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LCHF people - what do you eat when you want a dessert?


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I put these in the freezer for dessert emergencies: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/329677635195150109/

Not fancy but 1 or 2 sure curb that sweet craving.

I make these too and they turn out great (tried others, but this was the best): http://www.pinterest.com/pin/329677635195216454/


And I am going to try this soon (I think an almond crust would go nicely with it):http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/low-carb-new-york-ricotta-cheesecake-recipe.html (7g net carbs for 1/12 of the recipe).


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Being LCHF I don't do fruit so have to go in other directions - I usually lean towards chocolate. I made a dessert to take to work a couple of weeks ago. It was one I put together using a couple of different recipes, Chocolate Cream Cheese Cake Balls. No one could tell they were low carb. Let me know if you want the recipe.

A chocolate mousse would be great in your crust. 


Here is a recipe I've made several times for non-low carbers. It's very good. 

* Exported from MasterCook *
                           Tiramisu Cookie Cups
Recipe By     :
Serving Size  : 0     Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Christmas                       Cookies
                Gluten Free                     Holiday
                Holidays                        Low Carb
                Quick & Easy
  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
                        Cookie Cups:
  2               cups  almond flour
     1/3           cup  Swerve Sweetener or other erythritol
  1                tsp  espresso powder or instant coffee
     1/2           tsp  baking powder
     1/4           tsp  salt
  6               tbsp  butter -- melted
  1              large  egg
     1/4           tsp  stevia extract
                        Tiramisu Filling:
     1/4           cup  whipping cream -- chilled
     1/3           cup  powdered Swerve
  1               tbsp  coffee liqueur (preferably [homemade sugar-free coffee liqueur)
     1/8           tsp  stevia extract
  6                 oz  mascarpone -- room temperature
     1/2           tsp  guar gum (if necessary -- to re-emulsify) (1/2 to 3/4)
                        Cocoa powder for sprinkling
Yield: 24 cookie cups
Serving Size: 2 cookie cups
For the cookie cups, preheat oven to 325F and grease a mini muffin tin (24 mini-muffin capacity).
In a large bowl, whisk together almond flour, erythritol, espresso powder, baking powder and salt.
Stir in butter, egg and stevia until dough comes together.
Form by hand into approximately 1-inch balls and place dough balls into prepared mini-muffin tin. This recipe will make exactly 24 so if you've made your balls too big or too small, go back and redistribute the dough.
Press the dough into the bottom and up the sides of each mini-muffin hole. Bake 10 to 12 minutes, until edges are lightly brown and cookie cup is puffed up a bit.
Remove from oven and use the end of a wooden spoon to gently create a nice well in the center of each cookie cup. Let cool.
For the filling, whip cream with powdered erythritol until it forms stiff peaks. Stir in coffee liqueur and stevia extract.
Gently fold in room-temperature mascarpone. If it separates and gets clumpy, beat in guar gum 1/4 tsp at a time until comes back together.
Spoon or pipe filling into cooled cookie cups. Sift cocoa powder over top and refrigerate 20 minutes to set.
Serves 12 (2 cookie cups each). Each serving has 5.5 g of carbs and 2 g of fiber. Total NET CARBS = 3.5 g.
  "Creamy tiramisu filling in little coffee-flavoured cookie cups. Tiramisu you can eat with your fingers! Low carb and gluten-free."
                                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
NOTES : Made these for a holiday potluck at work. I made the cookie cups a couple of days ahead of time and then filled them the evening before the potluck. I found out the hard way that it's important to remove the cookie cups from teh pan while they are still quite warm. I had 4 cups crumble trying to get them out of the pan. The filling is amazing. I had absolutely no trouble with the mascarpone and didn't need the guar gum. I whipped the mascarpone into the whipped cream.  I used DaVinci sugar-free Kahlua syrup instead of the coffee liqueur. I used a microplane to finely grate some 85% chocolate for the top instead of cocoa.
Here's a no-bake cheesecake filling that you could put in your crust:
* Exported from MasterCook *
                         No-Bake Cheesecake Cups
Recipe By     :
Serving Size  : 0     Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Desserts                        Low Carb
  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
  1                cup  heavy cream
  8             ounces  cream cheese -- softened
  1           teaspoon  vanilla
                        several drops of liquid stevia
     1/2           cup  heavy cream
  6             ounces  90% dark chocolate -- broken into small pieces.
Whip the 1 cup of cream with Truvia to taste until stiff peaks form. Beat the cream cheese, vanilla, and stevia to taste until smooth and creamy. Gently fold 1/4 of the whipped cream into the cream cheese until combined. Continue folding the rest of the cream until all is combined well. Spoon the mixture into 12 muffin cups lined with paper liners. Refrigerate until firm.
Heat the 1/2 cup cream in the microwave until it comes to a boil. Add the chocolate and Truvia to taste. Stir until chocolate is melted. Refrigerate until thickened. At this point it can be whipped or not, your choice. Spoon chocolate onto the tops of each cheesecake cup. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
 - - - - - 
NOTES : The second time I made these I did them a bit differently. I whipped the cream cheese with the liquid stevia and also some Truvia. I added a few tablespoons of cream to thin it a bit. I whipped about 3/4 cup cream with the Truvia and vanilla until stiff peaks. I folded the cream into the cream cheese and followed the rest of the recipe for the cheesecake part. For the topping, I put a couple of tablespoons of butter, a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil and about 1/2 cup of cream in the microwave with Truvia. I heated it until everything was melted. I then added about 1/4 cup of cocoa powder and whipped it together until all was smooth. I then refrigerated it until chilled. I again whipped it until it thickened and then topped each of the cheesecake cups with a spoonful.


