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Ever wanted to throw a temper tantrum, but felt too grown up to do so?


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I organized lunch at our church for today for 200+ people, spent 6 hours in the kitchen cooking and cleaning with an awesome team.  Came home at 3pm and promptly crawled into bed because I knew my feet and legs would start screaming.  Fell into a deep sleep and slept to 6:30 when my husband come into the bedroom, woke me up and asked me "What's for supper?"


I soo wanted to through a fit!  I wanted to cry, and stomp and swing at something.


Instead, I got up and started supper.  He went and sat in his chair in the living room and hollared if you need something just let me know.  The man is lucky to be alive, because I had a pot in my hand.  After "steaming: for 20 minutes and getting the ground beef browning, we had a quiet discussion in the bedroom and my teens finished up making supper.


He apologized.


I'm making a standard order for now on when I'm doing a church luncheon we are ordering pizza for supper and no one is to wake me up if I fall asleep.

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My response would have been "Whatever the freak you want to make".  (but not as nice).  Dh knows better than to wake the sleeping red-headed, German lady.  He would have just made dinner, and then woke me when it was ready.  He likes life too much to do otherwise.  :D

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Yes, however, I hate to admit there are times I do throw fits, and that situation would've been one of them! You definitely handled it so well, and I'm glad your DH apologized! Ahh, and my sons verse this week is Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

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Every Single Day.  My own Dh will say, "so it's fend for yourself for dinner tonight?"  He's learned.  DS will often make his own "2nd" dinner (from leftovers and such) before taking me on when I've had a really rotten day.  But then I really dislike cooking and still manage to put 2-3 cooked meals on the table 5-6 days a week.  

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