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Interesting encounter at B&N

Night Elf

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Dd16 and I went to B&N on Saturday. As we left the store and went outside, a young girl, looked to be about 10 - 12 years old, handed us a card and a Starbucks $5 gift card for Easter. Her mom was right behind her and said it was just sharing Easter joy. She had a very large stack of those gift cards in her hand. I wonder how much money they spent? But it was a nice gesture. I expected a religious conversation like asking if I was saved, but nope. They only said Happy Easter.

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That's really sweet!  But am I the only one a little taken aback by the way that Easter has turned into a mini-Christmas?  I was at Target Saturday, and people were stacked two- and three-deep around the Easter cards.  Who feels compelled to send greeting cards for EASTER?  I go all-out for Christmas, unabashedly so--lights, cards, baking, gift overload, but I scaled back the Easter baskets significantly this year when my ten year old presented me a mini-Easter list.  No way, dude; this is not a gift-giving holiday!


But I hope you enjoy your gift card.  Spontaneous generosity always warms my heart!

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I send Easter cards.  :laugh: Why not? It's on par with Christmas for me, as a Christian who believes the Resurrection is something to celebrate. We don't, however, have lists of people to send to like some do for Christmas (we don't send Christmas cards anymore, except to  select family).


We don't do baskets with gifts, though, unless it's the occasional kid/teen devotional or something like that, or maybe a stuffie or wind-up chick when they were litte. One of the things I like about Easter is the "no gift pressure" surrounding it. 

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What a nice surprise.



Dd16 and I went to B&N on Saturday. As we left the store and went outside, a young girl, looked to be about 10 - 12 years old, handed us a card and a Starbucks $5 gift card for Easter. Her mom was right behind her and said it was just sharing Easter joy. She had a very large stack of those gift cards in her hand. I wonder how much money they spent? But it was a nice gesture. I expected a religious conversation like asking if I was saved, but nope. They only said Happy Easter.


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That's really sweet!  But am I the only one a little taken aback by the way that Easter has turned into a mini-Christmas?  I was at Target Saturday, and people were stacked two- and three-deep around the Easter cards.  Who feels compelled to send greeting cards for EASTER?  I go all-out for Christmas, unabashedly so--lights, cards, baking, gift overload, but I scaled back the Easter baskets significantly this year when my ten year old presented me a mini-Easter list.  No way, dude; this is not a gift-giving holiday!


But I hope you enjoy your gift card.  Spontaneous generosity always warms my heart!


I'm with you there. One of dh's cousins (in her early 20's) posted a picture on Facebook of the Easter haul she'd gotten from her grandmother. There were at least a half a dozen different items of clothing, plus jewelry, make-up, and candy. There's no telling what she got from her parents.


We do Easter baskets with a small amount of candy and maybe a book or small toy. DS got a slinky and a pretend car key/remote thing (both from the $1 bin), and dd got sidewalk chalk. If they're getting new Easter shoes, sometimes I throw those in. I'm not the kind of person who gets too worked up over "keeping Christ in Christmas" (after all, relatively speaking, it is a fairly new holiday), but I like to keep the focus on Jesus at Easter.


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Who feels compelled to send greeting cards for EASTER?


My mom and aunt (father's sister) have always sent Easter cards as long as I can remember!  My mom only sends them to her kids and grandkids.  My aunt does the same plus my siblings' and my kids.

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Yep, grandparents often like to send Easter cards.  My grandmother always did...with a check....and this year for the first time I sent Easter cards to my nieces, all of whom live out of town and whom I miss very much.  I put a sheet of stickers in each card too.  It felt really nice to send them because I wanted to, not because I felt I had to, like at Christmas. 



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