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s/o of BF/not BF - question about infant formula


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Please don't compare lactivists to Nazis. It's really not a kind term. I have family who died in concentration camps and really it upsets me to see people use that term lightly.

Point taken. I regret the choice of word.

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Is it possible that a mother who has a poor diet during pregnancy passes along her habits of eating a poor diet to her children and grandchildren, and the habits, not the actual diet consumed while pregnant, is what causes the health effects?


These studies weren't about pregnant women eating a bad diet. It was pregnant women who got too few calories while pregnant. They were eating less than normal, and ended up with children that were heavier as adults/adolescents. So no, that wouldn't be supported by the idea of habit modeling. If they were just picking up on mom's habits they would be underweight. 



There has been a lot of research showing that environment can turn genes on and off. 

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These studies weren't about pregnant women eating a bad diet. It was pregnant women who got too few calories while pregnant. They were eating less than normal, and ended up with children that were heavier as adults/adolescents. So no, that wouldn't be supported by the idea of habit modeling. If they were just picking up on mom's habits they would be underweight.



There has been a lot of research showing that environment can turn genes on and off.

Okay, that makes sense. So the genetics in the baby were designed to protect it from starvation, and they were preparing the child to enter a world where starvation is likely. However,

I would say that the mothers of many or most of the obese people in America had plenty of calories when pregnant, so it shouldn't be the cause of the obesity problem in the US. It could account for the obesity problem in recent immigrants though if they've come from a place where food was scarce.

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This, along with risks of contaminated water, is why ready-made, already liquid formula is available. You can even get it from WIC.

I don't think WIC offers the premade. In fact, when my stepson's gf was getting WIC, she could ONLY get the powder, not even the concentrated liquid.

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WIC in Michigan does offer the premade but you need a prescription for it just like the soy and other "special" ones. Dd2 is primarily breastfed, she has a bottle (4 oz) twice a day of formula so we don't have formula on our WIC since we use so little a month. If she used more formula or needed the special stuff we would have it added :)

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Didn't read all responses, so sorry if this is repeat. The problem some have with corn syrup now is that it is GMO and that feeds baby round-up weed killer sprayed on the corn.


Here is one article on homemade formula:




And reviews of organic formulas:




No experience with either since I'm not at that time of life. I BF both dc, and neither could handle the iron in formula... very occasionally they got no-iron formula, but I had them before corn was GMO.

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I don't think WIC offers the premade. In fact, when my stepson's gf was getting WIC, she could ONLY get the powder, not even the concentrated liquid.


You can get almost any kind through WIC.  You just need a doctor's note or a prescription saying that it's a medical necessity. 

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Okay, that makes sense. So the genetics in the baby were designed to protect it from starvation, and they were preparing the child to enter a world where starvation is likely. However,

I would say that the mothers of many or most of the obese people in America had plenty of calories when pregnant, so it shouldn't be the cause of the obesity problem in the US. It could account for the obesity problem in recent immigrants though if they've come from a place where food was scarce.


Right. And i'm not saying it is THE cause of obesity, far from it. I'm just saying that there is so much we are still learning. A few years ago no one knew what epigenetics was, let alone how a woman's diet in pregnancy (or stress level.etc) could effect the child, and even more so the child's child...the genes are actually changed, or at least the expression of them is, so that continues on through the generations. Until/unless the environment again changes how they are expressed. It is fascinating, and shows how very very much we don't know. 

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