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Exercise Thread ~ 7/13 - 7/19


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When I dropped my kids off, the weather radar said that there would be rain in 50 minutes, so I ran for 4 miles.  I got in before the rain started.  :)  I had thought, that if I got back to the pool and it wasn't raining that I would run up and down the road near the pool for another mile, but my legs were so tired, and my ankle felt sore, so 4 miles it was. I came home and did my push-ups, pull-ups, and kettlebell swings.  Tomorrow is yoga day, but it's such a packed day, I'm unsure if I'll be able to get it in.

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Mom-Ninja- I do the same things here. I remember living at home my mom didn't even own a mop. I felt like a cheater when I started using one when we rebuilt but when we went to wall to wall hardwood doing it all on my hands and knees was too much, especially with 4 kids. I do sometimes still mop on my hands and knees but it kills me on the tile! Before my thyroid crashed I was better about being active. I didn't usually sit unless it was time to eat or I was nursing. I probably took it too far though. I'm getting my energy back now and am more and more active but I'm trying to take it slow.

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Oh, how excited I was to see a workout post here on WTM! I haven't visited here in almost two years because I took a break from homeschooling to work on ME. I've since lost over 150 pounds, have become a certified personal trainer, certified health coach, and lifestlyle modification coach (all online and from home). I will be bringing my DD12 home again after accomplishing all this. I will definitely be posting my workouts here!


When do you all fit your workouts in in between homeschooling time? Do you get up extra early, get it done, and then homeschool time? I'm trying to figure out when to work it in.


I completed Meso 2 of Cathe's STS yesterday. I did Chest, Shoulders & Tris. Today I was my scheduled rest day as is every Friday. :)

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4 Miles of Leslie - I wasn't sure if I'd have time to workout, since today is a henna day. The next few days will be also. I'm happy I was able to do so. It helps when we don't have school and I have more time for myself.





 haven't visited here in almost two years because I took a break from homeschooling to work on ME. I've since lost over 150 pounds, have become a certified personal trainer, certified health coach, and lifestlyle modification coach (all online and from home). I will be bringing my DD12 home again after accomplishing all this. I will definitely be posting my workouts here!


When do you all fit your workouts in in between homeschooling time? Do you get up extra early, get it done, and then homeschool time? I'm trying to figure out when to work it in.



Great job on your incredible weight loss!  :hurray:


I workout early in the morning. My biggest obstacle is my lack of flexibility (not physical, mental). If I don't workout early in the morning, I have a very hard time fitting it in later in the day. I know I could if I wanted to, I just find a million excuses. The other reason that I like early mornings is that it's very hot all year round where we live. 

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Great story Parias, welcome!  Congrats on your weight loss!


It's 4:30 am on Saturday.   :sneaky2:    Hello!  I should be sleeping!  


Thank goodness it's my rest day.     I will do shoulder prehab and maybe some stretch, roll.     :bored:


:) I finally had a decent night's sleep here, sorry you didn't :(

Oh, how excited I was to see a workout post here on WTM! I haven't visited here in almost two years because I took a break from homeschooling to work on ME. I've since lost over 150 pounds, have become a certified personal trainer, certified health coach, and lifestlyle modification coach (all online and from home). I will be bringing my DD12 home again after accomplishing all this. I will definitely be posting my workouts here!


When do you all fit your workouts in in between homeschooling time? Do you get up extra early, get it done, and then homeschool time? I'm trying to figure out when to work it in.


I completed Meso 2 of Cathe's STS yesterday. I did Chest, Shoulders & Tris. Today I was my scheduled rest day as is every Friday. :)

Many congrats on your weight loss, that is awesome. I think it is great that you decided to prioritize yourself all too often we can be easily forgotten.


I did some workouts before we got started last year but I cannot work out as well in the am. These days I'm doing it in the evenings. It seems walks are good before bed as they don't rev me up too much anything else is best before or after supper as my energy level is the highest then. I'm not sure when I'll do it when we start back up as I'm not sure what our schedule will be but I'll probably keep it in the evening some time. Lunch time would be handy but my energy level is never good then and the baby wants to nap.


Had a lovely 5 mile run/ push ups/pull ups today. Unfortunately I has to pick up kids from camp and spent 3 hrs sitting Ina car. So much for active.

