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Before and after photos

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I spent the afternoon and the evening moving the school room into the toyroom and the toy room into.... well, right now it is scattered all over the downstairs. :D


I'll get it all cleaned up when I get off here. I had to sit down for a while and take a break. So I uploaded the before and after photos into my blog. If you want to see what I've been up to check it out http://ouravalonacademy.blogspot.com/


I realized when I looked at the photos that the dress-up clothes are still hanging on the back of the door. :001_huh: Gotta move those.

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I bet you feel fabulous!!!! Tomorrow you'll wake up and see it and be happy all over again.

I feel exhausted. I just realized that it is 10:30 and I haven't eaten dinner. Thank goodness dh put stuff in the crock pot this morning. I didn't plan on doing this until 2:30 in the afternoon so the crock pot meal was fortuitous.


The living room, kitchen and new toy rooms are disasters. I think the bathroom is in trouble too. I heard dd and her friend playing with Barbie mermaids in the bathtub this afternoon.


I'm done for the night though. There is a path cleared for the above mentioned rooms so it can all wait until tomorrow. I've got to go find some food.


Thanks everyone for the positive feedback. It means quite a lot.

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I love it! What a good feeling to at least have that new space organized for your sweet baby's learning. I got the bug, too, and moved the furniture around in our schoolroom. My kids loved it because it was something "new," and I am really liking it because it seems to function better now.

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You have been a busy beaver. Didnt you just start that blog. And now a schoolroom.


Are you eatin wheaties? Your old toyroom, looks like our toyroom in our old house.


The blog was easy. All I had to do was sit and play on the computer. The re-arranging took actual work.


I need to eat my Wheaties. Or better yet start exercising. My leg muscles hurt when I climbed upstairs to tuck dd in.

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