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EPI PEN--need your best tips, etc.


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Come to find out our foster boy has a bee sting allergy..............something mom never mentioned and neither did the kids.  Actually the 6 and 11 year olds both have bee sting allergies.  They will be inside until we see the doctor tomorrow morning and get epi pens.


What is the best way to store, carry, remember these things?  The kids go to summer school daily so school will need one or we will have to hand it off each morning and get it back in the afternoon.  What are easy ways to remember it for the park and other outings?


I hope we get at least 2 between the 2 boys to make it easier.  Dh will need it with him when he is home with the boys so keeping it in my purse won't work either.


Any other hints?

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We have a medicine bag for ds.

It has Benadryl tablets, albuterol, and the epis. It's best to have two in case one doesn't deploy or if it takes the ambulance longer to get to you. We have one specific location in the house where the bag stays. When boy leaves the house, the bag travels with him.


When ds was in half day kindergarten, we had two epis at home and he had two in the classroom.

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Our allergist has always given us two. I keep one on me at all times and then one at school. We also keep benedryl with it as well. We keep them in bright fabric pencil cases. We keep epi-pen, benedryl, dosage info and emergency numbers in there. That way if they are at Grandma's or summer camp, or whatever it is easy to just handover everything. 


Hope that helps a little bit. 

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Request the 2-pack.  That way you can leave one at school and carry one with you.  I usually just carry it in my purse, that way I don't have to remember all the time.


Also, register for the free Epi-Pen program here: https://www.epipen.com/copay-offer/

That way you don't have to pay for them.  Register under the prescription name.  We also carry Benadryl fast melts and supply them to the school.

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Get some insulated epipen carriers.  They make them to clip on boys' belts, or to wear as belts - usually they'll come with both options.  The insulation isn't great, but will help a bit - to keep them from getting too hot or too cold.  Don't leave them in the car!  We order ours online, but even our CVS carries them now.


Always get the two pack.  See if your doc will write you for more than one set, so you have a set for home, in your purse, in the medicine bag.


If you do end up with an expired epipen, or one you've had to replace because you (a-hem) left in the car... use it to practice on on an orange.  :)


Keep them in the same place in the house.  Get in the habit of checking for them when you check to be sure kids are buckled in the car.  If you leave them at home accidentally - go back and get them.  You are teaching your kids that the epipens are a priority, and they'll need to know that later in life.  If we forget ours, that trumps everything.



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The school probably has a form to fill out, to be signed by the doctor, that accompanies the epipen.  For convenience, try to print out a copy of the required form to bring to your doctor appointment.


I keep ds11's epipen in my purse.  There is a separate one at school.

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My DS has a holder that attaches to his belt loop.  He carries it at all times when we are out of the house.  Epi-pens come in two packs now, because you may need to give both injections.  Sometimes the first wears off and they need a second dose before they can get emergency services.  I would ask for 2 prescriptions if possible, insurance may or may not pay for it.  Ours paid when we got on one month and another the next month.  Always check the expiration date on them before you pick them up.  Once they gave me some that expired in a couple months and I asked for different ones that would last longer.


We keep the epi holder on a hook by the front door so that we know where it is and are reminded to attach it before we go somewhere.  I also keep an extra pair in my purse, just in case we forget.

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Ours are in a small Thirty-One bag. The bag stays on the front door knob when we're home and in my purse when we leave. It has a wrist strap and one of those clip things (can't recall the name--I think rock climbers use them) so he can clip it to a belt loop if he's somewhere without me.


When he visits other people and I'm not there he asks if he can put the bag on their front door knob. That way, if there's every an emergency at someone else's house, he always knows where his Epi-pen is.

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Ours are in a small Thirty-One bag. The bag stays on the front door knob when we're home and in my purse when we leave. It has a wrist strap and one of those clip things (can't recall the name--I think rock climbers use them) so he can clip it to a belt loop if he's somewhere without me.


When he visits other people and I'm not there he asks if he can put the bag on their front door knob. That way, if there's every an emergency at someone else's house, he always knows where his Epi-pen is.


What a good idea! My DS8 isn't quite at an age where he's going off for ages without me or DH, but when he's had camps or activities, he carries a small string backpack with his epipens and benadryl in it, along with emergency contact info for me and DH.


Definitely ask for two twin-packs, so you get four epipens.


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Good ideas.  We will see what I can do.  The boys are going home in just a few days now (possibly as early as Friday) so I wont' have to deal with this very long but I know that the reactions could be serious.  Right now the most severe reaction we have had is some swelling around the eye where he was stung.

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