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Can you recommend some kindle books for 7 yo?

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My son is getting a kindle touch for his seventh birthday and I want to get a few books for him. He really liked Billy and Blaze so I may get one of those (he's only read the first one) but they are around $6 and I'd rather not spend that much. I would like to keep reading level close to Billy and Blaze and the magic treehouse books.

He will be using it for audiobooks a lot and free classics as he grows into them, I just want to get a few fun books on there for now.


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Does your local library have e-checkout? Mine has quite a few books at that early reader/chapter book level, and that might keep him busy for awhile.


A series I just found recently, and that has my 9 yr old's approval as being "accurate and well done" is the Backyard Naturalist series by Jeff Corwin (probably actually ghost-written, but it's under his name). It's a story of the usual early reader brother/sister pair who's parents are ecologists/naturalists in FL, who travel to different parts of the US and observe the (not dangerous) animals there, so the first one has them observing the animals seen in NYC, including Central Park. I'd say it's about the same reading level as Magic Tree House, and they are available as e-books through my library as well as through Amazon.





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Thanks! I think I'll go for one Billy and Blaze for him to keep then load it up with some library books. I didn't even think of the library! He is really enjoying reading and will love having all those books on his new kindle.

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Here are a few

The Playdate Busy Book: 200 Fun Activities for Kids of Different Ages


currently free

The Children's Busy Book: 365 Creative Learning Games and Activities to Keep Your 6- to 10-Year-Old Busy (Busy Books)


currently free


I also take a look at these

The $1 books


and the top 100 sellers (I usually just look at the first page of these, in various categories)


(I look at both free and paid)


I also am able to download for free from my library; it is very easy and the books expire on their due date. As a note, I've observed a fair number of the free books for kids have a Christian theme. If you're not interested, just read the description and reviews a bit more carefully than you might.

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