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Exercise Thread ~ 3/16 - 3/22


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Goals were 5 x 30 min last week I did:

Mon- 90 min walk -.25 mi running

Tues- 45 min bike riding- 3 mi.

Wed- 30 min bodyweight work- Bodystrikes+ FB 

Fri- 30 min walk

Sat- 35 min bike ride 3.2 mi.`


I'm going for different goals this week. I'm not going to focus on time but reaching some distance goals. I'm also starting a bodyweight program, Beautiful Bada$$ Bodyweight Program, 3days on/1 day off, should be about 15-20 min each time. I'm focusing on increasing length on 1 day a week with biking and walking/running. The other days I hope just to do some low intensity walking if the weather permits. I will do sprints one day.

1- bike ride- 3.6 miles

1-2mi. walk- with .5 mi run

1-day sprint

6- bodyweight(short) workouts


I'm working up towards running 5k now and biking 10 miles. I'm focusing on getting the distance in with the walking right now, planning to be at walking the whole 5k by the end of the month and running 3/4 mi. Goal is biking 4mi by the end of the month. 


I used to be in fairly decent shape but haven't worked out regularly since the summer and I haven't good strength or endurance since I became pregnant, so I am at a low starting point. 

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I haven't been around here for a while but I'm still working out.  I hope all of you have been keeping up with your goals and enjoying yourselves.


Today: Squats, OHPress, Deadlift, Core (CX Worx), Pullups, Step Class, EAT!

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Whelp, like all good plans....ran 2 instead of 5, legs turned to lead....and I gave up. I never give up, so I must need a rest day....tomorrow is it! Then back to hitting it hard. I haven't had a rest day in 2 or 3 weeks! I didn't realize until I looked t my calendar....yikes!


Naughty, naughty. One rest per week. :toetap05:



Ab/Oblique workout followed by HIIT. I wasn't sweaty until that HIIT. Whew.

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Sunday- Rest day- fabulous day with the family- 

Monday- mostly leisurely stroll with the kids- 2miles- up and down some monster hills though!


No bodyweight workout though as my internet was down and I couldn't watch the rest of the demos, some of the moves I need to do the modified versions. 


Feeling great, I'm hoping to start walking nearly every day again with the kids, we used to do at least an hour daily. 


Today I plan to walk with a bit of sprinting and start my Badda$$ Bodyweight Workout :)

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I think we need a school rest too. Starting to get on my own nerves....sigh.



I can relate:)


Stomach bug hit the house.  Fun, fun, fun.  Had to skip martial arts- may have to skip it tonight.  My son has a competition this Saturday and we all have testing next saturday, grrrrrr, stupid stomach bug.


How obsessive is it to think about doing planks while in bed sick?


Negin- why are you fasting?  

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I can relate:)


Stomach bug hit the house.  Fun, fun, fun.  Had to skip martial arts- may have to skip it tonight.  My son has a competition this Saturday and we all have testing next saturday, grrrrrr, stupid stomach bug.


How obsessive is it to think about doing planks while in bed sick?


Negin- why are you fasting?  

My kids had the stomach bug too.  Disgusting viruses. Hope you're better soon.

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Kettlebell day.  I did 300 swings total, as well as deadlifts, cleans, presses, and squats.  I tried a new routine that had me do 2 cleans, a press, then 3 in-the-rack squats.  I did that 5x's a side.  I actually pressed my 16kg bell (35lbs)!  I also did my pull-ups and push-ups.  When I was done I ran a mile.  I tried it after to instead of before.  I wanted to be able to do those 30 squats with the 16kg bell.  


I think the entire workout was a bit much, but it did feel great to press that heavy (for me) bell. :)


Hope everyone is feeling better.  I think my ds12 and I had a little stomach thing yesterday.   

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I hope no one minds me posting. I'm hoping it will provide me with some accountability.


We started homeschooling in September and I have been in a downward spiral with my workouts since then. Prior to September, I was generally running 3 to 4 miles or swimming 1 to 1.5 miles per day, 5 to 6 days per week.


I finally feel like we are in the swing of things for homeschooling and have committed to getting up early in the mornings to get in a workout on the treadmill. Hopefully I can lose the 30 pounds I have gained (140 to 170 in 6 months).


This morning I jogged / walked for 30 minutes and covered 2 miles. My shins are a little sore, but I felt great the rest of the day.



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Negin- why are you fasting?  

I'm a Baha'i and we fast every year from March 2-20 - of course, there are exceptions - being sick, traveling, elderly, young, etc. Rainn Wilson has a short article on it. 


Lots of stretching - just a few days before life will hopefully get back to some sense of normalcy. Cooking breakfast at 4/5 AM can be exhausting  :lol:. Mind you, not everyone does what I do. I just happen to want to cook in the  morning. Yes, I guess I'm a bit odd that way. 