Here's an ice cream recipe that uses ricotta. It's quite good. You could use your crust and make an ice cream pie. 

* Exported from MasterCook *
                       Healthy Chocolate Ice Cream
Recipe By     :
Serving Size  : 2     Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Ice Cream/Frozen Desserts       Low Carb
  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
  1                cup  ricotta cheese (part skim or whole milk)
  1                     fresh organic egg yolk (Egg Beaters if you’re afraid of salmonella)
                        Tiny splash of pure vanilla extract
                        Sweeteners -- to taste
                        For ALL NATURAL sugar-free sweetening:
                        - 2-3 tablespoons erythritol or xylitol
                        - Pure stevia extract (NuNaturals is the best!)
  1              Pinch  xanthan/guar gum (optional -- for a creamier texture)
                        Jamocha Almond Flavoring:
  2          teaspoons  cocoa powder -- (2 to 3)
  2          teaspoons  instant coffee granules
                        sliced almonds
                        85% cacao chocolate -- grated
                        Mint Chocolate Chip Variation:
                        a few drops of pure peppermint extract
                        85% cacao chocolate -- grated
Blend ricotta, egg yolk, cocoa powder, vanilla extract, sweeteners, xanthan gum, and other flavorings together in a blender or food processor until totally smooth. Stir in nuts and chocolate shavings if desired. Pour into plastic tub with a lid and freeze for an hour, stirring well every 20 minutes to break up the ice so it freezes properly. Serve as soon as it’s frozen enough to be scoopable. If you decide not to eat it immediately, let it sit out for 10 minutes when you remove it from the freezer before serving.
~5g net carbs per serving!
Makes two servings
                                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
NOTES :  I used more cocoa powder and a splash of Toroni's Sugar Free Chocolate Syrup. 
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Chocolate Cream Cheese Cake Balls? Of course I want the recipe!


Here you go! This was my best lc recipe so far for non-low carbers. My notes are at the bottom of each recipe.

