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Saxon Math - help!


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My son completed the placement test this morning and we could go with Math 3, however, he did struggle a bit on the a couple of questions. Should I purchase Math 2 since he is just now starting 2nd grade, or would you go ahead and skip ahead to Math 3?


Also, do I really need the manipulatives if I already have some of my own that we've been using?

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Did he struggle but successfully complete them alone, or did he need help from you to complete them?


If you had to help him via hinting I wouldn't count them as correct, but if he struggled and ultimately plowed through I would.

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My son was one question away from placing into Math 3 back when he was going into 2nd grade.  That was my first year homeschooling and I was doing it because he had just flunked 1st grade in his b&m school.  So I decided to use Math 2 just to be safe.  In retrospect, I should have started him in Math 3.  Actually, in retrospect, I should have used Singapore math--but that is fodder for a different thread!

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Is he comfortable with addition and subtraction? Saxon 3 introduces multiplication and division. If he's ready to start multiplication and division, start in Saxon 3. Any issues he needs more review with, simply add them to the calendar work before the main lesson. I'm assuming issues such as counting money, telling time, and shapes.


If your son isn't comfortable with addition and subtraction, I'd start him with Saxon 2. :001_smile:

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The only real thing he struggled with was money. He had to think about it a little longer, but he did get through it on his own. He does very well with addition and subtraction, telling time, graphs, measurement, skip counting, patterns, etc. Money was his only hang up. 

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I did the placement test with my son(2nd grade this year as well) and he was 1 or 2 questions away from being in Saxon 3.  I took that into account and then went and looked at the TOC of both Saxon 2 and 3.  After looking at both, we decided on Saxon 3.  The first portion of the book is a review of Saxon 2 concepts so I felt that would be sufficient and if we had to slow down a little as we went through, then it wouldn't be a problem.  We are only a few lessons in and thus far nothing has been difficult for him, and he can, thus far, do most of it on his own.

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He will get lots of practice with money each day in the Saxon 3 Meeting ("coin cup") so I wouldn't worry at all about it.

You can always slow down, take a few weeks to do some printable workbook pages or other materials...

We used Saxon a year ahead, but in 2nd grade had to take a mini-break. Worked out fine.


Just don't skip anything, and do the meeting (even if you paraphrase or whatever--do the skip counting, because that leads to multiplication, do the thermometer, because that leads to the coordinate work, etc.).

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm reading through some old threads so I'm reviving this one.  We did Saxon K in K and now I'm wishing I would have used Saxon 1.  Would it be possible to skip 1 and go on to 2?  


Some people use Saxon one grade ahead at the elementary level. If your child did well with K, you could probably be fine with Saxon 2 in first grade.


You could always take more than one day per lesson if you needed to.


Good luck!

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I've used Saxon since K and my older ds14 is about to start Algebra 2.   My younger ds9 is in 4th grade and in 6/5.


I think Saxon seems to be a tad bit slow, so I look at Saxon 3 as being more like 2nd grade math.  I love Saxon, and I love the repetition and the pace.  It does get much more difficult once they hit Algebra 1... so the early skills are VERY important.  


With that said, if he did well on everything, but struggled a bit with money, just go ahead and get Saxon 3, and then get your change and bills out and work with him daily. Just spend 10 minutes doing random money problems with him and he'll start to get it.  Anytime he starts to struggle, just work with him a little more every day, and he'll do fine.  


I never bought the manipulatives.  I used Legos and whatever I had around my house, so I think you can get by without them.



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