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Book a Week in 2014 - BW22

Robin M

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:001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub: One day I will splurge on this.



I believe it's OOP but I got it at a very reasonable $20 on Amazon, brand new! It's gorgeous, a large hardcover version and if you're a KC fan, which IIRC you are, then you'll love it :D It makes me want to buy some of Patricia McKillip's fantasy books just for the covers alone as she and KC have collaborated fairly extensively over the years. If you've got Sleeping Beauty check out some of the pictures for a large great dane/german shepherd type dog with daisy chains around his neck. This is Kuniko's own beloved dog and he manages to find his way into a lot her paintings, something very sweet about that.


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So tell me what the 5/5/5 challenges are. Fill me in!




The 5/5/5 should be called the 5/5 in my opinion:  Read five books in five categories of your choosing.  These can be as general or specific as you want them to be (and subject to revision, of course!)


My 5/5/5 categories for 2014 are: Food novels and memoirs; Eastern/Middle European authors; Dusty books; Dorothy Dunnett novels; Shaw plays.


My progress so far:  Foodie - 4; East/Mid Europeans - 3; Dusties - 5; Dorothy Dunnett - 1; Shaw - 0. :leaving:


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Oh, and I finished The Alchemist, which I don't think I posted here. Aw, it got so many poor reviews, but I really liked it. I thought it was simplistic and yet I reveled in that simplicity. I thought it was an interesting tale of life and trials being a homogeneous mixture, even though we so often try to separate them, all the while not neglecting reference to a higher power - be it fate, omens, or (a) God. I enjoyed it, but could understand if it's not someone's cup of tea. :) It made me want to go sit on the author's porch overlooking the Brazilian landscape with a glass of wine and just discuss life.

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I believe it's OOP but I got it at a very reasonable $20 on Amazon, brand new! It's gorgeous, a large hardcover version and if you're a KC fan, which IIRC you are, then you'll love it :D It makes me want to buy some of Patricia McKillip's fantasy books just for the covers alone as she and KC have collaborated fairly extensively over the years. If you've got Sleeping Beauty check out some of the pictures for a large great dane/german shepherd type dog with daisy chains around his neck. This is Kuniko's own beloved dog and he manages to find his way into a lot her paintings, something very sweet about that.



I just looked through my book - awww!!!! I love that! What was the title of the one you got? I thought I saw a collection of her's back when you said you ordered it but I'm not seeing it now. I want to be on the lookout.

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Oh, and I finished The Alchemist, which I don't think I posted here. Aw, it got so many poor reviews, but I really liked it. I thought it was simplistic and yet I reveled in that simplicity. I thought it was an interesting tale of life and trials being a homogeneous mixture, even though we so often try to separate them, all the while not neglecting reference to a higher power - be it fate, omens, or (a) God. I enjoyed it, but could understand if it's not someone's cup of tea. :) It made me want to go sit on the author's porch overlooking the Brazilian landscape with a glass of wine and just discuss life.


I was among those who disliked it.  But I'll sit on a porch and chat about life over a glass of wine any day!


ETA:  I did not read The Alchemist; I read Aleph which did not inspire me to consider reading anything else by Coelho!

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I just looked through my book - awww!!!! I love that! What was the title of the one you got? I thought I saw a collection of her's back when you said you ordered it but I'm not seeing it now. I want to be on the lookout.


Kuniko Craft : Drawings and Paintings Vol. 1. Here's the link. It looks as though she'll also be bringing out a calendar for next year after several years of not doing so. Some of her older calendars are selling for a fair bit. And there are some of her images on notecards as well. That should keep you going for a while :D

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Kuniko Craft : Drawings and Paintings Vol. 1. Here's the link. It looks as though she'll also be bringing out a calendar for next year after several years of not doing so. Some of her older calendars are selling for a fair bit. And there are some of her images on notecards as well. That should keep you going for a while :D


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I would love that! :( I actually went on to Meetup.com the other day because I enjoy this group so much and thought it would be wonderful to have a group IRL to meet with. I'm sure that they are all great groups, but as I looked through them, I just couldn't bring myself to join one right now. I mean, you gals are my "book group"!

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I just got Chasing the Sun this morning. I don't know if I'll like it, but it looked interesting enough. I thought Dragon's Triangle looked interesting, but I thought I read it was second in a series, so that always somewhat will deter me, as I just MUST read books in order. ;)





I almost got Chasing the Sun myself but I have Peru covered thanks to the South American discussion a couple of weeks ago.  I am now a bit bummed because I suffer from the "must read in order syndrome" also and hadn't realized it was a second book. ;(   The positive odd part is I already have Circle of Bones, the first one, in my kindle library thanks to being pretty addicted to scrolling through the top hundred Kindle freebies on a regular basis.  I haven't been doing that as often lately and really should start again.  I keep finding useful things in my archives. :lol:  The first one is also a prime choice if anyone really wants to read them.

