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Exercise thread 8/11-8/16


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Thanks for starting the thread! Day off Sun, I was absolutely exhausted from lack of sleep. Well, I think I did my core. Did Core 2 for the first time in its entirety this am. My abs are definitely getting way stronger. I can actually feel muscles, woot! Still too much fat there but it is certainly helping big time. Today we went rockclimbing, it was completely and totally awesome as always and we both are sore already, we pushed it pretty hard for about an hour straight and my forearms and shoulders are just dead! I think I'm going to try and do Intensive #1 this evening (skipping the 1 arm exercise) everything else is just legs stuff.

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Still wonky schedule until the end of the month, but I  did not miss any workout yet, despite how inconvenient it was today.    I had to do hinge rows between two men doing pushups in a park.   I felt......visible.....while grunting those last reps.  LOL


Miss you gals.   Can't wait to catch up with everyone's progress.

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Miss you Snickerdoodle :( We ended up taking a walk with the neighbors. I attempted to do intensives when I got home but my body said otherwise. We had a long day traveling to the city, I was pooped. Today I plan to do Intensive #2 for the first time, we'll see how far I get! Core#2 and walk as well. Tonight the girls have dance so I might have a chance to do some playing on the monkey bars :) (the dance studio is right by a park) not sure if my shoulders will let me though. Dh is dying to do some kayaking again, so we will probably do that this week but I'm not sure when, depends on babysitting.

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I think this can work for someone either already involved in these activities or someone with a base of fitness to start with (not necessarily extreme fitness, but say, the ability to comfortably walk 2-3 miles).  For someone who is sedentary and looking to get started, especially if they have substantial weight to lose, this just isn't feasible.  Most of the activities that would be active enough to be exercise are not going to be doable by someone with no fitness base, especially if they are substantially overweight.  The equipment won't fit/support them, the activity will be too hard or impossible, etc.  And, for people without a habit of being active in some way, I think it would be sooooo easy to say, "What do I feel passionate about today?  A nap." and get really derailed.  I also think there could be a lot of guilty feelings associated with NOT enjoying these kinds of activities (because they are too hard without a fitness base) and feeling like there is "something wrong with me" because I can't even have fun.


For people starting out, I think you have to take the "fun" where ever you can find it with working out.  And in some cases, that's going to just be the accomplishment of actually working out.  And then the accomplishment of doing a little more than you did before.  Personally, I do not love running.  I do not get a "runner's high", ever.  I'm beginning to believe it's a myth.  But I love feeling like a rock star when I run 6 miles, when I used to only be able to run 5.    I'm now at the point where I could do some of the activities that people would think are "fun" (I went kayaking a couple months ago,  I could bike, maybe obstacle course (though I've never tried one, so maybe not), and some other stuff).  A year ago I couldn't.  No way.  Rock climbing is still an impossibility as I'm both very heavy and don't have the upper body strength.  So, while I am enjoying the things I can do now that I couldn't do a year ago, if my options a year ago had been things that are supposedly fun,  I would have been out of luck because the only thing that I could do on these lists is walk, and I don't find that particularly fun.



Oh, you guys have to check this out I love it! I'm adopting this acronym! Totally fits for me, my list:



obstacle course



bodyweight/strength moves


ROCK-CLIMBING (I so want my own wall- I told dh I want him to build me one for Christmas!)



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I think the point is, to me anyway, that there are many ways to be active and you should pick something that you enjoy. If you pick something, like running, that you hate generally you will not be able to sustain it very long. Most of us don't have the wherewithal to continue doing something we don't like to do over the long term, which is why many start and quit exercise programs (unless you derive some other satisfaction out of it- as you said a sense of accomplishment).


You also have to start where you are at. I'm pretty new to rockclimbing but it sounded fun so I tried it out. Now the more times I go the better I am able to do, of course those that are stronger, fitter and more experienced are able to do the harder routes and do it longer but there is a wide range there, the base level is equivalent to climbing a ladder. Same with biking, most anyone can do a leisurely stroll, heck at the local campgrounds I see people of ALL ages biking. Most activities can be scaled to a level where people can do them, so what if their not hard core? If that is all you can do then that is what you should do, pushing harder leads to injury and burn-out. The point was not doing the activities listed but that to make your own list, start with what you can do and work up to what you want to do but can't. Sometimes you might just be picking an activity you like to do least as I know after being sedentary too long can make it hard to start again but starting with something you entirely dread isn't a good way to keep going.


