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I registered for the convention in SC!

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If you are going, do you know of any speakers to definitely not miss? We are to arrive Friday mid-morning and can stay through Saturday  We are not going to Ben Carson because we are staying with family and will be at their house that evening. 



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Matt Walsh will be there. I love his blogs. I would like to sit in with Steve Demme as my son did MUS for a couple of years and we would watch him teach on the video. Of course, I would LOVE to hear Dr. Carson. We seem to have an answer to our toddler dilemma, a really close couple who lives on the way is more than happy to take the kids. My oldest 2 love them like family and they spent a week with us for Christmas so my 2 year old will not see them as complete strangers but I am so nervous about him having a crying fit all night and day with me not being there. He is a mamma's boy through and through.  Congratulations!! you have to tell us all about it!

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Matt Walsh will be there. I love his blogs. I would like to sit in with Steve Demme as my son did MUS for a couple of years and we would watch him teach on the video. Of course, I would LOVE to hear Dr. Carson. We seem to have an answer to our toddler dilemma, a really close couple who lives on the way is more than happy to take the kids. My oldest 2 love them like family and they spent a week with us for Christmas so my 2 year old will not see them as complete strangers but I am so nervous about him having a crying fit all night and day with me not being there. He is a mamma's boy through and through.  Congratulations!! you have to tell us all about it!

Ooo, congrats on finding your sitters!!!  This should be fun for you.  :)

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I am most looking forward to hearing Michael Clay Thompson. 😃

I've heard his vocabulary session twice and enjoyed it each time.

Ds enjoyed Ed Zaccaro last year.

Jim Weiss is good and so is Christopher Perrin.



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Matt Walsh will be there. I love his blogs. I would like to sit in with Steve Demme as my son did MUS for a couple of years and we would watch him teach on the video. Of course, I would LOVE to hear Dr. Carson. We seem to have an answer to our toddler dilemma, a really close couple who lives on the way is more than happy to take the kids. My oldest 2 love them like family and they spent a week with us for Christmas so my 2 year old will not see them as complete strangers but I am so nervous about him having a crying fit all night and day with me not being there. He is a mamma's boy through and through.  Congratulations!! you have to tell us all about it!



They are pretty family friendly, FTR. I live near Greenville and have been several times. I'm pretty sure you can bring him in, they just ask that you take him out of the lecture hall if he cries.

The vendor area is huge and not quit so no one would even notice a crying toddler there. lol


I may or may not go to the vendor hall. I havent' decided yet.

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I'm planning on MCT, Zaccaro, and Weiss. I'll be there!  I notice your siggy says that you have a degree in math - so you may be interested in Zaccaro as well.


I'm driving up with another homeschooler from my area so we'll be kid-free!  I've never been to a conference though I'm not a new homeschoolers.  I went through the speaker list and read every single profile and decided who I was most interested in.  I went through the vendors and crossed many out - leaving a manageable number left.  I've done lots of prep work and am excited! 

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Thanks for the suggestions. I'm going to look for the speaker profiles. Dh has a teacher work day on Friday, so it will be just me and the kids. I don't like leaving them alone when we're both out of town (dh works 100 miles away).  I don't mind my kids going, and I like their input when I'm looking at new things. It would be fun to go just me and dh or me and a friend, though.  



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I LOVE Ben Carson. I "met" him when we happened to read Gifted Hands. Read the book -- it's slim. Whether you agree w/ his politics or not, he's an amazing human being.


The funniest part: his mom -- the youngest of 13 and terribly poor -- asked God for help w/ her boys. And "God told her to turn off the TV." Cracked me up! She then made her two boys read books every week and write book reports for her. She couldn't read, but the boys didn't know. She gave excuses why they had to read the book report out loud.


Come to think of it: the book should have been called Gifted Mom.


Most interesting: Ben was a very poor student early on and was once called by another kid "the dumbest person in the world." That got Ben to thinking. He thought, "I know I'm dumb but I can't be the dumbest person in the whole wide world."


Today he's a retired brain surgeon from Johns Hopkins. One of his specialties was separating twins born conjoined at birth.


Really. . . even if you don't agree w/ his religion or politics he's worth seeing. And he's a funny speaker.



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I LOVE Ben Carson. I "met" him when we happened to read Gifted Hands. Read the book -- it's slim. Whether you agree w/ his politics or not, he's an amazing human being.


The funniest part: his mom -- the youngest of 13 and terribly poor -- asked God for help w/ her boys. And "God told her to turn off the TV." Cracked me up! She then made her two boys read books every week and write book reports for her. She couldn't read, but the boys didn't know. She gave excuses why they had to read the book report out loud.


Come to think of it: the book should have been called Gifted Mom.


Most interesting: Ben was a very poor student early on and was once called by another kid "the dumbest person in the world." That got Ben to thinking. He thought, "I know I'm dumb but I can't be the dumbest person in the whole wide world."


Today he's a retired brain surgeon from Johns Hopkins. One of his specialties was separating twins born conjoined at birth.


Really. . . even if you don't agree w/ his religion or politics he's worth seeing. And he's a funny speaker.




I agree. I loved his book too and had my 13 year old son read it. He in turn lent it to his friend who lent it to his sister.  It gives me great hope as a mom as well. She had so many obstacles but in the end helped produce a brain surgeon and rocket scientist!


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I agree. I loved his book too and had my 13 year old son read it. He in turn lent it to his friend who lent it to his sister.  It gives me great hope as a mom as well. She had so many obstacles but in the end helped produce a brain surgeon and rocket scientist!



I know! His mom should probably run for president.


I wondered what happened to his brother. I knew he did well enough, but I didn't know he became a rocket scientist!!



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