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Monica, if you were closer we'd just have to spend this time over coffee and chocolate together rather than quoting each other and posting :lol:



I would love that! :( I actually went on to Meetup.com the other day because I enjoy this group so much and thought it would be wonderful to have a group IRL to meet with. I'm sure that they are all great groups, but as I looked through them, I just couldn't bring myself to join one right now. I mean, you gals are my "book group"!



I wish - One of these days, I want to plan a west side get away as well as an east side get away.   To bad we can't all meet in the middle.

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Sorry, I didn't list most authors. Ice was by Sarah Beth Durst. It was ok, I had to push through to the end but if it is a favorite of yours you'd probably enjoy seeing how she reworks it...on the other hand you could really hate it!

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I wish - One of these days, I want to plan a west side get away as well as an east side get away. To bad we can't all meet in the middle.

Obviously we need a Third Coast getaway, right? I don't think I'll be able to get down to Mumto2's territory on this trip, alas, but British Air now flies direct from Heathrow to Austin....

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Mr. Penumbra is now behind me.  Mumto2 will be happy to learn that there is nothing inappropriate for your high school student in the book.


It was a disappointment for me. I liked the premise but the lack of character development followed by a plot that is just plain silly in the second half (and not silly in a Terry Pratchett sort of way but silly in its coincidental improbability).


What's next?  Dinner and the theater with my husband--a date!  Readingwise?  I don't know...

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Rosie! Hurry! We must run the other way! Now! Don't slow down or look back!


Not fast enough! Here!

                                            :auto:         :auto: 


I've been reading Terry Pratchett's Maskerade. It had my brother and I in hysterics, and poor Mum didn't see the humour. I read her the bit about Granny Weatherwax threatening to break Death's arm and she thought that was funny. There's some hope for her, perhaps.

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Sorry, I didn't list most authors. Ice was by Sarah Beth Durst. It was ok, I had to push through to the end but if it is a favorite of yours you'd probably enjoy seeing how she reworks it...on the other hand you could really hate it!


Thanks! I just put it on hold at my library. The tags for the book were Arctic regions, Fairytales, Polar Bears, Scientists, and Supernatural. That's kind of an irresistible book to me. :p


I almost got Chasing the Sun myself but I have Peru covered thanks to the South American discussion a couple of weeks ago.  I am now a bit bummed because I suffer from the "must read in order syndrome" also and hadn't realized it was a second book. ;(   The positive odd part is I already have Circle of Bones, the first one, in my kindle library thanks to being pretty addicted to scrolling through the top hundred Kindle freebies on a regular basis.  I haven't been doing that as often lately and really should start again.  I keep finding useful things in my archives. :lol:  The first one is also a prime choice if anyone really wants to read them.


I've got a couple lined up for South America now....I just need to mosey on down there now! I think if I could, I'd hang out in the Arctic, I'm enjoying the snow in Winter's Tale, especially with a forecasted high here today of 108*. Summer is here. :coolgleamA:

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Mr. Penumbra is now behind me.  Mumto2 will be happy to learn that there is nothing inappropriate for your high school student in the book.


It was a disappointment for me. I liked the premise but the lack of character development followed by a plot that is just plain silly in the second half (and not silly in a Terry Pratchett sort of way but silly in its coincidental improbability).


What's next?  Dinner and the theater with my husband--a date!  Readingwise?  I don't know...

Thank you Jane.  I hope you have a great time on your date.  Dh and I had our first dinner date since kids where we went just for fun, not because we needed to discuss something without the dc's.   It was great fun especially since we dropped them at an activity and went, they still have no clue.  They both love that restaurant, the waitress actually asked where they were.  Not because we go so often but our accent makes us memorable.


I have started several books and am meandering through several.  One that I am finding interesting both content wise and I because like the author's societal observations so far is Con Law http://booksellersnz.wordpress.com/2013/07/17/book-review-con-law-by-mark-gimenez/ .  Odd that the best review for an American Legal thriller came from New Zealand!  Oil fracking is one of the main issues that his cause seems to be centering on.  I am only 44% in but doubt I will have time to add the link tomorrow so hopefully someone will find it useful now.


VC,  I wish you were heading this way.  

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