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Any handspinners on the boards?


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I know this is a crafty group and was wondering if there were any other handspinners on here? I am looking for an online resource for different techniques and recipes for dyeing and blending different fibers together. 

Right now I have the itch to spin up something super soft and fairy like, but am struggling with the specific approach I want to take. 

What are you working on?

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I am, but I haven't done much recently.  I also move frequently so I don't have a wheel, just a spindle so I can take it anywhere.  


I happened to end up in a part of Mexico where there isn't much traditional textile production, but I'm hoping I can learn some new things while I'm here, especially with my backstrap loom.

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I know this is a crafty group and was wondering if there were any other handspinners on here? I am looking for an online resource for different techniques and recipes for dyeing and blending different fibers together. 



Right now I have the itch to spin up something super soft and fairy like, but am struggling with the specific approach I want to take. 


What are you working on?



Are you on Ravelry? http://www.ravelry.com/ 


There are a LOT of handspinners there and you can easily find more info. :)

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I am working on some Malabrigo Nube right now. It feels a bit felted, and doesn't want to draft easily, but it is turning out to be a beautiful yarn!


I second the Ravelry recommendation. Check out the "What a Kool Way to Dye" group. (All about drink mix dyes.)

I love Malabrigo Nube! I use it a lot in my wet felt flowers. i wish I could figure out how to create those colorways. They are stunning! 


Right now I have dyed up some alpaca and angora in greens and pinks and am going to try spinning from a cloud. I need to make a newborn hat for a relative and am just in the mood for something Spring and Light! :)

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Rosemary in CO used to be a regular poster here.  She has a fiber arts blog called Rosemary Knits, which has a bunch of handspinning info as well.  The last post in her blog, which was quite a while ago, had an interesting rolag technique that may be up your alley. 


Hey! I bought that issue of Spin Off for that very article! I didn't know she was a WTMer. Small world!

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I am working on some Malabrigo Nube right now. It feels a bit felted, and doesn't want to draft easily, but it is turning out to be a beautiful yarn!


I second the Ravelry recommendation. Check out the "What a Kool Way to Dye" group. (All about drink mix dyes.)


I did not know that Malabrigo had spinning fiber too! :drool5:


I spin, but haven't in quite a while. I do enjoy it when I do. I do both wheel spinning and spindle spinning.


I've done a lot of dyeing too, especially with Kool Aid, but it's been even longer! I did enjoy it though.

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Spinner/dyer/knitter and weaver here. Though my spinning wheels have been pretty quiet lately I have done some silk spinning by drop spindle during my children's martial arts classes this month.  I usually visit ravelry for ideas since my local spinning guild folded.  

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Rosemary in CO used to be a regular poster here.  She has a fiber arts blog called Rosemary Knits, which has a bunch of handspinning info as well.  The last post in her blog, which was quite a while ago, had an interesting rolag technique that may be up your alley. 

Very interesting!

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