Some might need/want to schedule things to start out with to establish some habits, as you start anything it is hard because you don't know what you are doing. But I don't think it is helpful to tell people they have to be miserable to be fit, I don't think it accomplishes our ultimate goal of having a fitter and more active society. Of course everyone has to find what motivates them, some really dig the "fitspiration" these days. I don't, at all. 

I think this can work for someone either already involved in these activities or someone with a base of fitness to start with (not necessarily extreme fitness, but say, the ability to comfortably walk 2-3 miles).  For someone who is sedentary and looking to get started, especially if they have substantial weight to lose, this just isn't feasible.  Most of the activities that would be active enough to be exercise are not going to be doable by someone with no fitness base, especially if they are substantially overweight.  The equipment won't fit/support them, the activity will be too hard or impossible, etc.  And, for people without a habit of being active in some way, I think it would be sooooo easy to say, "What do I feel passionate about today?  A nap." and get really derailed.  I also think there could be a lot of guilty feelings associated with NOT enjoying these kinds of activities (because they are too hard without a fitness base) and feeling like there is "something wrong with me" because I can't even have fun.


For people starting out, I think you have to take the "fun" where ever you can find it with working out.  And in some cases, that's going to just be the accomplishment of actually working out.  And then the accomplishment of doing a little more than you did before.  Personally, I do not love running.  I do not get a "runner's high", ever.  I'm beginning to believe it's a myth.  But I love feeling like a rock star when I run 6 miles, when I used to only be able to run 5.    I'm now at the point where I could do some of the activities that people would think are "fun" (I went kayaking a couple months ago,  I could bike, maybe obstacle course (though I've never tried one, so maybe not), and some other stuff).  A year ago I couldn't.  No way.  Rock climbing is still an impossibility as I'm both very heavy and don't have the upper body strength.  So, while I am enjoying the things I can do now that I couldn't do a year ago, if my options a year ago had been things that are supposedly fun,  I would have been out of luck because the only thing that I could do on these lists is walk, and I don't find that particularly fun.


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I think the point is, to me anyway, that there are many ways to be active and you should pick something that you enjoy. If you pick something, like running, that you hate generally you will not be able to sustain it very long. Most of us don't have the wherewithal to continue doing something we don't like to do over the long term, which is why many start and quit exercise programs (unless you derive some other satisfaction out of it- as you said a sense of accomplishment).


You also have to start where you are at. I'm pretty new to rockclimbing but it sounded fun so I tried it out. Now the more times I go the better I am able to do, of course those that are stronger, fitter and more experienced are able to do the harder routes and do it longer but there is a wide range there, the base level is equivalent to climbing a ladder. Same with biking, most anyone can do a leisurely stroll, heck at the local campgrounds I see people of ALL ages biking. Most activities can be scaled to a level where people can do them, so what if their not hard core? If that is all you can do then that is what you should do, pushing harder leads to injury and burn-out. The point was not doing the activities listed but that to make your own list, start with what you can do and work up to what you want to do but can't. Sometimes you might just be picking an activity you like to do least as I know after being sedentary too long can make it hard to start again but starting with something you entirely dread isn't a good way to keep going.


Some might need/want to schedule things to start out with to establish some habits, as you start anything it is hard because you don't know what you are doing. But I don't think it is helpful to tell people they have to be miserable to be fit, I don't think it accomplishes our ultimate goal of having a fitter and more active society. Of course everyone has to find what motivates them, some really dig the "fitspiration" these days. I don't, at all. 


Don't get me wrong.  I'm not advocating that people have to be miserable.  What I'm saying, though, is that fun activities are only scalable to a degree. If you are 300lbs, you probably can't climb a ladder, and even if you can, you certainly don't want to do it for long.  To try something and be essentially unable to do it, or to find any fun in it, is just as miserable as a hardcore workout.  If you are 300lbs, you can't ride a bike (unless you invest in a very expensive bike built for heavier people) because you'll bend the frame, the wheels, and put too much pressure on the tires.  That's not fun. 


