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Any Ting users???


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My husband's work is changing their phone plan and will give him a new smartphone and pay for the service. So, we are looking at changing from Verizon to something cheaper for myself and after the summer we've had-looking at adding a phone for the 9th grade ps'er.


Have you been happy with Ting?

What kind of phone do you use?

Did you purchase a used one from Glyde?

How is your reception with Sprint?

What part of the country do you live in? I live in NE which is not the best area for Sprint.


Thanks in advance!

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We love Ting.


I have an LG Optimus. (I think S?) I'd like to replace it with an iPhone, but $$$ make that hard.


I can't help you with where to get a used phone as we were able to get some for free. 


Reception is ok. We have a special antenna installed in our house so we can get good reception here (We're right on the edge of the good area). Elsewhere? It's been really improving in the last year. Places where I didn't have any success at all now have call service. 


One of the most awesome things about Ting is that they do not charge you for roaming service. So even if you're roaming, you still pay the same amount as if it was home service. 


I'm in the west. 


We've saved so much with Ting. It's great!

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We switched to Ting at the beginning of June and wish we had done so as soon as our contract was up!  We've been very happy with it.  We switched two iPhones from Sprint to Ting, so we already had the compatible phones.  Our reception has been good, but we were using the Sprint network previously so we knew what to expect.


We did purchase an additional used iPhone from Glyde to have as our house phone and for when one of the older kids is away from us at camp or overnight.  I'm happy with our transaction, the phone was very reasonably priced, in very good condition, and arrived promptly.  

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Thank you for asking this.  I was about to come post the same question.  :-)   I do have a follow up question.  Something I read said they use both the Sprint and the Verizon networks.  The Sprint network around here isn't very good.  Anyone have any idea how that works?





(My eldest has a grandfathered-in unlimited data package for $30 with A tee and tee.  I think they have him for life ,or until they find a way to jettison those customers.)

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My husband's work is changing their phone plan and will give him a new smartphone and pay for the service. So, we are looking at changing from Verizon to something cheaper for myself and after the summer we've had-looking at adding a phone for the 9th grade ps'er.


Have you been happy with Ting?

What kind of phone do you use?

Did you purchase a used one from Glyde?

How is your reception with Sprint?

What part of the country do you live in? I live in NE which is not the best area for Sprint.


Thanks in advance!


I have Ting and I've been happy.


I am not a heavy user, so the price is very good (I usually spend about 30-35$ per month).  I have no idea how it compares with other pay-per-use plans if you're a heavy user - but I suspect it's not as good.


I live in the Mid-Atlantic - so very populated and have no problems with service.


I have a Galaxy s3 Refurbished from Ting, but I first bought a Galaxy s2 from Glyde.  I loved that phone, but the jack died (a common problem with the Galaxy s2).  I read they fixed the jack problem on the s3..so I got it.. .I've only had it about 3weeks.   This one did come with some annoying issues - such as the battery was useless... I had to purchase a new battery.  They did give me money on my account for the replacement - which was nice... but I was still annoyed that they'd send me a refurbished phone with a bad battery.  For example: it would take one photo and then die, even if it was up at 70%.    

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Thanks to everyone who replied. I am still leaning towards Ting. I just need to figure out if we are going to stick with Apple and look for some used iPhones or switch to Samsung Galaxy's. The iPhones are twice as much. :-(

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  • 5 months later...



I'm bumping this to see if anyone else has a comment. We're looking to switch up now, and are leaning towards Ting.


I told my family I wanted to look at what the REAL authorities had to say -- what's the scoop on Ting as far as the Hive is concerned. They all just rolled their eyes, but I think the above posts made Dh more comfortable with the idea.



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DH and I are both on Ting.  Our reception is fine.  With voice coverage, it will switch over to Verizon if there's no Sprint coverage available, but with data it will not switch - you just don't have data if there's no Sprint data coverage around.  (At least I'm pretty sure that's what DH said when we were traveling through mid-nowhere, Georgia, and had voice coverage but no data.)  


I currently use a Kyocera Rise which I bought new through Ting's website in September 2012, but I'll be getting a Nexus 5 in a couple of months.  DH has a Nexus 5.  

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