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Yeah.  I know this is the HS board, and I shouldn't be posting this here.  I rarely hang out at the board where I ought to be posting this.  Lori reminded me of it, and she posted non-HS stuff on the HS board, so I'm gonna do it, too. ;)


I've been thinking lately that someone needs to write a new version of the the Lord of the Rings with a twist.  Denethor sends Faramir to Rivendell instead of Boromir.  How does that change the trajectory of the story?  I'm dying to read it.  When I tell friends and family about this idea, all they do is :001_rolleyes:

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Yeah. I know this is the HS board, and I shouldn't be posting this here. I rarely hang out at the board where I ought to be posting this. Lori reminded me of it, and she posted non-HS stuff on the HS board, so I'm gonna do it, too. ;)


I've been thinking lately that someone needs to write a new version of the the Lord of the Rings with a twist. Denethor sends Faramir to Rivendell instead of Boromir. How does that change the trajectory of the story? I'm dying to read it. When I tell friends and family about this idea, all they do is :001_rolleyes:

Obviously, that someone is you!


Things probably wouldn't change much until the Company arrives at Rauros and has to make a decision. Faramir would of course not pressure Frodo to go to Mina's Tirith, nor would he try to steal the ring. Frodo would not make his sudden decision to cross the River, and would still be in the area when the Orcs arrive. Would he be captured? If the companions were not scattered looking for Frodo and got wind of the Orcs would they all try to cross the river together? What would happen if they ran into Boromir later, as he would likely be leading forays over the river instead of Faramir?

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My dd and I talked about just this possibility when we watched the 3 LoTR movies this month. :)


My thoughts were similar to those of 'maize' above. First, perhaps the company would not have broken up near Rauros.

But second, even if they had safely escaped from the Uruk Hai, would they then have encountered Boromir at Henneth Annûn? I am sure that if they had encountered Boromir, the quest would have ended there, and all hope would have been lost.

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But would Boramir be as tempted by the Ring since his exposure to its call would not be as great? Would the comapny have made it all the way into Mordor? Where would Gollum fit in?


If the comapny did not split up, how would that affect the other goings on {ie Helm's Deep, etc.}?

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Boromir riddled with arrows after the ambush was painful enough. I'm not sure if I can bear Faramir dying that way. Does Denethor send Faramir anticipating that Faramir will die and Boromir will be saved? But wait...what if Faramir doesn't die? (ETA: this is where kiddo and I are in our discussion of the alternate plot...hope to continue in the morning!)

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