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Sun rash (polymorphic light eruption), anyone?

Janie Grace

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I have just had my first sun rash and I'm miserable. We were on vacation this past week and at first I thought it was a reaction to sunscreen or something. It got worse each day until I was in a LOT of pain.... like prickly nettle stings all over my arms, legs and feet (and yes, I was wearing sunscreen the entire time). Hydrocortisone cream sort of calmed it down but then I watched a baseball game today for an hour and it immediately flared up again... painful, itchy red bumps. :(


I've always burned easily and been prone to heatstroke. But I'm wondering why this has happened now. It sounds like it's an annual thing for some people...


If you have PMLE, do you get it every spring/summer at first sun exposure? Is there any way to prevent it? Any remedies that help?

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I'm not diagnosed, but if I'm in the sun, I often get itchy bumps and a mild rash.

Sunscreen usually helps, but I also cover as much skin as I can.

I never get a tolerance at this point...too much early skin damage from sunburns.

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The only remedy I've found is cool compresses and staying out of the sun.  


I cover up constantly now, and try to avoid the sun.  Sunscreen helps to a degree.


Are you taking any meds?  Some meds can contribute to this.

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The only remedy I've found is cool compresses and staying out of the sun.


I cover up constantly now, and try to avoid the sun. Sunscreen helps to a degree.


Are you taking any meds? Some meds can contribute to this.

No meds. I'm really bummed that this rash may be my reaction to sun from now on. Ugh.

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Dana, I'm sorry you can't tolerate the sun at all. I had many early sunburns, too (with bad blistering). I wondered if that contributed...

I can for very short periods of time...and I'm okay for a bit with sunscreen, but if I'm without sunscreen and in short sleeves, talking to a neighbor for 10 min outside, and I'm rashy.


Do check regularly with a dermatologist. I've had 6-7 moles that have been removed that are atypical. Dark moles on palms or soles of feet should be removed.

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Does he have PMLE? This isn't an allergy to sunblock, it's a reaction to sunlight.


I know.  We found that most sunscreen did nothing to reduce or eliminate the bumps (it was as though he hadn't used sunscreen at all, except that he didn't have a sunburn).  But this particular one seems to help.  I think it might be because it has something that either is or is like zinc oxide in it that actually physically blocks the light getting to his skin.

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I know. We found that most sunscreen did nothing to reduce or eliminate the bumps (it was as though he hadn't used sunscreen at all, except that he didn't have a sunburn). But this particular one seems to help. I think it might be because it has something that either is or is like zinc oxide in it that actually physically blocks the light getting to his skin.

Ohhhh, gotcha. You know what? That's the sunscreen I use on my face and I have NO rash on my face. I am going to get more and use it everywhere! Thanks for the tip.

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We discovered my daughter had it when she was a young teen. She noticed that every time we went on a vacation she broke out in a rash all along her neck and chin.  It seemed like every time we went somewhere fun, the kid was getting 'rashy'. It actually became the descriptive word, as in, "What's her problem?" "Oh, she's just grumpy because she's rashy."


Finally, after a few years, we saw a doctor when she had the rash and he diagnosed it right away.  At first I didn't think it was plausible because she is fine all summer in the sun.  But, then he said it is worse before there is a good amount of melanin in the skin. So, all summer long, during constant exposure - no problem. But, in the winter, when the skin is pale, a dose of sunlight can set it off. 


She was told to limit exposure initially and build up gradually. Use sunscreen, etc. She still gets some eruptions but she can be more cautious. She was prescribed a cortisone cream that help the outbreaks.

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I get PMLE on each tropical vacation if I haven't been in the sun for a month or so. It is the worst feeling!

I've found that a combination of tanning ahead of time, http://www.amazon.com/BUIN-Allergy-Lotion-Sensitive-SPF30/dp/B003ELEZS0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1402181164&sr=8-1&keywords=piz+buin+allergy and a prescription of low dose prednasone makes it so I don't break out in the tiny blisters or get the "bugs under my skin feeling" anymore. The combination has been amazing and vacation changing in such a good way!

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One of my daughters who has a lot of allergies would get this every year during her first long days in the sunshine (we're in an area that has winter for almost six months).  Her entire face would even swell up, to the point where she looked like someone else!


Now she lives in a climate where it is warm and sunny year round, and she no longer has this problem.  I can't really explain it.

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