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Negin- thanks for the link and for not minding how nosey I was in asking about your fasting.  I hope your fasting goes by quickly and meaningfully -if that is even a word:)


Tuesday- kids were well and I was able to make it to martial arts class.  We did some of our katas backwards- my brain almost malfunctioned.


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I walked yesterday, about an hour, and did some sprints. I actually beat the kids on the first one! I did not get my bodyweight work in as I evidently need a small piece of equipment to help me with one of the modifications, so I'm ordering from Amazon today. I'm going to do some type of bodyweight work today though as I haven't done any strength training work this week. I was going to ride my bike yesterday but I ended up babysitting my friends kids and I couldn't fit my bike in as well as all the kids but it was a good walk and more competition for sprinting :)


I got my fitbit Monday night. I logged 12k steps yesterday and 26 flights of stairs. Ya me! I actually should have had at least 1k more as it stopped logging my steps for about 2.5 hrs before I finally restarted it. I wasn't as active yesterday as I was Monday and I'm still not up to my previous level (although I'm getting close). I still have plenty of time to sit with nursing a baby. It feels so good to move though. I love walking and I'm glad to be started back.



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Yesterday morning I had to stop mid workout. I get really grumpy when that happens. Anyway, I was able to redo and complete my workout during lunch.


After 2 days in a row of brutal HIIT today was low impact day. I pulled up a nice little Austen video. It was a nice break from FB. Austen is so soothing even when doing cardio. :) Quick and easy this morning. I might get something in later in the day. Maybe. If life allows.  

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Weather was not perfect here.  It was warmer but thunder showers so.....an hour of yoga and then 30 minutes of weights after lunch.  I actually like it when I can get in two different exercise periods a day so we'll call it a victory. :hurray:   In a perfect world I could run morning and evening.  If only those pesky kids didn't need educated and want to eat.

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Nothing much - several yoga sequences. 


Negin- thanks for the link and for not minding how nosey I was in asking about your fasting.  I hope your fasting goes by quickly and meaningfully -if that is even a word:)


Not nosey at all. :) Today is the last day of fasting. Thank you for your kind words.  :grouphug: 


Yesterday morning I had to stop mid workout. I get really grumpy when that happens.

Me too. 

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I managed 2 shorter walks yesterday with the kids and my Beautiful Bada$$ Workout. I really enjoyed the workout,although it took me a bit to get the exercises down. I'm going to do a bit harder modifications today as I think I chose a bit too easy for some of them. I loved that all the moves were whole body moves and felt very worthwhile. I hate doing workouts that have little isolation exercises. 


Today I'm hopefully riding my bike with the family. I still need to get in a bike ride and a longer walk/run this week..


I did 10.5k steps and about 20stairs (each staircase counts as one). I was really tired yesterday from sleeping so poorly so I took a nap. Last night was a bit better, although not great. I might be taking a little nap today as well to get some energy for a big bike ride when dh gets home. 

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Decided to start Couch to 5k (again) this morning. Thought it would give me a roadmap for getting back in shape. Did week 1, day 1. 2.5 miles in 40 minutes.





About 2 1/2 almost 3 years ago I did the Couch to 5k to kick start my getting back into shape.  I don't normally like programs like that and I didn't follow it exactly.  It was more like 6 months to 5k because I also split my workout times with weight lifting- but it ended up getting me in shape enough to really hit my stride and start martial arts and start just feeling good again.


I'm in better shape now than I was throughout my entire 30's and I am the same size/weight I was in college.  


So good luck!

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UP late. Grrrrr. Trying to figure out when I'll squeeze in a workout. Have to do lessons and then drive to piano. I have my youngest with me so can't run during piano. He can't keep up with me and we always have to stop to look at every bug/stick/rock/leaf we pass. After piano I have to quickly cook and get the boys to karate.


Last night I did a quick 1 mile run

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I managed to get in JM 30 day shred before rushing to piano. I just grabbed a change of clothes and changed at the piano teacher's house. The things I do to squeeze in a workout.


Went to the park and played hide and seek, pushed kiddo on swing, and completed his challenge which was hop along the balance beam on one leg. That was hard.

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4.2 mi bike ride yesterday w/ dh in 35 minutes (notice how we went further in the same amount of time!).

35ish minute walk with the kids

Bada$$ workout- Loving this one! Feeling sore in a good way!


Totally pushed it hard on the bike, felt like I was going to puke on part of it! I had to push it some up 3 hills, 2 are totally freaking brutal- one I lost my momentum when a truck passed and I had to stop, one I was happy I made it 1/3rd up (dh only made it 2/3rds) and the last one I could probably do on a good day). My legs were like lead when we started as I had done a good walk with the kids not long before and I was a bit sore from some of my workout the night before~ I didnt think I'd be able to do my bodyweight exercises but after sitting for a bit I felt up to it.

