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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

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Good Morning! Well, after yesterday's very cool and rainy weather, it's so nice to see the sun poking out:)


Breakfast ( i think i'm going to make banana muffins)


Upstairs: dust, vac and boys bathroom (which I never did yesterday)

Work on portfolios

maybe some weeding if I can get outside this afternoon


Dinner: Tacos, corn and applesauce

Movie: The Hobbit (the boys are SO excited, we read it for lit this year and I promised them the movie after we finished:)


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Good morning all!

I am at a bagel shop enjoying my early morning. When dd1 gets done, we will head home and get started on the day.

To do:

School for dd2 and ds3

Oversee teens

Pick up downstairs

Finish skirt no. 2

Swim meet this afternoon (all sprints, will be fun and fast)

Home for dinner and rest.


Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning my brain :)

- dishes- done

- laundry- in dryer

- tidy house- done for now

- plan summer school ( I'm still gathering stuff)

- get dd1 off bus

- go pay bills (I would get dd1 from school but dd2 is sleeping and has had her nap interrupted everyday since Tuesday)

- dinner- something with burger

- bedtime routine

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Good Morning and TGIF everyone!  :hurray:



  • DS is finishing up some work for this week and doesn't need me...so --DONE
  • haircut, nails and pedi --DONE
  • DS to music lessons--DONE
  • bank--DONE
  • Wal-Mart--DONE
  • CostcoDONE
  • This evening -check ds work and make plans for the weekend.






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Return keys to the PO now that we're moved and mail is forwarded.

Pick up tablecloths and table deco for Ana's grad party.

Pick up her dress for which I shall be forever loved.

Order Explode the Code books for short people.
Have the girls paint the nursery.

Put up blinds and window treatments that didn't go up yesterday.

Sit and watch DH put together the girls' sandbox. :P :)
Hoping beyond hoping that we get the newly painted and very lovely front door up today or tomorrow AM.  (This was my one beloved project for the new house.  So excited!)

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Another cloudy morning, sigh. I had major insomnia last night which only happens when I am stressed about something. This time it was high school planning---how to fit together college admission requirements for schools-yet-to-be-determined while allowing dd to follow her diverse interests of math, archaeology, and geology. Sheesh. Dh finally distracted me ;) and I fell asleep after the birds started singing.


So I came down later at 8:30 while ds was taking his shower. I heard a dripping sound and discovered water dripping out of the kitchen ceiling fixture :eek: Quick text to dh and we'll be making the replace-the-kids'-tub-and-shower decision sooner rather than later! I may get a deep tub out of this :D



--finish decaf

--exercise, prob walking outside

--school w dd

--make grocery list for this upcoming week (most ads switch over today)

--errands: dd to ballet, library if any holds come in, whichever store has potatoes on sale



It's graduation weekend for the university. I get choked up every year by kids walking around in their gowns, especially the newly-hooded doctoral students, and all the signs around town thanking parents. Next year will be ds's turn!


Oh geez, I have to get changed and put the recycling bin at the curb. The truck just entered the neighborhood...

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Well I'm feeling better today so I'll attempt to tackle a few things while still taking it pretty easy.


-figure out what I'm wearing to a viewing tonight

-figure out what I'm wearing to the kung fu school banquet tomorrow

-run out and find dh new pants for tonight

-figure out what kid's are wearing to banquet tomorrow

-pick up CSA share

-attend viewing around 5

-spend 1 hour planning for next year

-pick up pert sitting client's mail


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So, what are these threads about? I've never ventured in here because I thought it was about cleaning, which I've not felt up to for some time. But, it seems to be a general daily to-do list?

Yes a general to do list, it's my brain with out ADD :) I get distracted, forget what I'm supposed be doing then come here and get reminded :)
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Oh, I can get on board with that! May I?


Already took the boy to OT.


Wash diapers

Wash the boys' clothes


Take a nap!!!

Get something to take to scouts

Cub Scouts graduation ceremony


ETA: and feed the baby, burp the baby, and change the baby's diaper. Repeat.

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Welcome, Kathryn, and good morning, everyone!  


Lucky--hope your day goes better than your night. 


I canceled my appointment because my head is better. I still have one small sore spot, but I've not taken ibuprofen since yesterday morning. I will go to the walk-in clinic over the weekend if it flares back up or my own doctor if it's not gone by Monday. 


Dh and I took a walk after breakfast.


Now we are deciding what to do with the remainder of our day. I'll get back here when I know our final plans.


Happy Tackling!


Oh, Kelly, I was trying to change my photo, but it keeps saying the file is too large. I tried resizing it in Paint, but it still is too big. I'm posting it here. I don't think it does it justice but I've never taken a "selfie" before! 


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Well, now it let me do it!  Crazy computer stuff!


I totally forgot to tell you about dh's interview. He feels that it went really well. The position in our town is only part-time and starts in July. It's Tuesday and Thursday nights, so dh is thinking about taking it even if he finds something else, which will get his foot in the door. The director is over several locations in our general area, and she asked if dh was flexible in hours and willingness to go to other locations, which he is. Obviously, he'd prefer full-time, and there is a possibility of that. They won't begin interviewing for full-time until a little later in June. 


So summer plans are narrowed down but still due to change. Ds needs to be here at least through the 14th to get the local swim meet out of the way and get some good instruction down. Dd's play practices are all summer, but the performances are at the end of July and first of August. Dh would start the week after July 4th if he gets the part-time. If he gets full-time we want to take a vacation as well as go to Ohio to see his family, so sometime between Father's Day and July 4th we might do both. 


My big decision now is about the school work and projects I want to get done this summer. I'm going to make a few "what if" plans. 





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Heading out now to pick up someone's mail, hopefully find pants for dh to wear tonight, find a nice shirt for me to wear tonight since my youngest just spilled my coffee all over the one I was going to wear! Then its home to shower and get ready for the viewing

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I've dropped dd off for her testing.

Ds has had his allergy shots.

We did some walking - very good for me because my muscles had me in serious pain and contortions.  I didn't believe ds when he told me that I needed to walk through the pain but darn it, the boy was right.

We're at the library now and I'm getting my WTM fix after taking care of library stuff.  

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Amy, I love your haircut...really cute!


DS mowed the yard also while I was out and dh is going to weed eat everything and tidy up outside.  


We are officially stocked up and everything for several weeks.  I will only need milk and produce. 

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Argh! DH just called and said he's going to be late and I have to do Scouts by myself. At a miniature golf place. With a picnic dinner. With my two stir-crazy boys and a three-week old





Oh no!  Hope it goes much better than you think it will!

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Jean--hope you are feeling much better very soon!


Kathryn--hope he gets there in time and things go well!


Dh took dd out to lunch and let her drive around awhile. Ds went over to the neighbor's house to play. I got on the Kroger site and loaded coupons to my card.


I went to Office Max to get ink, to Wal-mart to do an exchange and order contacts for dd, went to Dollar Tree for storage bins for project, and went to Kroger.


They finally had in my favorite treat (So Delicious No Sugar Added Vanilla Bars), which were on sale, and I had a coupon!



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