* Exported from MasterCook *
                    Chocolate Cream Cheese Cake Balls
Recipe By     :
Serving Size  : 0     Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Cakes & Frosting                Cakes & Frostings
                Desserts                        Gluten Free
                Low Carb                        Parties
                Quick & Easy
  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
     1/2        recipe  GF Chocolate Mayo Pound Cake (see recipe) -- cooked and cooled
                        Cream Cheese Frosting:
  6        Tablespoons  butter
  4                 oz  cream cheese (1/2 a block)
  2               cups  confectioners Swerve
  1         tablespoon  cream
  2        tablespoons  butter
  1 1/2           bars  Lindt 90% cacao chocolate
                        sweetener to taste
Yields approximately 24 balls.
In a large mixing bowl cream the butter and cream cheese.  Beat in 1 cup of the confectioners Swerve.  Add the cream and vanilla.  Beat in the rest of the Swerve until smooth and creamy.
Crumble the cake in another large bowl.  Dollop the cream cheese frosting on top and stir it into the cake with a fork until the whole mess comes together.  Form the cake into 24 balls and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.  When all the balls are formed, stick them in the fridge for a few hours or the freezer for 30 minutes or so until completely chilled but not hard.
Line another baking sheet with parchment paper.  In a deep microwavable bowl, melt chocolate and butter. Dip each cake ball into the melted chocolate to fully coat and take it out with a fork, letting the excess chocolate drip off.  Place the balls onto the new baking sheet and repeat until all are done.  You can drizzle a different colored chocolate over them.
                                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
NOTES : Originally a High carb sugar/flour truffle recipe from http://thepurplespoon.wordpress.com  I revamped it for low carb and made them into larger cake balls/pops.
* Exported from MasterCook *
              GF Chocolate Mayo Pound Cake (w_coconut flour)
Recipe By     :
Serving Size  : 0     Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Cakes & Frosting                Cakes & Frostings
                Gluten Free                     Low Carb
                Quick & Easy
  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
  3 1/2           cups  almond flour
     1/2            c.  coconut flour
     1/2            c.  cocoa
  1 1/4            tsp  baking powder
  1               tsp.  baking soda
  6                     eggs
     1/2            c.  Erythritol
     1/4           tsp  liquid sucralose or 1 c. grandular splenda
  3            packets  truvia
  1                tsp  vanilla
  1                 c.  mayonaise
     2/3            c.  vanilla davinci syrup (or other flavor)
     2/3            c.  cream or almond milk
I used my kitchenaid to mix this. You can use a food processor (Put ingredients into food processor in order listed and process for 30 seconds, scrape down sides and process for another 1-1/2 minutes.)
Mix this a couple minutes than scrape down and mix again for 2 more minutes.
Pour batter into a greased and floured bunt pan and bake.  (Spray nonstick bunt pan with cooking spray and then  use cocoa powder to flour the pan with.)
This makes a lot. Could  bake in a large bundt pan and 3 small bundt pans.
350 for 45 minutes and the little ones took 30 minutes or until cake tester inserted in center comes out clean.
it made just a perfect amount for 2 9 inch springform pans.
A half cake made in a 9 x 9 baking dish lined with non stick foil
                                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
NOTES : Baked half the recipe in a 9x9 pan and 30 mins cooking time was perfect. I used 3/4 cups erythritol, 2 tablespoons truvia, 2 drops stevia glycerite and 1/3 cup chocolate davinci syrup. 
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I have no idea if these fit all your criteria.


Lemon Bars. Seriously the best ever.  I use maple syrup instead of honey.




Hm. If I cut used maple syrup instead of honey and reduced the amount and put it in the almond crust I think it would work. I'm honestly not the biggest fan of lemon desserts, but dh loves them. A recipe like this might go a long way in helping convince him to try a lower carb diet.

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Hm. If I cut used maple syrup instead of honey and reduced the amount and put it in the almond crust I think it would work. I'm honestly not the biggest fan of lemon desserts, but dh loves them. A recipe like this might go a long way in helping convince him to try a lower carb diet.

You should try them! People beg for the recipe when I make them. They don't even care that the crust is made of almonds. :)

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Unfortunately, chocolate chips.  BAD BAD BAD.  I have decided that tomorrow I will try on my swimsuit.  That ought to do it, no?  I'm up about 5 lbs from my summer weight, and at my height, that's all it takes...  (heeeeelp me.  need to make cheesecake or something.)

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MMMM, these are my new favorite chocolate thing -- Almonds and Sea Salt in Dark Chocolate bars. My local grocery store had them on clearance and I bought like 24 big bars and broke them into the individual squares (an almond in each one).  I try to stick to one square a day to satisfy my sweet tooth and if I do that, it's a year's worth for $30-$35.  There are 2g of sugar per square I think. Vegan and gluten free, too (although "may contain traces of" both dairy and wheat as processed in a facility where these are used). They are really, really good, which makes it hard sometimes to stick to one a day!  But I digress --

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