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Large Family Logistics book


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I have it but haven't spent much time with.  I read through the cleaning section and it made perfect sense to me but I was already using Motivated Moms and I'm so used to that routine that I hate to switch it up.  


I just saw the book on my shelf yesterday and decided I need to pull it back out and re-read before school starts.

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Is this one of those books where the author's life was full of chaos and then she stumbled upon a new way of doing things that brought order and peace to her life at just the same moment that her eldest child was about 8 or so?  But of course, it has nothing to do with the fact that she now has big kids that can pull their own weight, it's all the new system, so it will work just as well for me with my 4 under 5 as it does for her?  (Not to be cynical or anything.)

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Is this one of those books where the author's life was full of chaos and then she stumbled upon a new way of doing things that brought order and peace to her life at just the same moment that her eldest child was about 8 or so? But of course, it has nothing to do with the fact that she now has big kids that can pull their own weight, it's all the new system, so it will work just as well for me with my 4 under 5 as it does for her? (Not to be cynical or anything.)

Oh! I didn't know that! My oldest is 8 and life has gotten easier, but I still have chaos, I'm not very organized with chores and whatnot! Having 4 under 5, that's more difficult!

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Is this one of those books where the author's life was full of chaos and then she stumbled upon a new way of doing things that brought order and peace to her life at just the same moment that her eldest child was about 8 or so? But of course, it has nothing to do with the fact that she now has big kids that can pull their own weight, it's all the new system, so it will work just as well for me with my 4 under 5 as it does for her? (Not to be cynical or anything.)

So true... I always think when reading fly lady - "but wait you did all this stuff when your kids were grown up"

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The premise is twofold.  The first is assigning days for certain chores similar to our foremothers and the second is setting routines.  You are encouraged to assign days by having one day focused on office type work like filing, mapping out your errands, paying bills and such; another day primarily for errands; while yet another is a kitchen day.  The routine portion is basic, yet practical, including an appendix on how to start from chaos. 

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I bought it a year or so ago when I had a small baby, 1, 3, 4, and 5 year old in the home. I thought it had a lot of helpful ideas but it wasn't a life changing book for me. However, I'm generally pretty clean and try to keep only what is needed with a larger family in a small house so I didn't start with overwhelming piles of clutter either. I should actually pick the book up and re-read it before this school year starts to see if anything new sticks out for me.

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Is this one of those books where the author's life was full of chaos and then she stumbled upon a new way of doing things that brought order and peace to her life at just the same moment that her eldest child was about 8 or so?  But of course, it has nothing to do with the fact that she now has big kids that can pull their own weight, it's all the new system, so it will work just as well for me with my 4 under 5 as it does for her?  (Not to be cynical or anything.)


Funny!  But my FOURTH is getting closer to 8 and it's still crazy chaos around here.  I do keep pretending it will end when the youngest is tall enough to reach his breakfast.

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