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Weight loss vent. LC folks--help!


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Four years ago, I saw a picture of myself taken from behind and had a pretty big "Ugg" moment.  I went on the South Beach diet, started Metformin for my PCOS and lost 20 pounds. 


Over the years, I've kept it off by staying low carb and doing light cardio.  When I'd gain a few pounds back, I've gone back to Phase 1 (almost no carbs) and I've lost the weight quickly.


I got pregnant in November and had a miscarriage in February.  During that time I gained 6 pounds (I'm only 5'3" so 6 pounds is noticeable).


I finally decided to get rid of the extra pounds and I've been on Phase 1 for the past two weeks.  I knew it wasn't working by looking in the mirror.  I got on the scale for the first time in two weeks this morning--still weigh the same.  Ugg.


So, what do I do now??  I'm 37.  I know it will get harder to lose weight as I get older but I'm hoping that that isn't what is going on here.  I just bought a rowing machine to add to my exercise routine--maybe building up some muscles will help??  Any suggestions??

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I'm not a health professional nor do I play one on tv.  


I will say though that your overall health and fitness is one where you'll be playing the long game.   Two weeks is hardly enough to measure progress and frankly you are setting yourself up for failure to think in such short terms.     There are many more factors than diet and exercise that will impact your overall health and fitness, for example stress, hormones, sleep, and food quality. 


Take it easy on yourself.   Play the long game.   Take a look at your sleep and overall stress levels.  Choose foods with more nutrient density and a higher quality (less processed).    Choose activities that you enjoy and that you can do long term.



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I just keep going and it comes off in whoosh eventually. I lost 75 lbs 5 years ago. Gained 10 back slowly. Just restarted Terry Wahls Paleo Plus - stricter that reg paleo (no potato, no fruit etc) and didn't lose for two weeks, then 5 lbs for weeks 3 & 4. Wierd, but that is always how it was before too. I expect to plateau again then big loss. Don't know why...

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First of all, let me say that I am so very sorry about your miscarriage. :grouphug:


Secondly, I'd like to invite you to join the low-carb forum where I sometimes participate, because there are some really knowledgeable and helpful people there: http://nkevolution.freeforums.net


I'm not all that familiar with South Beach, but I think it's probably higher in protein and carbs than Nutritional Ketosis (which is the way I eat and the philosophy that this forum is based on), which is high-fat, moderate-protein, and very low-carb. If South Beach isn't working as well for you this time, it might be worth giving that a try.


Also, I do believe that weight-training or resistance-training is VERY important. Cardio is so good for you, but it's not sufficient alone, IMO. We do tend to lose muscle mass and tone as we age, so even at the same weight, I was flabbier before I did weights. I personally think that weights are a very fun part of an exercise routine. And it doesn't have to be those machines at the gym that isolate particular muscles, one at a time. You can do body-weight exercises (I think those are fun, and you can build an effective routine that is quick because you're not dealing with changing around any equipment between exercises). I take a Body Pump class at my gym which is really fun. I also take a barre class which I enjoy. There's TRX at my gym too but I've never tried that. Anyway, point is, there's lots of ways to enjoy resistance training.

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I think a lot of it is age rated. I am 46. In my younger days, I never had to lose a lot of weight, 10-15 lbs., but I'd do WW or South Beach and it would come off. Now, nothing I do works. I did Atkins phase 2 for 3 months at the beginning of this year and I gained half a pound. I talked to my doctor and she agrees that I need to boost my metabolism with exercise and increase muscle mass and I just need to eat even fewer calories now to lose weight. It's an ugly reality.

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It is a commonly known reality that subsequent "Phase One" (Or, in Atkins lingo, Induction) attempts weight loss rate is much less dramatic.


But I still believe in the integrity of the programs and approaches.


I have also experienced at a middle aged woman the rate at which I am able to lose slows considerably the older I get.

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I am in the midst of a similar experience.  In the past (read: prior to my mid-40s), if I wanted to lose some weight, I'd go on Atkins and POOF, off the weight would go.  Now, it's taken 5 weeks to achieve what would have been accomplished in a week or two.  Ugg.


However, you may also be dealing with still-unsettled hormones, especially if you are still dealing with the same underlying issues that caused you to take the Metformin.


I'm so sorry for your loss. :grouphug:

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