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Friday's Teachers Lounge 3-14-2014


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Greetings and Happy Friday!  The Lounge is OPEN!


If you haven't been here before, the Teachers Lounge is the place for homeschool TEACHERS/PARENTS to come in,

take a load off, and enjoy some adult conversation, snacks, or maybe just a nap! Sorry, no students allowed.


What's for lunch? Me: I'm having a protein/blood sugar balancing shake because I just don't know what else to have right now and

don't have the energy to think about it!


What's for dinner? yeah, I don't know that, either. I may leave my family to their own devices on that one especially since I won't be home!


What are you up to this weekend? Here: tonight, I'm joining some friends for scrapbooking, tomorrow: farmers market in the am, family gathering in the afternoon,

possibly followed by taking my daughter to The Lego Movie IF I can swing the funds! She really wants to see it and we just haven't been able to get there yet. Sunday is church, 

followed by dh and ds going out shooting, daughter probably holing up at home, and me discussing curriculum with another homeschooling mom. Sometime in there I need to

wrap up and finish my first paper. Health issue are so random, though, that my plans may change at any minute!


What's the best, funniest, or weirdest thing that's happened to you this week? For me, probably the best thing that happened is discovering that by boosting my iron and my B vitamin

intake, my body feels about 60% better on most days. The random symptoms of chest pain/pressure and shortness of breath (which are not cardiac related) still show up, however,

I'm just thankful that something makes me feel better!


Talk to me!  :bigear:

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Lunch today was lentil soup.  Dinner is pasta with asparagus, butter beans, and caramilized onions.


No plans this weekend, except to clean the house and relax.


Funny this week----it didn't feel funny at the time but the look on my oldest ds's face, my face, and my ds12's face when I asked my older son how his online class went, and he replied, "What class?"  I had woke him up in the morning, he had breakfast, then he went up to his room.  He came down at 11:20, like normal, for lunch.  He competely forgot about his class.  I was so angry.  My younger son had pure joy on his face as he knew his brother was in trouble. 


We have testing next week, and the boys are not looking forward to that.



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Lunch-I had breaded fish and a mini Almond Joy (face palm)

Dinner- kids had chicken pot pie and pumpkin pie. I ate salad and eggplant Parmesan.


Today -15 yo had book club and my 2 youngest are in a production of Annie. This is closing weekend so shows both nights. Cast party tonight, striking set tomorrow. Tomorrow 6 yo has an Upward basketball game and 12 yo has a Boy Scout lock in. Sunday is church, I teach Sunday school and do children's sermon and there is youth group in the evening. Dh works 11-9 both days so I'm not sure how I'll get 12 yo home. I also need to check on my dad and clean his apartment.


Funny?- just listening to my 6 yo. She is just funny.

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I think this is my first visit to the teacher's lounge.  I am putting off housecleaning for company this weekend so I am hanging out here, pretending that I am doing something terribly important.  And I am.


Lunch - lentil soup and a half grilled cheese sandwich (made with provolone because we didn't have any cheddar left.)  Plus and apple.  Plus a green smoothie.


Dinner - Baked tilapia over vodka sauce topped with chopped pistachios and a salad.


College boy is home for Spring Break so we have someone else to keep the dog occupied.  He (the dog) is playing couch game (hiding the ball under the couch and then diving after it and then running away with the ball hoping one of us will chase him.)


Tonight, dd, dh and I will see a concert by our church's own Irish Tenor.  He will be singing Irish standards, some hymns, some Irish pop music.  I'm trying not to fangirl on this guy:).  I thank my lucky stars if I happen to be at a Mass that he is cantoring.  Ds17 will be finishing up his AP World history assignments and an adaptation paper for his college literary analysis class.  Ds 19 will probably either just hang out or call one of his high school friends.


This weekend:  Dd and I are in a climbing competition this weekend (totally for fun - I think I will be duke it out for last place in the old lady division since I have been climbing terribly - gained too much weight this winter -  but dd will be competing in the highest level.)  We are having some of our climbing friends over for dinner.  Dh will be making Irish stew (yum!) 


College boy will be getting together with some friends this weekend and head into the city to see some band or something. 


Best or most interesting thing this week?  College boy is home!  10 days of Mom bliss! 


Best get cracking at cleaning up this house.  Why is it that I only notice the clutter when people are coming?  Pray for efficient cleaning - not my usual "If you give a mom a cookie" style.

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Just woke up from a nap.


Lunch was Lunchmeat sandwich for dd, just lunchmeat for me


Dinner, in theory, will be chicken tacos


This weekends plans are nothing exciting. Cleaning house, photoing stuff to put on ebay, and grocery shopping.


Best thing that happened this week was thrift shopping on Wednesday. Found a rare purple hidden Mickey bear that should sell for around $700 on ebay!

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What's for lunch?


What's for dinner?


What are you up to this weekend?


What's the best, funniest, or weirdest thing that's happened to you this week?


Lunch: Ummm . . . my son and I ate fries from Steak and Shake in the car on the way to see the seamstress who's making the shirt he needs for a dance tomorrow. Does that count?


Dinner: Oh dear, this is not a good day for food around here. We stopped at Target and bought some hummus, pita chips and veggies.


The Weekend: I dropped my son to meet up with my husband so they could do some role-playing gaming with a group of guys my husband knows from work. I'm now going to take a nap so that I can drive BACK to the seamstress later to pick up the shirt that will, I sincerely hope, be both finished and the right color. Tomorrow is the first dance competition of the season, and I'll spend most of the afternoon and evening there with my son. We've penciled in Sunday morning for his first driving lesson, since he got his permit yesterday. And all three of us are tentatively scheduled to go see my daughter perform in one of the shows she does at the resort that afternoon. Technically, only guests are allowed on the property. So, even though she's been there for a year, we haven't managed to see any of the shows. However, since peak season hasn't hit yet, she's making arrangements for us to go in this weekend.


Best Thing(s): I had a wonderful time going to see the midnight showing of the Veronica Mars movie with my daughter last night. As Kickstarter contributors, we'll each get a digital download of the film, but it was so much fun to see it in a theatre with a bunch of other fans. It was a hoot to hear all of the younger women (including  my daughter) cheer when the long-awaited kissing began . . .


I also really enjoyed chatting with my son while we drove from place to place all afternoon/evening today. We got into brainstorming a new series of YA dystopian novels, and the conversation got quite lively when we disagreed about various elements. We are now joking that we will each write our own version and publish them in a single volume, showing how the same basic story idea can vary in different hands.

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