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Would you purchase a refrigerator you couldn't actually see in a store?

Ewe Mama

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Sunday morning my refrigerator died. I made it out to the store with a list of requirements for a replacement. Nothing earth shattering, freezer on the bottom, preferred stainless finish, can't be larger than 18.7 cu ft to fit in our opening.



Crickets chirping.



I live in an older house, like the cabinets and don't want to remove my secret stash cupboard over the refrigerator. Sue me. I need a smaller/slightly shorter refrigerator.


They have no floor models of any of the units I checked out online. None. Everything that met my requirements is a special order. Even the top of the line brands. Sigh. They didn't even have any pictures or brochures of the ones I thought I might like. How is a person supposed to replace appliances in an older house!?


I had to basically shut my eyes and pick one off the store's website. And it won't even arrive for three weeks, unless divine intervention occurs. This is a store that regularly touts next-day delivery.



I know, I know. There are much bigger problems in the world and I feel like such a whiner. First world problems and all that.

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We also needed a shorter refrigerator and had to purchase one without seeing it before hand.


The first one we ordered was still too tall so we had to get a second one, also sight unseen and by that point we were ready to take whatever was fastest delivery.


The shelves are not completely to my liking but I doubt I would have noticed this if we had been able to see it empty in a showroom. Only after using it a few days did I notice a few little issues. We cope fine though. :)

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I am really worried about this, actually.

I need a fridge that is dead quiet because it is going to be in a great room--kitchen/living room/dining room all together plus the master bedroom is right over it in a loft with shutters but no wall.  So whatever noise it makes will be heard everywhere I want to be.  Unacceptable.

I can't see the high end ones in the stores.  I can't LISTEN to fridges anywhere--the stores are so loud.  I really don't know what to do.

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We also needed a shorter refrigerator and had to purchase one without seeing it before hand.


The first one we ordered was still too tall so we had to get a second one, also sight unseen and by that point we were ready to take whatever was fastest delivery.


The shelves are not completely to my liking but I doubt I would have noticed this if we had been able to see it empty in a showroom. Only after using it a few days did I notice a few little issues. We cope fine though. :)


You always have to live with appliances for a while before deciding to tolerate, like, or love them, don't you? I know that if it does the job properly, I will be fine with it. Cleaning the refrigerator is one of my least favorite tasks, so I would have like to check out the drawers, shelves, and whatnot. The interior layout might be atrocious, but I'll be stuck with it. I just wish they would at least have floor models of something similar so you could have a ballpark visual.


This may be worse than a blind date. :willy_nilly:

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I am really worried about this, actually.

I need a fridge that is dead quiet because it is going to be in a great room--kitchen/living room/dining room all together plus the master bedroom is right over it in a loft with shutters but no wall. So whatever noise it makes will be heard everywhere I want to be. Unacceptable.

I can't see the high end ones in the stores. I can't LISTEN to fridges anywhere--the stores are so loud. I really don't know what to do.


When I was at big blue box store on Sunday, the sales guy was all about decibels on the dishwashers (which I also picked out on Sunday). I didn't think to ask about noise levels on refrigerators. Our kitchen layout is very forgiving and just shares a wall with the garage, so noise is no biggie.


I can imagine your concerns, though. That annoying refrigerator hum can be worse than a dripping faucet!

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I've bought three CARS on spec.  Yup, I'd buy a fridge on spec.  And the decibels matter...we have the same kind of floor plan and quiet counts.  :0)


(I loved all my cars, too.  Still have 2 of them, and would probably never had to buy those two unless I had to sell the first one because it was a two-seater, and then I went and got pregnant.  :0)   No regrets...but that was a sweet car.  The resultant kid is now driving car #2.)

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Yes I would and am actually in the process of doing so, sort of. Small space with older fridge that is having issues.  Dh and I have done our research and know which one we want when we have to order one.  Not really worried.  All my appliances have needed to be smaller in this house and chosen online.  I am satisfied with all of them so far.

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I did.  And the freezer to match.  And the dishwasher I wanted.  And then the dual-fuel range. 


Not all at once, of course, but over a course of many years as the old ones we had broke down.


I researched them to death first, and then purchased online for the best price (w/shipping).  I've been very happy with all of them.


Oh yeah, also a television.

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