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Wednesday- I can't for the life of me remember what I did for my morning workout besides planks, pushups and handstands.  I do remember a pleasant 3 mile walk with dh. 


Thursday- Experimented with Tabata workout on the elliptical machine.  Katas, shoulder presses, planking, core work.  Walked fast 5 miles with dh.


Friday- Warmed up on the elliptical machine and then did Tabata workout with a jumprope.  Only did one set.  I don't want to shock my knees.  Katas, self-defense with 17yo, 2 mile walk, pushups and planks.  I'm trying to do at least 4 sets of 1min 30 sec. planks this week.


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Forcing myself to take a rest day.

I think we underestimate the importance of rest days.  


 I did not get my bodyweight work in as I evidently need a small piece of equipment to help me with one of the modifications, so I'm ordering from Amazon today.

I have to know what you are doing.   What piece of equipment?  PM me if you prefer.

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I have to know what you are doing.   What piece of equipment?  PM me if you prefer.

I had to buy a suspension trainer straps. I bought the ones below because they were well-reviewed and cheaper.



I'm not strong enough to do regular pull-ups right now, or even strong enough to use the bands I have with good enough form for enough reps so I needed the straps for the modification for the pull-up. 


I'm doing this program. It was $20 and I hesitated as I knew I *could* put together something myself but I've worked on body-weight work a lot and never progressed up to some exercises (like handstand push-ups) and I'm not a training genius so it is quite nice to have a progression already figured out for me. I'm really liking it so far, the exercises and modifications are fabulous. It works my whole body and every exercise (so far) is great.  It has videos showing all the exercises and modifications, it seems to be simple yet effective. I think I'm really going to make good progress, perhaps I'll be working up towards Kim's level :)

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I'm doing this program. It was $20 and I hesitated as I knew I *could* put together something myself but I've worked on body-weight work a lot and never progressed up to some exercises (like handstand push-ups) and I'm not a training genius so it is quite nice to have a progression already figured out for me.



OK, I've never seen that one before.  I need to take a look-see.   I think paying for well thought out progressions from someone who actually knows what they are doing is a fabulous investment.   It's also cool bc you know where you are going, what the standards are and most importantly, how to measure your progress.

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Took yesterday off because my shins were sore and I haven't figured out yet what to do on my "off" days from running.


This morning, I did week 2, day 2 of C25k plus some more on the treadmill. Total of 3 miles over 45 minutes. It kills me having to start over when last summer I was able to run a 5k in under 30 minutes. Now I struggle to run for 1 minute straight...


Current plan is to run Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Trying to figure out Tuesday and Thursday still. I have a rower, a BowFlex, free weight, tv with access to Comcast On Demand and a DVR. I have a DVD player but I find it difficult to switch over to it. I have the P90X videos but thought those were tough even when I was in "good" shape. I'm stuck exercising in the house because my children are only 6 and 7. And my husband leaves for work at 6:40 in the morning and never knows when he will be home - last night was 10pm. I think I'm going to try the personal training workouts on demand.

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Why can't you bike right now? I guess I missed that, that stinks, whatever the reason :(

I fractured my tailbone in December. According to my doctor it takes up to 6 months to heal. I still can't sit back on my couch or drive without my donut pillow. However, it doesn't hurt when I'm flat on my back anymore so that's good progress.


I tried to sit on my bike seat just to see and jumped off before I even put my weight down.


I did JM Fast Kickboxing dvd during lunch. No better way to ease the stress of difficult lessons

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Oh, I broke my tailbone with my first it took months before I could sit down properly!


I forgot to post Thursday but I hit 17,500 steps! I only hit 10k Fri and Wed. I'm liking the fitbit but it has froze up on me twice and stopped recording steps and the sleep monitoring is meh. Oh, and the calorie counting doesn't appear to be very accurate at all. So, I'm considering returning the One for a Zip or just getting a nice pedometer.


Today is a rest day with my BadA$$ workout. I need to get in a .5 mi run as I haven't got that done this week, but I'm not sure when I'm going to work it in as it will be a busy day. Maybe I can do it this am before I have to leave.

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.6 mi run this morning


Yes, you read that right .6 not 6. My lungs burned but I did it. I ended up going a bit further than .5 as I had to run at the house and I wasn't sure how far to go and didn't have time to measure until after I did it. I think next week I'll do .6 again and then bump up to .9. 


Goals accomplished for the weeks-

- Walks everyday (varying lengths, distances and intensity) My goal is just to get out the door and go!

- 1 sprint session

-1 'longer' bike ride- 4.2 miles

- 1 run session- .6 mi

- 3 bodyweight workout sessions- should have been 5 but I got a late start for various reasons

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