And 300lbs isn't (unfortunately) an extreme example these days.  I've been 300lbs in the past.  Lots of people still are.  Lots.  I'm currently a little under 250lbs, so my options are much wider than they were, but there are still limits.


Telling someone without a base of fitness, or with a physical size impediment, to "just go have fun" is not helpful.  They CAN'T.


I don't know what "fitspiration" is.


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Monday: 2 1/2 mile walk

Monday evening 20 minutes elliptical and then MMA


Tuesday: 2 1/2 mile walk and 1/2 mile run

Hopefully some MMA tonight.


I am glad I started MMA a year after I had gotten back in the habit of weight training and running. I think that if I had attempted MMA before I had spent that year working out I would have felt frustrated and embarrassed and unable to keep up without hurting myself. Not that an older newbie should feel that way- i don't think anything about other women's fitness levels when the join our class. - I just know how competitive I am with myself. So the article about doing what you love makes sense- to a point. The writer cracked me up when he talked about how no one likes hard workouts; I actually love my physical therapy sessions and sweating and gasping for air. But then again I love kicking people in the head and vice versa;)

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It was really difficult to put the sports bra on today. Did Not Want.  It is cold and grey and bleh.  Not to mention, I have put on 3.5lbs in 4 days, so feeling sort of defeated. Not, that I only exercise due to weight control/loss because I mostly do it because I love feeling strong and supple and I love having good wind. But still...3.5? Really?


Anyway, I did 60 mins of TA.  I am doing the 15 min upper body workout and the 15 min ab workout from her Precision Toning DVD and then the lower body workout from Perfect Design 1. I used 1lb leg weights and did fine, so I might start Perfect Design 2. I just don't think those Perfect Design workouts have very good upper body work so I am prob going to continue frankensteining them.




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We been on vacation visiting family, but i been able to get some exercise done. Sunday we went to the beach. I believe I walked about 5 miles in total. Monday morning i ran 3.5 miles. Today thunder and lightning ruined my run, so it was kettlebell and yoga. Tomorrow we drive home, so no chance to run, but probably some yin tomorrow night.

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Tammy- We all find motivation in different ways, if what you are doing works for you then fabulous! My focus and thoughts regarding activity and exercise are different. Many, many congrats to you on your weight loss so far!


rieshy- sounds like you are doing well recovering.


Have fun on the beach Kim!


redsquirrel- I hear ya, we shouldn't let the numbers bother us so much! Good for you for getting out anyway!


re: working hard. I am a person who likes to push myself but on my own terms, not anyone elses. I think the article was referring more to the extreme things, CF jokes around about pushing so hard they cause liver damage and there was a video here while back of the women discussing how they pee doing CF. Peeing during workout is not a positive good thing, they are pushing towards more damage and perhaps even surgery by focusing on the wrong things.


Last night I did intensive #2, didn't like it nearly as well as #1 tbh so I think I'll stick with #1, this one was to me way too easy. We did an hourish walk yesterday am as well. Today I think I'll do Intensive #1, core #2 and a walk. Sleep is getting better although I'm still not back up to a good energy level.

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Yesterday- Walk, Intensive #1 and Core#2


I started the intensives 3 weeks ago I believe, but then I nearly missed a whole week when I wasn't feeling well when my iron ran out. Anyway, it is so much easier than when I first did it.


Today walk and core #2 are scheduled, maybe one of my Short and Sweat Yoga sessions this evening. 

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Forgot to post yesterday. I did most of the Tonique premiere workout. I do the cardio part but don't bother with the rest. I am not fond of it.


Today I did 60 mins of TA. I did 15 mins of arms from  Precision Toning and then I did most of Perfect Design 1


Starting tomorrow through the weekend my exercise might be spotty. Tomorrow my youngest has his end of theater camp performance so there goes my guaranteed quiet exercise time. And then this weekend is a Show Weekend, meaning friday is opening night etc. My older son is in a youth community theater company and this weekend is Fiddler on the Roof. It's going to be fantastic, but I am going to have my eyes closed, lol. My son has some tricky dance solos (a bottle dance at the wedding and spinning and jumping on top of a barrel in another scene) and I don't think my heart can take it. 


