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Sending daughter to public school 1st grade

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Is anyone having to send their children to public school this year?  We homeschooled for K and really enjoyed our year. I had a baby this may and I've really had a hard time.  My baby was born with down syndrome and was in the hospital a good chunk of the summer. Now he is still on oxygen and a tummy feeding tube.  It was also discovered I had a blood clot in my lung shortly after my c-section.  So to say the least, our summer has been extremely hard.  I've been struggling with a bit of depression and just can't get myself back to feeling normal.  I've been running nonstop to my babies dr appointments and mine. My husband is also in his last year of Grad school so I need to prepare myself for a long year of him being gone most of the time.


Unfortunately, I feel I need to take some pressure off from my shoulders this year by sending my daughter to public school.  I know she'll be fine, but at the same time I feel disappointed that I am not homeschooling her this year.  But I know that if I don't take care of myself, I won't be able to take care of my family.  One year isn't going to hurt her.  She's very bright.  Thank you for listening and any input you may have.

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Hugs.  You are dealing with a lot.  Do what you need to do to help yourself.  If Mom is overwhelmed and struggling then the kids suffer, too.  Hugs.


FWIW, the two friends I know personally in our area who put their kids back in school for a couple of years before homeschooling again actually ended up with a much better homeschooling situation afterwards.  The kids appreciated homeschooling more, there was no "grass is greener" syndrome in the late elementary years and they made some good friends that have remained friends even when they went back to homeschooling.


Best wishes.

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Everyone takes a different path. If this is what you need for your family, then it'll work out. She'll be fine. PS is not all bad. :)

After all I went to ps. :)


Good luck. Take care of yourself. At this age what they need most is a loving environment and it sounds like you are already providing that.

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Hugs to you!!! We went through a very similar situation 2.5 years ago; our youngest son also has Down Syndrome along with a trach and feeding tube, as well as many frequent hospitalizations. I can understand how hard all of those things can be on a family. Homeschooling has long been an interest of mine, and things just stabilized enough in this past year to pull one child out of school and the other will be coming home this fall. Hopefully, you will be able to bring your daughter home in time, if that's what works best for your family. 

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I hope things stabilize and you get to bring her back home. In the mean time, you are right, she'll be fine. She may even have fun. You have lots of time, but you are right to take care of yourself first. You will never be able be there for her if you don't take care of yourself right now.


more  :grouphug: .

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