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I actually got rid of half our shoes!

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LOL - if you knew me, you'd know what a tremendous accomplishment that is!


Pictures are here! 'Cause you know you have nothing better to do, right?


This afternoon I got a little cranky about decluttering. It was half nostalgia for days gone by and half frustration at how much of my life has been spent organizing my stuff. I rebounded this evening, though. I wonder how it will feel when I'm all done?

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LOL - if you knew me, you'd know what a tremendous accomplishment that is!


Pictures are here! 'Cause you know you have nothing better to do, right?


This afternoon I got a little cranky about decluttering. It was half nostalgia for days gone by and half frustration at how much of my life has been spent organizing my stuff. I rebounded this evening, though. I wonder how it will feel when I'm all done?


You inspire me, woman. I'm so happy to see your updates here.

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You are my hero! :001_wub:


I am a declutterer by nature. Dh is not. But, he has been getting on board this year. Last week he took vacation and we had a "staycation" together. We spent a good portion of the week decluttering and organizing and fixing things that were broken or annoying. We simplified our lives big time. We literally took pick up truck loads of stuff to the Salvation Army. It was so fun and so rewarding.


BTW, I love those shoes in the top row, the black ones with the swirls on the toes. Where did you get those babies?!

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Wow you are awesome!


Now a question. Are you donating it all? I know you said you were donating the books. Do you find it more freeing to donate and get it out of the house immediately?


We are in a long term downsizing project and I have saved multiple things for a yard/garage sale. Most of them I have stored in our attic, up and out of sight. However I'm wondering if there are greater benefits to simply letting it go now.


What is your thinking on that?

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Percytruffle - those shoes are Naot brand and I got them in a local store. I love Naots - they're a little pricey, but oh so worth it. I get complements on those wherever I go.


For those who asked - I am donating most stuff, and consigning the rest. But today you can read about my new dilemma: I am not using my car for a month (in an attempt to halve my gas consumption overall this year), and therefore can't figure out how to get all this stuff to Goodwill!!!!


I need a pushcart of some sort.

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In our area we can call up certain thrift shops and they come by to pick it up. Especially this time of year with the university students coming back. Maybe you could call around and be flexible with the pick up time so they could take it off your hands with no cost to you.

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