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Simple and painless geography


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I have never done much in the way of geography with my kids (6th grade, 3rd grade, Pre-k, 2 toddlers). I would like to do something simple that could easily be incorporated into our morning together time. I have Geography Songs that I am thinking about pulling out. Other suggestions?

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I use Blackline Maps of World History by Terri Johnson (now sold as Maptrek) and integrate it with our History studies.  Before we being American history I have my kids memorize the 50 states so they have some reference point for where as we read about it.  I know the borders have changed over time, but this way they have a good solid general idea of where things are or were.

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I have never done much in the way of geography with my kids (6th grade, 3rd grade, Pre-k, 2 toddlers). I would like to do something simple that could easily be incorporated into our morning together time. I have Geography Songs that I am thinking about pulling out. Other suggestions?


I love the geography songs (if the ones you're talking about are Kathy Troxel's.) I love them even more with each child having his or her own workbook to color in while we listen to the songs.

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Here are easy workbooks (some mentioned above):


Evan-Moor Beginning Geography (K-2)

The Complete Book of Maps and Geography grades 3-6 (you can use this earlier than 3rd grade)

After those, we have started the Discovering the World of Geography workbooks.  There are four of them (4th/5th grade book, 5th/6th book, 6th/7th book. 7th/8th book).


Also, when you encounter geographical places in your reading, have your kids find them on a globe, on a map, or in an atlas.

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When my oldest was about 4yo, I started doing literature-based geography with her.  She would pick a country, and I would find books about that country and find it on the map.  I have kept a list of the living books that we have read by continent and country here.  After we went through several countries, we started to play oral trivia games to help her remember the countries.  This method worked so well that now I don't even need to do anything formal with my 5yo.  He has grown up surrounded with geography, and he now knows more geography than I ever did before I started studying it with my kids.  

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