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Depressed about Matt Walsh


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I guess I look at this in a very simple way:


Let's say 50 years ago their were 100 seats available at Harvard and they all went to white men.


Fast forward and now 50 seats are going to women, 10 to black men, 10 to Asian men and 30 to white men.  Clearly, those 70 white men who feel that they are entitled to admission will feel that the women and the black men and the Asian men took "their" seats away from them.  Those white men are now competing for a much smaller portion of the pie.


Yes, competition has become harder for those groups who traditionally had power, prestige, access to all the best in society.  However, that in my mind is progress because there are groups who never had access who now are getting a slice of the pie.


I think the entire AA discussion will turn on its head when white communities become the minorities and schools have to work to let in white students and turn away  Asian students with higher grades and SATs to do so.



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Huh, AA hire has never crossed my mind, nor have I heard it when in reference to incompetent workers.


What we DID say under our breath was that they must have known someone because there could be no way he/she was hired on their merit.


I always assume it is who you know, not what you know that gets you ahead many times.




If AA has ever kept me from being hired, I'm unaware of it. I can't say it never happened, but I'm always curious how people would know they lost a job possibility due to AA, unless they were specifically told. I too have often heard of an ineffective/unqualified person's connections questioned. It was always who did they know or who are they related to? Even if the person was a member of a minority race, it was still whispered that s/he must know someone.


That's pretty bizarre. Why are you getting pulled over so often? Are you breaking traffic laws repeatedly, and just getting lucky enough to not get tickets again and again? 




Yes, that's an awful lot. I got pulled over often when I was younger because I usually broke speed limit laws. I stopped speeding because I'm apparently the one person who gets caught for speeding (people fly past me all the time and I never see them getting pulled over). I stopped speeding and I have only been stopped once in over 20 years. That one time was because I had a tail light out. I wasn't ticketed and I thanked the officer for letting me know (Florida doesn't have vehicle inspection).


Really?? I can't help it... I start daydreaming or thinking about things I have to do later that day/week and my foot just gets heavy.


I'll only be going about 10 miles over- but they *always* get me.


That was me - see above. I use my cruise control as much as possible, even when I'm just running errands. CC is a huge help in keeping my lead foot under control.

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Bumping to note that Mr. Walsh published a pro-homeschooling post today that I am seeing from a DIFFERENT set of Facebook friends that ALSO irritated the heck out of me.

So, apparently, I just don't like the guy.


Why are you driving traffic to his blog?

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Why are you driving traffic to his blog?



Why so confrontational?


I saw a home school specific thing related to this topic. It was getting some attention in my circle of friends. I thought I'd rather see it posted here, in this context, rather than as a new topic that might make him sound like   hero. That is why I posted it.

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Bumping to note that Mr. Walsh published a pro-homeschooling post today that I am seeing from a DIFFERENT set of Facebook friends that ALSO irritated the heck out of me.

So, apparently, I just don't like the guy.


I've never read him before but I actually liked this post you linked.  None of his arguments were new to me (they are often mentioned on this forum) but I felt like he expressed them well and had back up for them.  I also felt that he was balanced and pointed out some of the good points as well as the bad points of public school.  


I have never read or have the desire to read any of his other articles so I have no idea what I think of him in general.  

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Class not race? Could you please explain because I don't see that at all.

I know a number of kids who are white who happen to have names that are in that list that was used by that study (sending out job applications to see which get call backs). They happen to kids who came from less advantaged backgrounds, even though they're white.


I also know a number of non-white kids who have names that are on the "white name" list. These kids tend to come from less disadvantaged circumstances.


So when I look at that list of names, what jumps out at me is class differences, not race.


My experiences with names are anecdotal, but they do suggest to me that these names should have at least been checked for race associations -- the association in the mind of the test subjects (the people receiving the applications).


To do that study right, a pre-study needed to be done -- to determine how those names were viewed by the test subjects. Are they markers of race or class? Are they markers of anything?


But the pre-study itself may have biased the final results.


Still, the study is finding something. I'm just not sure it's what they think they're finding.

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You know a lot of white kids named LaTonya and Mohammed?

I would say that is unusual.


I grew up pretty poor (over 50% lunch assistance in my elementary school) and entirely white. The kids I knew tended to have name Stephanie, Jennifer, Jessica if girls, and apostle names (Matt, Mark, John, Andrew, Tom....) if boys.


I'm sure there are always exceptions. 

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