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Mental Health…what could this be?


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So, apparently a neighbor is doing the hearing from God thing…almost.  He's saying that the Mahdi (which is kind of like the Messiah in Islam…shows up with Jesus in the last days)…. gave him a secret message about a tsunami hitting Spain, etc.


He's also going seriously survivalist…stocking food, water, guns, etc.


This is all rather sudden.


Coupled with the fact that he was kicked out of his long-standing job, has financial issues, and is reportedly losing his house.


He seems too old for the typical onset of schizophrenia.  I realize that survivalist stuff is more common these days, but hearing secret messages from God or his friends is not. (At least that's my assumption….God has yet to warn me personally of natural disasters.)


Also, everything mixed up together makes me worry about familicide or him going postal or something.  Of course, he could be completely nonviolent, but …. what if he's not?


What do I do? My understanding is that the police can't do anything unless a crime is committed.  He's an adult…so I can't get him committed.  Help.

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No idea what issue this could be other than extreme stress, coupled with depression, perhaps paranoia, etc....


Does he have family or other people you can mention this to? I'd also mention it to the police (esp. if he is stocking up on guns ammo & there are known issues that may arise re: losing his house/being evicted, losing a long-held job recently, etc...). If he ends up getting an eviction notice or something like that, I'm sure the sheriff's office would appreciate a heads-up that this could be a potentially dangerous/armed situation.


I guess I'd start by calling any family of his that might be receptive to the info, the police/sheriff non-emergency line, monitor any conversations or FB type stuff re: his previous company (is he posting or saying threats?), perhaps contact HR of his previous company, etc.... Is there a psych hospital there that you could call & ask if there's anything you can to do report it, even if it's nothing more than being noted somewhere? Sounds rather scary. I know it's a fine line between slander & trying to do the right thing, & I also know the law is hampered in many ways from being proactive in these situations. Still, I think I'd cast about a bit & see what resources, if any, you find &/or places to make reports.

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Does he have a religious adviser who might be willing to help steer him to a mental health screening? If not, I might call my doctor's office to see what community resources might be helpful.


Do make some calls, though. You may be able to prevent a tragedy.

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Is this a result of his behavior at work?  Or did the behavior come after all of these events?


Honestly, I don't know which happened first.



A friend said to try contacting our local police department as some have social workers that work with them to handle such a thing.  We live in a small town, so I'm not sure of the resources, but I'm going to try anyway.


Our local hospital says that all holds have to be voluntary.  


It could be bipolar…I didn't think of that.  Had a friend who went through a bipolar episode which found him naked in town.  


Ugh. I hate this.  I have this horrible fear of seeing something on the news…and the old "why didn't anybody do something?"

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Would he agree to seeing a doctor?  It could be a mental health issue but it could also be a brain tumor or other medical issue.  If you approach it that way he might agree to go and then you would have the doctor to help back up any push for more care if needed

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It sounds like a schizophrenia type disorder and yes a person can have late and even very late onset (less common, but absolutely not impossible). Also I've seen some extreme behaviors similar to that in a person who was on a manic high (bipolar disorder).

My auntwasn't diagnosed until almost 53 with schizophrenia. She believes people are stealing her silverware, poisoning her food, moving things in her apartment, and she sometimes hears voices telling her to do odd things.


So I would definitely not rule out schizophrenia. But, unless he is a danger to himself or others, there is nothing you or his relatives can do. Legally, my cousins cannot force her into any treatment.

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