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Anyone with experience working as a writing tutor during college?


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I am considering applying, possibly next semester, depending upon how I fare this semester in my writing. I'd need one more faculty recommendation. My English professor from last year has already offered to be a faculty reference when I need one. 


Tell me the good, the bad, and the ugly. What type of student actually seek out help through the official college writing help center? those that need a 10 page paper due on Monday? those that really want to improve? 

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I tutored football players and some engineers and a few international students (mostly Asian) whose written English wasn't up to academic standards, mostly science majors.


The football players were the most fun, the engineers were irritated and embarrassed have to do it and the international students were earnest and hardworking and improved quickly. They really struggled with verb tenses and subject/verb agreement and a few other basic grammar issues.

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It depends on how the courses are set up. At our school, some instructors give credit for going to the writing center at least twice per semester, so most students go. Students have to make appointments to see a writing tutor, so there should not be any last minute paper-due-tomorrow type situation.

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Dd21 tutored in both the writing lab and the general tutoring center. Students who came in were extremely varied. (Athletes who don't want to be there. Teachers sent. And students wanting help. Students wanting someone to do it for them.) I think mostly she had students wanting help. She found the writing lab to be very frustrating to work in because she was not allowed to help much at all. She was only allowed to help correct basic grammatical errors. In the general tutor center, she was allowed to make suggestions for improvement, word choice, flow...Stuff that really helps. I have a feeling she was able to guide some students to actually write better over time. Many came back for repeat assistance. She loved seeing how their writing improved from visit to visit and knowing that it was her input that allowed them to grow. She refused to work in the actual writing lab unless they were in dire need over there.

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I worked in a writing center during graduate school, and I wish I could remember more details! I worked at a two year school, and I *think* it was part of the students' course requirements to visit the writing center x times during a semester. We got other students who came for specific help, but it seems like most came to fulfill their study skills requirements.


It was a good experience for me. I've always liked working one on one with students. I also tutored my sister-in-law in writing when she started college, around that same time.


Probably not much help, lol!

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