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my former nanny has 60+ photos of my kids on her facebook page. . .

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Do you have sources for this? From my readings it all hinges on where they were taken. People cannot take your picture without permission in a place where you have a "reasonable expectation of privacy". If they were taken in a public place, then the nanny owns the copyright to the picture and has done nothing *legally* wrong. Here's some sites the OP might want to peruse about the rights of photographers.




However, she didn't follow Facebook's privacy policy (quoted in my earlier post) and you have every right to ask her & Facebook to take them down.


As to the subject of should she even be taking their pictures... I nannied some girls back in my mid-20s (before kids) and we did a photo shoot one afternoon. I had just gotten a new camera, they wanted to "be models", so we spent one afternoon having a lot of fun. I gave the doubles to their parents and kept some for myself. I see nothing wrong with that. It doesn't make me a creep to want some pictures of some little girls who were very special to me at that point in my life. I think some grace needs to be shown to this nanny. In this digital age, it's easy to shoot 60 pics...no worries about film & developing costs.

she took the pictures in my home, without permission or telling me she did, while I laid upstair recupperating from major surgery. Some were also taken later when we had her babysit for an evening engagement we had--again on her cell phone totally without permission or even our awares.

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All the advice you have been given is good, contact facebook or the old nanny...


But, just so you know, there is a feature that will allow you to remove a tag on a photo. My fil posted a few less than flattering pics of me and tagged them and I went in and removed the tags. Not sure if that is only pictures of yourself though.


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she took the pictures in my home, without permission or telling me she did, while I laid upstair recupperating from major surgery. Some were also taken later when we had her babysit for an evening engagement we had--again on her cell phone totally without permission or even our awares.


Well, if she took them in your home (where you have a "reasonable expectation of privacy") you have every right to ask her to destroy all the pictures. Hope you get all this straightened out! :grouphug:

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As to the subject of should she even be taking their pictures... I nannied some girls back in my mid-20s (before kids) and we did a photo shoot one afternoon. I had just gotten a new camera, they wanted to "be models", so we spent one afternoon having a lot of fun. I gave the doubles to their parents and kept some for myself. I see nothing wrong with that. It doesn't make me a creep to want some pictures of some little girls who were very special to me at that point in my life. I think some grace needs to be shown to this nanny. In this digital age, it's easy to shoot 60 pics...no worries about film & developing costs.


You are right ~ it doesn't make you a creep to want some pictures of some little girls who were very special to you at that point in your life. But you made the parents aware of the photos AND you didn't take those photos and put them on the internet without the parent's permission. You were responsible and gave those girls a precious memory. ;)


Also, it's one thing to shoot 60 pics. It's another thing to plaster them on the internet and label them without the parent's knowledge and keep them there when your "nanny" relationship was severed.

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CalicoKat, I don't understand --- WHY are the pictures there? :confused: I can't think of a good reason she would want them there? I don't use facebook, so I really don't get for what reason she has them there. Just trying to understand. But I can't think of any reason I would allow someone to post that many photos of my children without my permission!





I don't know why either. I didn't allow her take these pictures. She did it without my knowledge. In fact, I didn't know about the pictures till she invited me to be her one of her facebook friends and Voila! Pictures, many pictures, of my kids taken while she was at the house babysitting them.


She removed them on my request this afternoon-very defensively explaining that no one would see them that she didn't know. . . . I just said thank you. I appreciate you taking them off right away.

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She removed them on my request this afternoon-very defensively explaining that no one would see them that she didn't know. . . . I just said thank you. I appreciate you taking them off right away.


The world is changing so fast. I would do the same thing.


I was a the public pool last summer. The pool people asked me to sign something with my address and phone while I was waiting to take a picture of ds coming down the big slide.


I said, "Oh you care if my camera gets stolen?" They said, "that too."


It took a minute to figure it out, "internet stuff".


I didn't want to go there after that.


What is the world coming to? :confused:

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and even then I would ask, but to post them on facebook???!!! That seems way out of line to me. And then I saw that she put their names? NO WAY. That is unacceptable to me. I would definitely ask?(tell?--I don't know) to get those off. I am upset and angry for you. Yes,yes,yes, make her take them off!

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:iagree: That's just creepy.



Wow. That is just totally out of line. You know, I wonder if facebook has any rules about that kind of thing. You could say that you found these pictures and you are really concerned, and you didn't grant permission, etc.


Just a thought.

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