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Yoga & Meditation Accountability Thread 6/1 - 6/7


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Monday 6/2  1 hour Hot Power Yoga at the studio


Tuesday 6/3  1 hour Bikram Hot Yoga at the studio


Wednesday 6/4 Nothing yet. 6 am class at the studio has a very popular instructor on Wednesday mornings and the place is packed. It's already 103 degrees in there and we all sling sweat all over the place which means being cramped closely together makes me very miserable. The instructor is not my favorite, anyway. I will make it to the 5:30 pm, though. :)

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Plan for today, Patricia Walden's ' Beginner's Yoga', 45 mins or so. This is one of my favorite yoga DVDs and the one I use most consistently. As I get older I am developing a real appreciation for the less dramatic poses like tadasana and savasana. Feeling the ground meeting the edges of the body, feeling the edges of the body sinking into the ground and sensing the way the body furthers its relationship to the earth through the breath is really fascinating to me now in a way that it wasn't when I was younger and more interested in strength and flexibility. Increasing strength and flexibility are still very important elements of my practice but they don't exist in isolation.

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  As I get older I am developing a real appreciation for the less dramatic poses like tadasana and savasana. Feeling the ground meeting the edges of the body, feeling the edges of the body sinking into the ground and sensing the way the body furthers its relationship to the earth through the breath is really fascinating to me now in a way that it wasn't when I was younger and more interested in strength and flexibility. Increasing strength and flexibility are still very important elements of my practice but they don't exist in isolation.


yeah - tadasana/mt. pose  is more demanding to. do. it. right. than people may realize.  I visualize myself standing under a gentle waterfall washing all the impurities/toxins out of my body.  and. it. feels. good.


dudeling calls savasana/corpse pose "snuggle pose" because he'll come and snuggle me.  I usually end up altering it into reclining cobbler's pose as it really opens up the hips - and I can still relax.

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I'm about to start a quickie (15 minute) ashtanga video by David Swenson. I'm posting now and will edit to add when I'm done, so I will have a reason to get off my duff. I might not breathe all too well due to a stuffy nose, but gosh I really need to get it done.


Edit: Done. Before the sun salutation A's were done, I could breathe. Note to self: stuffy noses are not a good excuse.

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Thursday 6/5


15 min AM Yoga with Rodney Yee

5 min meditation


I've got a horrible sore throat complete with the swimmy head, crazy coughing and painful lungs. Bleck! It made deep breathing pretty uncomfortable this morning.


20 min PM Yoga with DS before bed.

Mediation at the end, though I didn't time it.

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I did . 

I also had a dr appointment and had a bp check. (first one while being excruciatingly diligent to do daily yoga for at least three weeks.)  it was 104/70.  the lowest it's been for years.  (into my 30's it was still 90/60)

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I did .

I also had a dr appointment and had a bp check. (first one while being excruciatingly diligent to do daily yoga for at least three weeks.) it was 104/70. the lowest it's been for years. (into my 30's it was still 90/60)

Woohoo! That's fantastic!

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I feel a little embarrassed to admit I do a.m. and p.m. yoga with Jane Fonda.    I only do 15-20 min. workouts  at home, once a day. I have tricky shoulders that are trying to heal, which makes some of the poses very awkward. I would like to add in some meditation. Stilling my mind has always been hard.

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I feel a little embarrassed to admit I do a.m. and p.m. yoga with Jane Fonda. I only do 15-20 min. workouts at home, once a day. I have tricky shoulders that are trying to heal, which makes some of the poses very awkward. I would like to add in some meditation. Stilling my mind has always been hard.

No need to be embarrassed! Everybody starts somewhere. And plus, you're doing more than just sitting on the couch. :) Do what works for you and don't worry about what anyone else might think. You're awesome!

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Uuuuugggghhhhh!i cannot seem to get to yoga! I know it's my fault for not making it the most important think I do in a day. Work has been crazy! My personal house showed twice yesterday which meant I had to run home and clean it? : O I hosted the sales meeting yesterday, and my son's social schedule is keeping me running hither and yon. I am scheduled at 5 today. We wil see....

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I feel a little embarrassed to admit I do a.m. and p.m. yoga with Jane Fonda.    I only do 15-20 min. workouts  at home, once a day. I have tricky shoulders that are trying to heal, which makes some of the poses very awkward. I would like to add in some meditation. Stilling my mind has always been hard.



No need to be embarrassed! Everybody starts somewhere. And plus, you're doing more than just sitting on the couch. :) Do what works for you and don't worry about what anyone else might think. You're awesome!


I agree! No need to be embarrassed! I'm glad you've found something that works for you! :hurray:  Shoulders can be tricky. Healing can take a long time, so be gentle with yourself... :grouphug:

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I feel a little embarrassed to admit I do a.m. and p.m. yoga with Jane Fonda.    I only do 15-20 min. workouts  at home, once a day. I have tricky shoulders that are trying to heal, which makes some of the poses very awkward. I would like to add in some meditation. Stilling my mind has always been hard.


 I am a huge Jane Fonda fan. I have never seen any Jane Fonda yoga but I'm sure it's fantastic. Have you seen her Ted Talk? http://www.ted.com/talks/jane_fonda_life_s_third_act

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