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Spelling Program for the "Unnatural" Speller


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My son is in second grade, and to put it very bluntly, he's a terrible speller.  He is using R&S Spelling 3 this year as well as R&S Phonics 2.  Neither subject comes naturally to him.  In fact, I often have the urge to bang my head against the wall because I am not sure if he has retained a single thing from the entire year of phonics.  It's a good thing that he is such a kind, sweet child.  :-)  Anyway, I am leaning toward changing our spelling program next year.  While he seems to do okay with the spelling exercises and on his weekly tests, his spelling has not transferred to any of his other work.  However, I think that continued phonics would be very beneficial to him.  Any recommendations?  I am open to any advice regarding spelling programs or a teaching method that may yield better results.

ETA - I originally decided to revisit R&S because the spelling words are printed exclusively in cursive beginning in level 4, and he won't be ready for that at the beginning of next year.  However, I can just as easily type the words and tape them over the ones printed in cursive.


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Apples & Pears


Do not choose a program that is too similar to what you already use.  If it worked...it would be working.  Choose something that comes from a different angle.  If memorizing phonograms and rules is not working, try something that works through visualizing the words and morphemic patterns. (croud - crowd....both are phonetically correct.  Kids have to put "crowd" into their visual memory.)



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Apples & Pears


Do not choose a program that is too similar to what you already use. If it worked...it would be working. Choose something that comes from a different angle. If memorizing phonograms and rules is not working, try something that works through visualizing the words and morphemic patterns. (croud - crowd....both are phonetically correct. Kids have to put "crowd" into their visual memory.)

Implementation makes a difference though too. We tried to do "How to Teach Spelling" when my DD was in 2nd and it was a total flop. BUT, I didn't teach it very well. I needed something with more hand holding for me so I really knew what to do, and my DD who is really poor at spelling has made a lot of progress with Logic of English, and both are phonogram/rule based programs.

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