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AP Bio in 9th?

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After our meeting with the school counselor yesterday, I got to wondering just what the difference was between regular bio and AP (counselor couldn't tell us :cursing: ). She said the AP could be taken after regular bio, but then I wondered just how different it'd be and why not just take the AP.  In my experience, you don't take chem before AP Chemistry, or Physics before AP.  Is the AP class something a 9th grader with strong science sense could handle? 

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I taught it last year (AP bio, I mean), and one boy was a 9th grader.  He is very bright, and I had also taught him his junior high science classes, so I knew what his preparation was.  He did fine on the exam, getting a 4 (only 5% got a 5 last year).  It was very challenging, and it took an inordinate amount of time (not just for him, but for everyone), but it certainly wasn't undoable.  


His preparation was BJU life science and physical science, and those did provide enough preparation for the class.

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In my experience, you don't take chem before AP Chemistry, or Physics before AP.


When I taught AP Chemistry, taking a year of chemistry was highly encouraged by myself and the counselor. There were a couple of students who attempted it, but as a first exposure to chemistry, it was too much information, too fast, to cover the curriculum needed to properly prepare for the test. It's designed to at least somewhat mimic a college-level course.


Erica in OR

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