So, we'll see if I get time.

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So, is momninja supposed to be on vacation? Am I forgetting her saying she would be gone? Hope she is ok.


Did Short and Sweet Yoga yesterday, quite enjoyable. I haven't done it in awhile so I was surprised I was able to do it more easily. Did core and a walk as well, oh and added in some sprints. I haven't really sprinted since I pulled my leg muscle in the spring but it went well. 


Todays plan is Intensive 1 and Core 2, along with a walk. 

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Thursday: let's see- was in the hospital for most of the last 36 hours with 18 yo dd after her long boarding accident. She fractured her jaw in 3 places along with other injuries.


Came home and went on a loooooong walk with my husband while 20 yo looked after her sister. Walking and talking with dh is God's free therapy.

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Thursday: let's see- was in the hospital for most of the last 36 hours with 18 yo dd after her long boarding accident. She fractured her jaw in 3 places along with other injuries.


Came home and went on a loooooong walk with my husband while 20 yo looked after her sister. Walking and talking with dh is God's free therapy.

OH, my goodness, hopefully she heals soon.

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Thursday: let's see- was in the hospital for most of the last 36 hours with 18 yo dd after her long boarding accident. She fractured her jaw in 3 places along with other injuries.


Came home and went on a loooooong walk with my husband while 20 yo looked after her sister. Walking and talking with dh is God's free therapy.


Oh no! Oh that poor girl. How scary for everyone.  I hope she has a very quick recovery. Let's hope her age plays into her favour and she bounces back like...an 18 year old!




So, is momninja supposed to be on vacation? Am I forgetting her saying she would be gone? Hope she is ok.


Did Short and Sweet Yoga yesterday, quite enjoyable. I haven't done it in awhile so I was surprised I was able to do it more easily. Did core and a walk as well, oh and added in some sprints. I haven't really sprinted since I pulled my leg muscle in the spring but it went well. 


Todays plan is Intensive 1 and Core 2, along with a walk. 



Ok, I must ask, what is this intensive 1 and core 2 etc?


Just so you all can laugh at me, I am going to try to do TA tonight after I put ds2 to bed. I really am going to try. But I might also get sucked into the couch. Wish me luck!


And I was much, much less sore after that second round of Tonique. Hardly sore at all, so that is a good thing.

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Thursday: let's see- was in the hospital for most of the last 36 hours with 18 yo dd after her long boarding accident. She fractured her jaw in 3 places along with other injuries.


Came home and went on a loooooong walk with my husband while 20 yo looked after her sister. Walking and talking with dh is God's free therapy.



How terrible!  I hope she recovers quickly.

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It's been a busy week, but I've tried to keep up with my exercising.  I ran 4.25 miles on Thursday.  It was a 2x1 mile repeat, plus WU and cool down.  Friday I ran 4.25 again, but that time I did a speed workout, running fast for a short time, then recovery. I also did a 90 minute Yin practice in the evening.  It felt good.  Today I ran 3 miles and then did some kettlebell.  



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Ok, I must ask, what is this intensive 1 and core 2 etc?


Just so you all can laugh at me, I am going to try to do TA tonight after I put ds2 to bed. I really am going to try. But I might also get sucked into the couch. Wish me luck!



I'm doing the MuTu Program and there is 4 different levels of Core and Intensives, it is a 12 week program and I'm approaching 8 weeks, getting ready to go into Intensive 3 iirc but will probably stick at Core 2 for another week. Intensives are HIIT workouts, about 25 min each, lots of lunges and squats. The whole program focuses on fixing alignment and diastasis, so the exercises are all safe for this.\


So did you make it off the couch ? :)


I did Intensive and Core last night, nothing today. Period seems to be incoming any second and I woke up at 2am this am, not feeling all that chipper. We're supposed to go rock climbing again tomorrow but that depends on dh's schedule and rather or not I'm bleeding profusely and feeling like poop, we'll see!

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