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My dog was skunked (a story for your amusement)


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This morning, I was in the middle of a visual migraine aura.  Dh was still in bed.  My 8 year old yelled that a skunk was in the back, and I was the only one available to deal with this.  I ran out in the backyard half blind from my migraine in my bathrobe with no shoes on yelling and waving my arms to try and get the dog away from the skunk, which was on the other side of the fence.  Turns out it was too late.  I grabbed the dog's face in my hands to sniff her, which is how I found out it was too late to prevent the skunk spraying.  I went in and woke dh up.  He did not appreciate starting his Father's Day with a stinky wife in a bathrobe announcing, "I am having a migraine and the dog got sprayed by a skunk!"


After some deliberation, he did get up and deal with it with a recipe we found online made of Dawn dish detergent, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.  After church I went to sniff the dog, and I will report that that concoction really did work to greatly reduce the odor.


I don't know who I felt more sorry for - dh or the dog.  My bathrobe is currently soaking in the sink.  Wish me luck.

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I have been in that situation and it is no fun! And when it happened to our dog, I didn't have a migraine, but I do get migraines so I can imagine how awful it was for you.


I hope you're able to get rid of the headache soon. :grouphug:


And you might want to give your dh a Father's Day Do-Over next week. ;)

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I know it's not funny, but that's funny.

It's okay.  It was kind of ridiculous.  Might as well laugh as cry! (Also, I spent the last two days doing a massive garage sale so I am sunburned and fried, to boot.)


Cat, I agree.  Not much of a Father's Day!

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I don't know who I felt more sorry for - dh or the dog.

I vote you!


Funny though....


(And good to know that formula works on skunk. It is what we used to save our brand new couch 11 years ago when a kitty decided she did not approve of getting a new couch. I now use it around the toilets because of my boys...)


Have a better day!

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I can imagine what that was like.  My parent's dog got skunked one time, but she was on the front step when it happened. Their entire house (mobile home) smelled like skunk for quite a while.  My mother left it and came over to my apartment (this was about 20 years ago) and she stopped by the post office on her way over.  She said people in line were talking about the skunk smell and she didn't even realize it was her.  Oh dear. :lol:

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We had a similar episode when I was growing up.  Except unfortunately no one discovered the skunk-dog altercation until the dog -- having been sprayed liberally in the face -- ran inside the house and proceeded to wipe his snout over just about every surface he could reach in a effort to escape the smell (poor thing).  This included my school uniform -- it was my first day of high school, and I spent the first half of the day in a new school sitting by open windows, until finally I was given the choice of going home to change (not possible because it was too far) or borrowing one of the used uniforms kept in the office.


My dad was also the one left to deal with our poor dog -- he went the tomato juice route.  It was mostly effective, although for many months afterwards whenever the dog got wet there was a strong smell of skunk..


I agree with the do-over... I wish I could have had a do-over of that school day, lol.  I wanted to stay home but my mom refused... I wonder if I would have done the same thing in her shoes...



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Also, I noticed that the odor is different than when I've driven over a dead one. Maybe because it is fresh?


Unrelated pet story...dh was walking up the stairs last night and picked up something and then asked me what it was. I was like,"ummm, that's cat poop." He washed his hands for a LONG time after that. Don't ask why all the pets decided to go uncharacteristically crazy on the weekend of the garage sale and Fathers Day.

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I let the dog in the house and rub his face all over carpet and furniture. 


I was young and felt bad for him  :001_smile:


My mother was not amused. 

From everything I've read, this would be VERY bad. 


I did feel really sorry for the dog because she was rubbing her face in the grass and rolling over and such.  Then she stood in her kiddie pool (which she never does) and drank her water for a long time.  Poor girl.  She was trying to protect us from the bad skunk. 


We are somewhat rural, but we've only seen a skunk once - it was at night and was in a fight with a raccoon on our driveway.  We uncovered a nest of baby rabbits about a week ago during mowing (none were hurt) so I wonder if that was the draw for the skunk.  The critter was right by the nest during the spraying incident.  After all the fun, I went and checked on our bunnies, and all was well. 

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We had a similar episode when I was growing up.  Except unfortunately no one discovered the skunk-dog altercation until the dog -- having been sprayed liberally in the face -- ran inside the house and proceeded to wipe his snout over just about every surface he could reach in a effort to escape the smell (poor thing).  This included my school uniform -- it was my first day of high school, and I spent the first half of the day in a new school sitting by open windows, until finally I was given the choice of going home to change (not possible because it was too far) or borrowing one of the used uniforms kept in the office.


My dad was also the one left to deal with our poor dog -- he went the tomato juice route.  It was mostly effective, although for many months afterwards whenever the dog got wet there was a strong smell of skunk..


I agree with the do-over... I wish I could have had a do-over of that school day, lol.  I wanted to stay home but my mom refused... I wonder if I would have done the same thing in her shoes...

That's my experience too.  We've been at my sister's house months after her dogs got sprayed and they smelled every time they got wet, which was frequently because they have a creek that runs through their ranch. 

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Uh!  I feel for you!  Been there..done that, too!


I and three dogs--2 Rotties and a German Shepard mix.  GS tangled with a skunk and was sprayed.  Ewwwwwwww!  This was long before google.  Guys at work tell me to wash him in tomato sauce/juice.  So I do.  Outside. With other dogs in the yard.  Rotties proceed to lick GS all over and drive his crazy.  Rotties were too zealous.  GS was pissed and lost his sense of humor.  :)  I ended up having to hose him off to prevent mass chaos.  :)  Very funny.  We were hysterical the whole time which didn't help. :)  Dogs didn't sleep in the house for a couple of weeks, but I slept with the window open to "hear" them because I was young and paranoid about them being the yard.   :huh:    Awww...the good ol' days!


Sorry about the migraine.  Unfortunately, I can relate to that also.  :(

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