming room in the back which is free to use, and has scheduled times where kids can come and play certain board games.  Perhaps your town does too?

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We have 2 other families of boys who like board games and we rotate houses each week.  They mostly play D&D, but they also play some strategy games sometimes.  We are not at all close together, so the travel is a bit of a pain, but all the kids really like it, so taxi driver it is.


Happy to answer questions if you have any.


Ruth in NZ

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I am hoping to start something similar. I have arranged with the help of a friend the rental of a local hall and have invited all the local teens who are loosely involved in the local churches (multi denominations) activities. Kicking off with a pizza party. Hoping to make it a regular school holiday event. I have heard a few are planning to come and bring their board games, sounds like it will be lots of chess, Monopoly, and Clue to start. My dc's have stacks of other games so will try to raise interest in a couple of those.

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