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Exercise Thread ~ 4/27 - 5/3


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Jogged 2 miles with all 4 kids...what was i thinking?! Ugh.


I consider this a "double work-out" of both body and mind. It's more of a mind work-out for me, and it burns up my energy FAST.


Good for you, and you really are planting the seeds for life-long fitness with the dc!

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My knee was sore this morning so I decided to skip a wo. Then I decided to do stretching. Then I decided to add a light warm up. 


So I did Dense Austen:


Easy Mile Walk

Easy Stretching

Yoga Relax


I can bend my knee all the way now! I can do child's pose! I can do a full quad stretch! I'm so excited.


Can't bounce on it or jog yet though.

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Today I did a 2 mile run outside in my minimalist shoes.  It's the first time I wore them outside.  My legs felt good, but I could feel my calf working harder.  I then came home and did kettlebell.  I did something new with kettlebell, I did double push-presses, meaning a bell in each hand.  I had 26lb bells, so 52lbs total.  It was fun, and doing it made me feel strong. :D


Which minimalist shoes?  I can feel the difference a bit in my calves but especially in my ankles- especially on a hilly run.  I guess your ankles are more flexed since there is no heel on the shoe...  


I'm still working on the transition.  My Ascics still beckon when I'm tired.

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Starting month 4 of swimming 3x a week with a masters class. Over the course of 4 months I moved out of the slow lane and into the medium lane, learned how to do a freestyle flip turn, a breaststroke turn, and a backstroke turn. I'm in the beginning stages of learning the butterfly. :hurray:  I signed up for a "senior" swim meet happening at the end of the month. I need to take 10-15 seconds off my 50s to be remotely competitive, but just getting out there and doing it is good enough for me.


I also ordered prescription goggles so I can go boogie boarding again. I miss the ocean.

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Which minimalist shoes?  I can feel the difference a bit in my calves but especially in my ankles- especially on a hilly run.  I guess your ankles are more flexed since there is no heel on the shoe...  


I'm still working on the transition.  My Ascics still beckon when I'm tired.



I have a pair of NB.  I can really feel the difference, and I was afraid to go more than 2 miles.  Right now my plan is to work up to 30 minutes once a week, then if that goes well, twice a week.  I don't think I could do long distances in them.  My heel really turns in, and my right foot lands out to the side.  I need some cushining and Superfeet, but I think it may help to strengthen my feet if I use them on the short runs.  I'll have to see.  If I get any pain I will stop.  I've noticed an improvement in my running form since using them (I started in the late fall on my treadmill, once a week).  I'm running more upright, and it's even improved my pace.  I think that's because I'm engaging my core more.  

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Crazy day today. Jogged 2 miles. Nearly ran over by 2 different teenagers texting and driving. Thankfully I run against traffic and can see the cars swerving off the road. Also was greeted by a very happy, sweet, LARGE Rottweiler puppy and by greeted, I mean jumped on mid run. The kid walking her was probably 10ish and tiny.


Push mowed my lawn as well. Stick a fork in me, I'm done.

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Convict Conditioning again.


Horizontal Pull - 1x10, 1x4, 1x8

Jacknife Squats - 1x40, 1x25



Wall Pushup - 3x50 (Progression)

Knee Tuck - 1x40, 1x15


Also am signing up for a 5k (Run or Dye) next month. Eek, I hate running. I'm not terrible at it (about an 8 min mile) but I really don't like it.

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Crazy day today. Jogged 2 miles. Nearly ran over by 2 different teenagers texting and driving. Thankfully I run against traffic and can see the cars swerving off the road. Also was greeted by a very happy, sweet, LARGE Rottweiler puppy and by greeted, I mean jumped on mid run. The kid walking her was probably 10ish and tiny.


Push mowed my lawn as well. Stick a fork in me, I'm done.

Be careful!

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My workout today was fun.


Convict Conditioning today:


Headstand - 2 min (Progression level!)

Short Bridges - 3x50 (Progression level!)


Get to go to level 2 in two exercises.. yay!


Parkour training:

Broad jumps with inch-worm QM to start point

Tuck jumps with soft landing


Forward Lunges

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About to do Leah Sarago: Ballet Body Core


That is one of my desert island workouts.  I love it.


I did 6.5 miles in 60 mins on my nordic track. I used that new iphone app from itrain and I really liked it. It is meant to be used on a treadmill, but I made it work, lol.

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For all you ladies who don't feel like stretching....Watch this all the way through. :eek:




My girls said they were going to grow up and do that daily. Lol they loved that video. Were they singing about potato salad or am I just craving potatos? Lol

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