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What, if anything, do you toss from the fridge if you lost power for a while?


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We had a bad storm last night, and lost power from 11pm until close to 7am, then again this morning from 9 to 10:30 or so. I've never lost power for that long before, so I'm not sure what, if anything I should toss.


I know after the 2nd power loss, the fridge was up to 48 degrees {I normally keep it set on 38}. I don't know how high it went on the 1st one - I heard the power come back on, but went back to sleep. I did have a full fridge with milk, eggs, leftovers, and fruit in it. The only things I'm worried about really are the leftovers.


What would you toss, if anything?

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Anything like luncheon meat I might go ahead and eat today, if possible.  Leftovers definitely chunk if it is something other than a cake or something like that.  I would probably chunk remaining uncooked meat within a couple of days if you haven't had a chance to eat it.  


We had a power outage, too.  Been tossing the leftovers and noting what we need to eat quickly here as well....

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Did the fridge remained closed all through the night power outage?  If so, it is probably all fine.  The fridge holds it cold as long as is it not opened.

Yes, but I'll be honest - the seal is not great. I'm waiting on a part to fix it to come in & have been using a very heavy box to keep it shut.


So, it went from 38 up to eventually 48.  I wouldn't toss anything at all.  It would have shortened the life span of some of the items in there, but I wouldn't even toss the leftovers.  It isn't like they were left on the counter at 70F for a few hours.  


Well, the 2nd time it went to 48. IDK how high it went the 1st time, as I didn't go check when the power came back on {I really should have}.



Everyone else - thank you for the advice. I'm going to toss the leftovers & probably the lunch meat {it was already on the old side}.

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