I hear ya, we had a long trip on Wednesday for our anniversary. I hate being in the car that much.

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So, I'm not rockclimbing today :( We decided it wouldn't be the responsible choice given the week we've had. We've done too much playing and we've got work we need to do around here plus the kids really need a day off and getting them up at 5:30am isn't really conducive to that and would very likely end poorly. Dh said perhaps next Sunday.


So, workout wise I'll be doing MuTu and a walk at least. I started my period yesterday and didn't feel up to anything too much, we'll see how I feel today. I might have another take it easy day. I've got oodles of work around here so I'll be busy with that. I'm hoping to start in with a bit more gusto next week. I think I'll be starting my pull-ups back- YA! I do hope we at least get some family activity in this weekend, a bike ride would be nice.

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Oh, how excited I was to see a workout post here on WTM! I haven't visited here in almost two years because I took a break from homeschooling to work on ME. I've since lost over 150 pounds, have become a certified personal trainer, certified health coach, and lifestlyle modification coach (all online and from home). I will be bringing my DD12 home again after accomplishing all this. I will definitely be posting my workouts here!


When do you all fit your workouts in in between homeschooling time? Do you get up extra early, get it done, and then homeschool time? I'm trying to figure out when to work it in.


I completed Meso 2 of Cathe's STS yesterday. I did Chest, Shoulders & Tris. Today I was my scheduled rest day as is every Friday. :)



During the school year I workout early a.m. and then I have evening Martial Arts class several times a week.  On non-martial arts evenings I walk after dark with my dh.  Saturday is my longest workout.  Sunday I rest.  I also often take Friday off working-out or change it to a gentle work-out day with lots of stretching if my body needs it.


  I saw my PT yesterday and he worked on my leg.  I didn't re-injury my calf after all.  Today is open-mat. I am going to go and be really careful- mostly technical work wearing my boot and then upper body workout on weights.  Alas, no grappling. 

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Happy weekend all! Yesterday I got 45 mins of TA in, not my usual 60.  DS2's theater camp had it's 'sharing time' so I had to leave early. But I am proud that I did 45 mins (skipped the abs section) instead of just cancelling it altogether.


I am taking the weekend off. I can just tell, lol. First of all, my hip is hurting again (too much sitting this week, watching the kids in their lessons...knitting time) and I need to do some major cooking. DS1 needs meals for lunches and dinners next week so the freezer needs to be extra full. He has 6 hours of ballet intensive during the day and rehearsal for a play in the evening. So, lots of food to keep him going!


Next week might be tricky. I am losing that kid free 2 hours for 2 weeks. I guess I am back to evenings? Or something?




Oh, how excited I was to see a workout post here on WTM! I haven't visited here in almost two years because I took a break from homeschooling to work on ME. I've since lost over 150 pounds, have become a certified personal trainer, certified health coach, and lifestlyle modification coach (all online and from home). I will be bringing my DD12 home again after accomplishing all this. I will definitely be posting my workouts here!


When do you all fit your workouts in in between homeschooling time? Do you get up extra early, get it done, and then homeschool time? I'm trying to figure out when to work it in.


I completed Meso 2 of Cathe's STS yesterday. I did Chest, Shoulders & Tris. Today I was my scheduled rest day as is every Friday. :)


Welcome back!


I have a much easier time during the school year finding time because my schedule is more dependable. I am NOT a morning exerciser, not a morning anything really. Next year ds1 will start at public high school so I am expecting a bit of an adjustment to that schedule, but I can generally find a time either in the late afternoon or around dinner time. DH and I both like to exercise so we will help each other make the time. He will come home and go out running right away while I make dinner. He then eats with DS2 and does bedtime etc while I workout. DS1 is gone all the time at ballet so he is never here for dinner, lol . If life is particularly hectic, both DH and I will workout around 8pm or 8:30 once the kids are in their rooms for the night.


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My update for the day.    I did only the barest minimum.  No stretch, no roll.     I ate a freakish amount of junk food.    :hurray:     I also am tired from being up so early and I have a headache.   


I'm just going to pencil in my notebook:   rest & refeed.   ;)



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